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[Master] Implementation of critical applications on multi-core: execution mode analysis to reduce interferences

Tuesday 30 June 2026 by Claire Maiza

(un)decidability of polyhedral invariant inference

Wednesday 31 August 2022 by monniaux

PERSYVAL Master 2 Scholarships

Tuesday 26 November 2024 by jahier

Decision Procedure for Equivalence Relations

Sunday 30 August 2020 by karine

M2R : Génération automatique d’exploits à partir de traces d’erreurs (2014-2015)

Wednesday 23 September 2015 by potet

M2R: Timing analysis (WCET) of multi-core TDMA bus (2015-2016)

Monday 1 February 2016 by moy

M2R: Timing analysis (WCET) of multi-core TDMA bus (2015-2016)

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

Measures against speculative attacks in a certified optimizing compiler

Thursday 12 October 2023 by monniaux

Models of Distributed Algorithms

Friday 16 October 2020 by karine, Devismes, Pierre Corbineau

Performance Evaluation of Embedded Systems : a tradeoff between accuracy and scalability

Thursday 17 June 2010 by karine

Performance Evaluation of Embedded Systems : a tradeoff between accuracy and scalability

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

Probabilistic Methods for Routing in Wireless Sensor Network

Thursday 17 June 2010 by jahier

Probabilistic Methods for Routing in Wireless Sensor Network

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

Security counter-measures in a certified optimizing compiler

Thursday 12 October 2023 by monniaux

Self-Stabilization in TVG

Thursday 10 September 2020 by karine, stef

Silent Self-Stabilizing Algorithms: Certification Using Coq

Saturday 1 October 2016 by karine

Silent Self-Stabilizing Algorithms: Certification Using Coq

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

verified decomposition of arithmetic operators

Wednesday 31 August 2022 by monniaux

Verified global value numbering

Wednesday 31 August 2022 by monniaux

Verified hash tables and hash-consing

Thursday 12 October 2023 by monniaux

[L3/M1/M2 Internship] Topics in Formally Verified Compilation

Wednesday 1 June 2022 by boulme

[M1 2012-2013] Optimisations de performances de simulateurs sur machines multi-cœurs

Monday 1 April 2013 by moy

[M1 2012-2013] Optimisations de performances de simulateurs sur machines multi-cœurs

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[M1 2013-2014] Distributed Simulation for Embedded Systems

Tuesday 1 April 2014 by moy

[M1 2013-2014] Distributed Simulation for Embedded Systems

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[M1 2013-2014] Parallel programming in modeling of embedded systems

Tuesday 1 April 2014 by moy

[M1 2013-2014] Parallel programming in modeling of embedded systems

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[M1 internship] Modeling of Graph Topologies Using Coq

Sunday 16 September 2018 by karine, Devismes, Pierre Corbineau

[M2 Internship] Leakage in presence of an active and adaptive adversary

Monday 31 January 2022 by mounier

[M2 Internship] Security counter-measures in a certified optimizing compiler

Saturday 15 January 2022 by mounier

[M2R 2012-2013] Dedicated compilation techniques for a domain-specific language (SystemC)

Tuesday 1 April 2014 by moy

[M2R 2012-2013] Dedicated compilation techniques for a domain-specific language (SystemC)

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[M2R 2012-2013] Analyse de programme efficace : SMT-solving et itérations

Tuesday 1 January 2013 by monniaux

[M2R 2012-2013] Analyse de programme efficace : SMT-solving et itérations

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[M2R 2012-2013] Analyse modulaire de programmes

Tuesday 1 January 2013 by monniaux

[M2R 2012-2013] Analyse modulaire de programmes

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[M2R 2012-2013] Annotation automatique de préconditions, application à la compilation optimisante

Friday 1 February 2013 by monniaux

[M2R 2012-2013] Calcul de pire temps d’exécution en présence de caches

Friday 1 February 2013 by monniaux

[M2R 2012-2013] Contraintes non linéaires

Friday 1 February 2013 by monniaux

[M2R 2012-2013] Contraintes non linéaires

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[M2R 2012-2013] Décision de formules contenant des flottants

Friday 1 February 2013 by monniaux

[M2R 2012-2013] Décision de formules contenant des flottants

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[M2R 2012-2013] Optimisation de formules SMT

Friday 1 February 2013 by monniaux

[M2R 2012-2013] Optimisation de formules SMT

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[M2R 2012-2013] Preuve automatique de programmes

Friday 1 February 2013 by moy

[M2R 2012-2013] Preuve automatique de programmes

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[M2R 2012-2013] Preuve de programmes avec des structures de données

Wednesday 13 February 2013 by monniaux

[M2R 2012-2013] Preuve de programmes avec des structures de données

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[M2R 2012-2013] Programmation linéaire modulo disjonctions

Friday 1 February 2013 by monniaux

[M2R 2013-14] Symbolic execution and vulnerability detection

Friday 26 September 2014 by mounier

[M2R Internship] Analyse et Evaluation d’implémentations sécurisées robustes à l’injection de fautes

