MEMOCODE 2011, July 11-13, Cambridge, UK

9th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign

MEMOCODE 2011 Call for Papers

This is the final call for papers for the MEMOCODE 2011 conference. The goal of MEMOCODE 2011, the ninth in a series of successful international conferences, is to gather researchers and practitioners in the field of the design of modern hardware and software system to explore ways in which future design methods can benefit from new results on formal methods.

The conference will include invited talks and tutorials. Currently,
Tony Hoare (Microsoft Research),
Anna Slobodova (Centaur), and
Mark Shand (Zoran) are confirmed as invited speakers.


Abstract submission deadline: March 4, 2011
Paper submission deadline: March 11, 2011
Notification of acceptance: April 29, 2011
Final Version for Papers: May 13, 2011
Poster submission deadline: May 13, 2011
Notification for Posters: May 27, 2011

For more details please visit

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