Chaînes de blocs et monnaie : regards croisés
REPORT au 4 mai - Mini-workshop --- 14h-17h — MACI
Invité.e.s :
- Amélie Artis, UGA
- Pablo Rauzy, Paris 8
Voir le lien ci-dessous pour le programme et un lien de pré-inscription. Amphi de la MACI
View online : Chaînes de blocs et monnaie : regards croisés
- Members
- Publications
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- Ongoing Phd Thesis
- Jobs and Internships
- Projects
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Workshops and Conferences
- 20 years of Verimag, September
- PERSYVAL-Lab Summer School (…)
- ACES’2008 September 29th, (…)
- ADSL 2018
- ADSL 2020 (@POPL 2020)
- AlgoTel 2017
- AlgoTel et CoRes 2020
- ARCH14
- ARTIST Summer School in (…)
- ARTIST2 Summer School 2008 (…)
- ASL 2022 : Advances in Separat
- AVM 2014
- AVoCS 2019
- BEeSy 2015
- CAPITAL Workshop - sCalable
- CAS 2012, January 13, Grenoble
- CAV 2009 June 26 - July (…)
- EMSOFT 2009 October 12 - (…)
- ETAPS 2014
- Euro-Par 2016
- FAC 2014
- FIMCP 2013, May 2nd, Marrakech
- FORMATS 2014
- FORMATS 2015
- GreHack 2016
- GT Verif 2018
- HSB 2014
- HSCC 2012, Apr 17-19, Beijing
- ICDCN 2012, January 3-6, (…)
- IWHSB 2013
- Journée informatique frugale
- MEMOCODE 2010, July 26-28,
- MEMOCODE 2011, July 11-13, (…)
- MeTRiD 2018
- MOVEP 2020
- RESSI 2017
- RTNS 2017
- RV 2018
- SSS 2020
- SSS’2011, October 10-12, (…)
- SSS’2016
- Synchron 2019
- SynCoP 2014
- Toward Systems Biology 2011,
- VECoS 2018
- WCET 2013, July 9, 2013, (…)
- WFAC’2008 - October 19th, (…)
- Workshop CAPITAL
- Workshop CAPITAL 2022: sCalab
- Workshop on Timing Anomalies
- RESSI 2017 : les Rendez-vous
- Seminars
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New publications
- Some Recent Publications
- Florence Maraninchi: Revisiting "Good" Software Design Principles To Shape Undone Computer Science Topics
- Matthieu Moy, Claude Helmstetter, Tayeb Bouhadiba, Florence Maraninchi: Modeling Power Consumption and Temperature in TLM Models
- Aina Rasoldier, Jacques Combaz, Alain Girault, Kevin Marquet, Sophie Quinton: Assessing the Potential of Carpooling for Reducing Vehicle Kilometers Traveled
- Anne-Laure Ligozat, Julien Lefèvre, Aurélie Bugeau, Jacques Combaz: Unraveling the hidden environmental impacts of AI solutions for environment
- Florence Maraninchi: Let Us Not Put All Our Eggs in One Basket
- Aina Rasoldier, Jacques Combaz, Alain Girault, Kevin Marquet, Sophie Quinton: How realistic are claims about the benefits of using digital technologies for GHG emissions mitigation?
- Florence Maraninchi: Quelle recherche en informatique pour un numérique inscrit dans les limites planétaires ?