Friday 31 December 2021 by mounier

[M2R-2013-2014] Semantic analysis of programs for evaluating their worst-case execution time

Tuesday 24 June 2014 by Claire Maiza

[Magistère M1/M2, M2R] Distributed Approach for Cross-Layer Resource Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networs

Saturday 30 September 2017 by karine, devismes

[Master (M2R) 2014-2015] Timing analysis of multi-core TDMA bus

Tuesday 16 June 2015 by Claire Maiza

[Master 2R 2011-2012] Evaluation and Validation of Clock-Synchronization Protocols in Sensor Networks

Saturday 15 October 2011 by Florence Maraninchi

[Master 2R 2011-2012] Evaluation and Validation of Clock-Synchronization Protocols in Sensor Networks

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[master 2R 2011-2012] Routing Protocols for (Dynamic) Wireless Sensor Networks

Thursday 16 February 2012 by karine, stef

[master 2R 2011-2012] Routing Protocols for (Dynamic) Wireless Sensor Networks

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[Master 2R 2012-2013] Probabilistic Snap-Stabilizing Algorithms for Local Resource Allocation Problems

Tuesday 30 April 2013 by karine, Devismes

[Master 2R 2012-2013] Semantic analysis for worst-case execution time analysis

Friday 1 March 2013 by raymond, Claire Maiza

[Master 2R 2013-2014] Dynamic detections of Use after free and exploitability characterization

Friday 13 June 2014 by potet

[Master 2R 2013-2014] Efficient Self-Stabilizing Algorithms for Pervasive Computing Systems

Wednesday 8 October 2014 by karine, Devismes

[Master 2R 2014-2015] Performance Evaluation for Embedded Systems using Formal Methods

Tuesday 15 July 2014 by karine, moy

[Master 2R 2014-2015] Performance Evaluation for Embedded Systems using Formal Methods

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[MASTER 2] Performance Evaluation for Embedded Systems: Between Computational Simulation and Mathematical Solutions

Friday 15 July 2011 by karine

[MASTER 2] Performance Evaluation for Embedded Systems: Between Computational Simulation and Mathematical Solutions

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[Master 2] Probabilistic Methods for Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

Friday 15 July 2011 by karine

[Master 2] Probabilistic Methods for Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[master/PhD] Formally verified optimizations for safety-critical embedded code

Wednesday 15 November 2023 by monniaux

[master/PhD] Static analysis of “pseudo-LRU” caches

Wednesday 15 November 2023 by monniaux

[Master] A Solver for Monadic Second Order Logic of Graphs of Bounded Tree-width

Sunday 31 March 2024 by bozga

[Master] Analyzing fault parameters triggering timing anomalies

Friday 31 May 2024 by Lionel Rieg

[master] automatic insertion of countermeasures in a verified compiler

Wednesday 31 August 2022 by monniaux

[Master] Certification of Distributed Self-Stabilizing Algorithms Using Coq

Monday 30 October 2023 by Devismes

[Master] Decision Procedures for Separation Logic Modulo Theories of Data

Thursday 30 June 2022 by bozga

[Master] Design and Evaluation of Strategies for Automated Proofs using Reasoning Modulo Equivalence

Sunday 15 October 2023 by Pierre Corbineau

[Master] Exploration by model-checking of timing anomaly cancellation in a processor

Friday 31 May 2024 by Lionel Rieg

[Master] Formal Methods for the Verification of Self-Adapting Distributed Systems

Wednesday 30 October 2024 by bozga

[master] formally verified hash-consing

Wednesday 31 August 2022 by monniaux

[Master] Implementing the Silence to Reduce Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks

Thursday 12 October 2023 by karine

[Master] Local Reasoning about Reconfigurable Component-based Systems

Thursday 30 June 2022 by bozga

[Master] Modeling and Simulation of Modular Robots with DR-BIP

Wednesday 31 January 2024 by bozga

[Master] Multi-core Interference analysis and Global Scheduling

Wednesday 31 August 2022 by Lionel Rieg, Claire Maiza

[Master] Simulation of Distributed Algorithms

Wednesday 18 October 2023 by karine

[Master] Sûreté des essaims de robots mobiles

Thursday 31 August 2023 by Lionel Rieg

[Master] Verifying Concurrent Systems with Automata over Infinite Alphabets

Thursday 30 June 2022 by bozga

[Master]Leakage in presence of an active and adaptive adversary

Friday 12 December 2025 by

[MR 2013_2014] Evaluating the robustness of smart card applications to fault attacks.

Friday 13 June 2014 by potet

[TAKEN] [M1 2012-2013] Visualisation graphique de traces de simulation de systèmes sur puces

Wednesday 1 May 2013 by moy

[TAKEN] [M1 2012-2013] Visualisation graphique de traces de simulation de systèmes sur puces

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

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