12th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems Florence, Italy

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Timing aspects of systems from a variety of computer science domains have been treated independently by different communities. Researchers interested in semantics, verification and performance analysis study models such as timed automata and timed Petri nets, the digital design community focusses on propagation and switching delays while designers of embedded controllers have to take account of the time taken by controllers to compute their responses after sampling the environment.

Timing-related questions in these separate disciplines do have their particularities. However, there is a growing awareness that there are basic problems that are common to all of them. In particular, all these sub-disciplines treat systems whose behaviour depends upon combinations of logical and temporal constraints; namely, constraints on the temporal distances between occurrences of events.


The aim of FORMATS is to promote the study of fundamental and practical aspects of timed systems, and to bring together researchers from different disciplines that share interests in modelling and analysis of timed systems. Typical topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Foundations and Semantics: Theoretical foundations of timed systems and languages; comparison between different models (timed automata, timed Petri nets, hybrid automata, timed process algebra, max-plus algebra, probabilistic models).
  • Methods and Tools: Techniques, algorithms, data structures, and software tools for analyzing timed systems and resolving temporal constraints (scheduling, worst-case execution time analysis, optimization, model checking, testing, constraint solving, etc.).
  • Applications: Adaptation and specialization of timing technology in application domains in which timing plays an important role (real-time software, hardware circuits, and problems of scheduling in manufacturing and telecommunication).

 Paper Submission

FORMATS 2014 solicits high-quality papers reporting research results and/or experience reports related to the topics mentioned above. Submitted papers must contain original, unpublished contributions, not submitted for publication elsewhere. The papers should be submitted electronically in PDF, following the Springer LNCS style guidelines. Submissions should not exceed 15 pages in length.

Each paper will undergo a thorough review process. If necessary, the paper may be supplemented with a clearly marked appendix, which will be reviewed at the discretion of the program committee.

Papers should be submitted electronically via EasyChair online submission system:

The proceedings of FORMATS 2014 will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

 Important Dates

  • Abstract submission: April 14, 2014
  • Paper submission: April 21, 2014
  • Notification of acceptance: June 9, 2014
  • Final version due: June 23, 2014
  • Conference: September 8-10, 2014


FORMATS 2014 will take place in Florence, Italy as part of FLORENCE 2014, a one-week scientific event on formal and quantitative methods for the development of dependable and performing systems:

It will be held in Florence during the week 8-12 September 2014, and it will co-locate five major conferences in the areas of formal and quantitative analysis of systems, performance engineering, computer safety, and industrial critical applications.

All the conferences will take place at the Aeronautical Sciences School of the Italian Air Force, inside the monumental and historical park of Cascine in the city of Florence.

 Colocated events

  • QEST: International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems
  • SAFECOMP: International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security
  • EPEW: European Workshop on Performance Engineering
  • FMICS: International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems

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