Approach & Results
The HELP approach consists in:
Studying power architectures and the standard formats used to specify them (e.g., UPF)
Proposing systematic principles for the instrumentation of a SystemC/TLM functional and timed model with energy consumption information (in the form of power-state automata, or traffic-related information); the instrumentation is used for the simulation of non-functional properties (energy consumption and temperture); it may also include contracts about the way the software uses the power architecture, thus enabling early detection of incorrect uses.
Developing efficient solutions for the co-simulation of an instrumented SystemC model together with an external tool dedicated to the modeling and simulation of energy consumption and temperature (ACEplorer by DOCEA Power, or the tool ATMI developed at Irisa)
Studying models at a higher level than SystemC/TLM (typically using UML Marte, for an early view of the power architecture and the constraints imposed by the software.
The SystemC classes dedicated to the instrumentation of a SystemC/TLM model are distributed as open-source software.