International Workshop

SVERTS: Specification and Validation of UML models for Real Time and Embedded Systems

hold on

October, 20, 2003 at Fort Mason Center, San Francisco

in conjunction with

Sixth International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language, UML 2003"

[Home ] [Participants NEW] [Organizers] [Links] [Call for Papers]

Final Programme with papers and slides

09:00 - 09:25 Welcome and Introduction The organizers
Aims and achievements of the OMEGA project Susanne Graf slides
Session I: Invited talk (09:25-10:10) Chair: Susanne Graf
09:25 - 10:10 Time for specification of embedded systems Felice Balarin, Cadence Berkely Labs slides extended abstract
Session II: UML RT profiles (10:10-14:30) Chair: Bran Selic
10:10 - 10:30 Timed annotations with UML Susanne Graf, Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober slides paper abstract
10:30 - 11:00 -- COFFEE --
11:00 - 10:20 HybridUML profile for UML 2.0 Kirsten Berkenkötter, Stefan Bisanz, Ulrich Hannemann and Jan Peleska slides paper abstract
11:20 - 11:40 Towards a "Synchronous Reactive" UML subprofile ? Robert de Simone, Charles Andre slides paper abstract
11:40 - 12:00 RT modeling with UML for safety critical applications: the HIDOORS project example Frank Lippert, Jean-Noël Meunier slides paper abstract
12:00 - 12:20 A Profile for Integrating Function Blocks into the Unified Modeling Language Torsten Heverhagen, Rudolf Tracht, Robert Hirschfeld slides paper abstract
12:20 - 12:30 Discussion of presentations in session II
12:30 - 14:00 -- LUNCH --
14:00 - 14:20 Discussion of presentations in session II
Session III: Issues in combining UML and time and validation (14:20 - 15:30) Chair: Oystein Haugen
14:20 - 14:40 A semantics of communicating reactive objects with timing Mark van der Zwaag, Jozef Hooman slides paper abstract
14:40 - 15:00 Validating timed UML models by simulation and verification Iulian Ober, Susanne Graf, Ileana Ober slides paper abstract
15:00 - 15:20 Validating Real-Time Behavioral Patterns of Embedded Controllers J. Aghav, C. Petitpierre slides paper abstract
15:20 - 15:35 Discussion of presentations in session III
15:35 - 16:00 -- COFFEE --
Session IV: RT in OCL (16:00-16:50) Chair: Jozef Hooman
16:00 - 16:20 Using OCL for expressing temporal validity constraints Juliana Kuester-Filipe and Stuart Anderson slides paper abstract
16:20 - 16:40 Temporal OCL Extensions for Specification of Real-Time Constraints Stephan Flake slides paper abstract
16:40 - 16:50 Discussion of presentations in session IV
Session V: Issues in UML 2.0 (16:50 - 17:15) Chair: Oystein Haugen
16:50 - 17:05 Using UML 2.0 in Real-Time Development A Critical Review Kirsten Berkenkötter slides paper abstract
17:05 - 17:15 Discussion
17:15 - 17:30 Closing The organizers

Accepted papers which could not be presented due to travel problems

A proposed extension to UML: a hierarchical architecture of temporal assertion components Teitelbaum, Gallant, Mendelbaum, Vidal-Naquet paper abstract
Issues in Mapping from UML Real-Time Profile to OSEK Zonghua Gu, Shige Wang and Kang G. Shin paper abstract

Susanne Graf
Last modified: Sat Dec 20 15:53:34 MET 2003