Workshop CAPITAL

Feb. 24, 2020

WORKSHOP CAPITAL: sCalable And PrecIse Timing AnaLysis for multicore platforms

Monday, February 24th, 2020, in Brussels, ULB, campus de la plaine.

with a keynote of Claire Pagetti, ONERA, France and 5 invited speakers:

Jan Reineke, Saarland Universität, Germany Matthieu Jan, CEA, France, Selma Saidi, TU Dortmund, Germany Rob Davis and Iain Bate, York University, UK Benjamin Rouxell, University of Amsterdam, NL

See online the preliminary program:


Topic of the seminar:

The design and the implementation of time-critical applications upon multi-core processors are considered. Multi-core processors have the potential to offer high computing power. Unfortunately, their extensive use of shared resources (e.g., caches, DRAM, buses, etc.) makes the design and the implementation difficult to predict — especially in situations where hard real-time constraints must be satisfied. Recent works show that an important challenge is to design a precise and scalable timing analysis. To address this challenge the research community consider closely both sides of the system: software and hardware. The aim of this co-design approach is therefore to guarantee scalability, precision and low complexity of the solution without compromising flexible efficient use of resources. The solution must be tailored for the target application and platform. In particular by identifying the shared resources (memory, bus, cache) and by reducing the complexity based on interference delay using, for instance, a tailored mapping/scheduling, bandwidth regulator. The solution must be also based on a good use of the hardware architecture (memory banks, cache, communication media) with techniques like physical/temporal partitioning to obtain a precise solution.



The junior presentations will be selected from a 2-pages abstract.

Call for submission details

Extended abstracts for the seminar must be written in English, have a maximum of two A4 pages in length (single column), 10pt format, and include relevant references. Abstract can be submitted electronically (in PDF format) by e-mail to : Organisers (, Please, add [CAPITAL] in the subject line.

Important Dates

Deadline for submission is January 6th, 2020.

An acknowledgment of the submission will be sent.

Notification of acceptance: January 17th, 2020. The seminar takes place on February 24th, 2020 in ULB, Brussels. Organisers

  • Joël Goossens (ULB, Brussels, Belgium)
  • Claire Maiza (Grenoble INP/Ensimag, Verimag, Grenoble, France)

For registration and more information:

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