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PhD position: software vulnerability analysis guided by countermeasures and attacker capabilities

Wednesday 11 May 2022 by mounier

Funded Ph.D: Dynamic Memory Management For Embedded Non-Volatile Memory

Friday 30 September 2016 by moy

Funded Ph.D: Dynamic Memory Management For Embedded Non-Volatile Memory

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

Certified compilation for security

Wednesday 1 September 2021 by monniaux

Contract-Based Modelling and Design of Cyber-Physical Systems

Wednesday 11 March 2015 by dang

Funded PhD position 2013-2016 available: transaction-level modeling, systems-on-a-chip, component-based design and modeling, performance properties of hardware/software systems

Wednesday 17 July 2013 by Florence Maraninchi

Industrial Phd Thesis

Monday 21 May 2012 by maler

PhD in Abstract domains for hybrid systems verification

Wednesday 12 March 2014 by dang

PhD position in Program Verification

Sunday 15 March 2015 by jahier

PhD position: Decision Procedures for Inductive Separation Logic Modulo Data Theories

Sunday 31 October 2021 by bozga

PhD position: Encoding and Sampling of Constrained Signal Spaces for Validation of CPS

Friday 31 December 2021 by Nicolas Basset , dang

PhD position: Proving Correctness of Reconfigurable Systems

Thursday 30 September 2021 by bozga

Phd Position: Vulnerability search in Industrial Control Systems

Monday 1 October 2018 by mounier

Phd Proposal : Inférence de modèles de faute pour simulation d’attaques sur composants sécurisés

Wednesday 27 March 2019 by potet

Phd proposal : Optimisation de l’évaluation et des tests de sécurité des systèmes cyber-physiques par analyse des canaux auxiliaires

Wednesday 27 March 2019 by potet

PhD subject: combinations of Boolean reasoning and parametric linear programming

Thursday 15 September 2016 by monniaux, perin

PhD: Certified roundoff error bounds for programs with loops using polynomial optimization

Friday 1 December 2017 by Victor Magron

PhD: Contract-Based Modelling and Design of Cyber-Physical Systems

Friday 11 March 2016 by dang

PhD: Timed and Hybrid group (Tempo)

Thursday 22 June 2017 by maler

Post-Doc: Hybrid Systems

Saturday 12 December 2015 by frehse

Post-Doc: Verification of Electronic Circuits

Saturday 12 December 2015 by frehse

Potential CIFRE PhD: Hardened circuits for critical applications

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier


Monday 31 January 2022 by Florence Maraninchi

Thèse CIFRE : Cybersecurity - Fault injection attacks

Thursday 30 March 2023 by mounier

Thèse/PhD Position - Coverage Measures for Machine Learning Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems

Wednesday 28 December 2022 by dang

[Funded PhD] Annotations de sécurité pour compilateur optimisant formellement vérifié

Thursday 20 March 2025 by Bruno Ferres, potet, boulme

[funded PhD] avanced static analysis techniques

Friday 1 November 2013 by monniaux

[funded PhD] avanced static analysis techniques

Tuesday 1 December 2020 by jahier

[Funded PhD] Formal Modeling and Verification of Parameterized and Distributed Systems

Monday 30 September 2024 by bozga

[Funded PhD] Improving Diagnosis for a Formal Verification Tool for Electrical Circuits at Transistor Level

Friday 6 June 2025 by Bruno Ferres

[Funded PhD] Modular Analysis for Formal Verification of Integrated Circuits at Transistor Level

Friday 6 June 2025 by Bruno Ferres

[Funded PhD] Quantitative analysis of software security against adaptive attacks

Friday 21 March 2025 by mounier

[master or PhD] Convex polyhedra in floating point

Thursday 1 September 2022 by monniaux

[PhD] Logical Foundations of Self-Adapting Distributed Systems

Sunday 31 December 2023 by bozga

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