

  1. Improving WCET Evaluation using Linear Relation Analysis. Pascal Raymond, Claire Maiza, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux, Erwan Jahier, Nicolas Halbwachs, Fabienne Carrier, Mihail Asavoae, Rémy Boutonnet - Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems - [bibtex]


  1. The W-SEPT Project: Towards Semantic-Aware WCET Estimation. Claire Maiza, Pascal Raymond, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux, Armelle Bonenfant, Fabienne Carrier, Hugues Cassé, Philippe Cuenot, Denis Claraz, Nicolas Halbwachs, Erwan Jahier, Hanbing Li, Marianne de Michiel, Vincent Mussot, Isabelle Puaut, Christine Rochange, Erven Rohou, Jordy Ruiz, Pascal Sotin, Wei-Tsun Sun - 17th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2017) - [bibtex]


  1. When the worst-case execution time estimation gains from the application semantics. Armelle Bonenfant, Fabienne Carrier, Hugues Cassé, Philippe Cuenot, Denis Claraz, Nicolas Halbwachs, Hanbing Li, Claire Maiza, Marianne De Michiel, Vincent Mussot, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux, Isabelle Puaut, Pascal Raymond, Erven Rohou, Pascal Sotin - 8th European Congress on Embedded Real-Time Software and Systems - [bibtex]


  1. Timing analysis enhancement for synchronous program. Pascal Raymond, Claire Maiza, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux, Fabienne Carrier, Mihail Asavoae - Real-Time Systems - [bibtex]


  1. Schedulability and modular analysis: how to fit timing model?. Hugues Cassé, Claire Maiza, Catherine and Parent-Vigouroux, Pascal Raymond - OPRTC - PDF - [bibtex]
  2. Timing analysis enhancement for synchronous program. Pascal Raymond, Claire Maiza, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux, Fabienne Carrier, Mihail Asavoae - Workshop on Reconciling Performance and Predictability (REPP) - PDF - [bibtex]


  1. Specification and Validation of Embedded Systems: A Case Study of a Fault-Tolerant Data Acquisition System with Lustre Programming environment. Florence Maraninchi, Nicolas Halbwachs, Pascal Raymond, Catherine Parent, Rudrapatna K. Shyamasundar - CSI Journal of Computing - [bibtex]
  2. Timing analysis enhancement for synchronous program. Pascal Raymond, Claire Maiza, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux, Fabienne Carrier - RTNS - PDF - [bibtex]


  1. Cartesian factoring of polyhedra in linear relation analysis. Nicolas Halbwachs, David Merchat, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux - Static Analysis Symposium, SAS'03 - [bibtex]


  1. A methodology for proving control systems with Lustre and PVS. Saddek Bensalem, Paul Caspi, Cécile Dumas, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux - Dependable Computing for Critical Applications (DCCA7) - [bibtex]


  1. A tool for proving Lustre programs in PVS. Saddek Bensalem, Paul Caspi, Cécile Dumas, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux - TOOLS'98 - [bibtex]


  1. Verifying programs in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions. Catherine Parent-Vigouroux - Formal Aspects of Computing - [bibtex]


  1. Natural proofs and programs optimization in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions. Catherine Parent-Vigouroux - International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logic - [bibtex]
  2. Handling data-flows programs in PVS. Saddek Bensalem, Paul Caspi, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux - [bibtex]

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