GreHack is an international security conference which takes place in Grenoble (France). It aims to bring together academics, industry, governments, students and hackers to discuss new advances in computer and information security research. This year will be the forth edition. As always, conferences will take place during the day, and you will be able to test your hacking skills with the Capture The Flag contest that will hold during the night.
GreHack 2016
Ethical hacking conference and Capture the flag in Grenoble
Voir en ligne : GreHack 2016
- Membres
- Publications
- Outils
- Thèse en cours
- Emplois et stages
- Projets
- Partenaires
Colloques et Conférences
- 20 ans de Verimag, 26-28 (…)
- École d’été PERSYVAL-Lab (…)
- ACES’2008 September 29th, (…)
- ADSL 2018
- ADSL 2020 (@POPL 2020)
- AlgoTel 2017
- AlgoTel et CoRes 2020
- ARCH14
- ARTIST Summer School in (…)
- ARTIST2 Summer School 2008 (…)
- ASL 2022 : Advances in Separat
- AVM 2014
- AVoCS 2019
- BEeSy 2015
- CAPITAL Workshop - sCalable
- CAS 2012, January 13, Grenoble
- CAV 2009 June 26 - July (…)
- EMSOFT 2009 October 12 - (…)
- ETAPS 2014
- Euro-Par 2016
- FAC 2014
- FIMCP 2013, May 2nd, Marrakech
- FORMATS 2014
- FORMATS 2015
- GreHack 2016
- GT Verif 2018
- HSB 2014
- HSCC 2012, Apr 17-19, Beijing
- ICDCN 2012, January 3-6, (…)
- IWHSB 2013
- Journée informatique frugale
- MEMOCODE 2010, July 26-28,
- MEMOCODE 2011, July 11-13, (…)
- MeTRiD 2018
- MOVEP 2020
- RESSI 2017
- RTNS 2017
- RV 2018
- SSS 2020
- SSS’2011, October 10-12, (…)
- SSS’2016
- Synchron 2019
- SynCoP 2014
- Toward Systems Biology 2011,
- VECoS 2018
- WCET 2013, July 9, 2013, (…)
- WFAC’2008 - October 19th, (…)
- Workshop CAPITAL
- Workshop CAPITAL 2022 : (…)
- Workshop on Timing Anomalies
- RESSI 2017 : les Rendez-vous
- Séminaires
- Documents
- Axes
- Contact
- Plan du site
Nouvelles publications
- Quelques Publications
- Oussama Oulkaid, Bruno Ferres, Matthieu Moy, Pascal Raymond, Mehdi Khosravian, Ludovic Henrio, Gabriel Radanne: A Transistor Level Relational Semantics for Electrical Rule Checking by SMT Solving
- Basile Pesin, Sylvain Boulmé, David Monniaux, Marie-Laure Potet: Formally Verified Hardening of C Programs against Hardware Fault Injection
- Karine Altisen, Alain Cournier, Geoffrey Defalque, Stéphane Devismes: Self-stabilizing synchronous unison in directed networks
- Florence Maraninchi: Revisiting "Good" Software Design Principles To Shape Undone Computer Science Topics
Offres d'emploi et stages
- Offres d'emploi et stages
- [Professeur] Université Grenoble Alpes
- [Funded PhD] Fault Injection Attacks : Automated Analysis of Counter-Measures At The Binary Level
- [Master] Analyzing fault parameters triggering timing anomalies
- [Master]Leakage in presence of an active and adaptive adversary
- [PostDoc] Implementation of critical applications on multi-core : execution mode analysis to reduce interferences