Organisation of Events and PC chairs mostly old past
PC chair
- FORTE 2015, IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, taking place as a part of DISCOTEC on June 2-4, 2015 in GRENOBLE.
- ATVA 2006, Fourth Int. Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, October 2006 in Beijing, China
- PC chair of SPIN 2004, Int. Workshop on Software Model checking, associated with ETAPS 2004, March 27 - April 4, 2004, Barcelona, Spain. Proceedings are available online LNCS 2989
- PC chair of TACAS 2000 Berlin, March 27 to April 1st, 2000
Proceedings are available online
LNCS 1885
- Models, Mindsets, Meta --- the What, the How and the Why not?, Workshop dedicated to Bernhard Steffen's on the occasion of his 60th Birthday, organized by Tiziana Margaria, Susanne Graf and Kim Larsen. We organised this event in association with ISOLA 2018 which took place October 5-9, 2018 in Cyprus. 16 exciting talks were given at that event and 24 interesting contributions collected in the volume Models, Mindsets, Meta: The What, the How, and the Why Not? - Essays Dedicated to Bernhard Steffen on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday.
- A Workshop for celebrating the 20 Years of VERIMAG in September 2012.
Verimag was created in 1993. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, we have organised a workshop that consisted of invited talks by outstanding international scientists, together with communications by Verimag researchers. Here is the Program and here a few photos.
- The International Workshop ACES MB 2009 on Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems.
The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in model-based software engineering for real-time embedded systems. We are seeking contributions relating to this subject at different levels, from modelling languages and semantics to concrete application experiments, from model analysis techniques to model-based implementation and deployment. Given the criticality of the application domain, we particularly focus on model-based approaches yielding efficient and provably correct designs. Concerning models and languages, we welcome contributions presenting novel modelling approaches as well as contributions evaluating existing ones.
- Dagstuhl Seminar Design and Validation of Concurrent Systems at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany in September 2009.
I have organised this Dagstuhl seminar together with
Shaz Qadeer (Microsft reasearch), Madhusudan Parthasarathy (Illinois) and Cormac Flanagan (Santa Cruz). This seminar has gathered around 40 specialists on the topic of
building correct concurrent systems and programs who enjoyed this week
of lively discussions.
- 1st International Workshop ACES MB 2008 on Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems.
The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in model-based software engineering for real-time embedded systems. We are seeking contributions relating to this subject at different levels, from modelling languages and semantics to concrete application experiments, from model analysis techniques to model-based implementation and deployment. Given the criticality of the application domain, we particularly focus on model-based approaches yielding efficient and provably correct designs. Concerning models and languages, we welcome contributions presenting novel modelling approaches as well as contributions evaluating existing ones.
- FMCO 2007 Int. Symposium on Formal Methods for Components, Objects and their Implementation, 23-26, October 2007, Amsterdam
The international Symposium on Formal Methods for Components, Objects and their Implementation,
FMCO, which has taken place each year in Leiden or Amsterdam between 2002 and 2007, is
an initiative of Frank de Boer, Willem-Paul de Roever, Marcello Bonsangue and myself as a cooperation
between the OMEGA and the MOBI-J projects. One of the main objectivewas to gather main
contributors to the domain of component-based design in general, and of real time and distributed
systems in particular.
- Artist Workshop on tool platforms for modelling, analysis and validation of embedded systems a workshop associated with CAV'07, Berlin, July 1-4, 2007.
I have organised this workshop jointly with Kim Larsen and Jan Madsen with the
objective to increase the interactions between the model-checking and the control communities.
- Towards a Systematic Approach to Embedded System Design -
Bringing Leading-Edge Embedded Systems Design Tools to Industrial Users
a workshop associated with DATE'07, Nice, April 20, 2007
I have organised this workshop jointly with Bruno Bouyssounouse and Martin Torngren to allow
the potential industrial users who are well represented at DATE to know more about the
functionalities and capacities of the tools developed in academia to support the design of embedded
- FMCO 2006 Int. Symposium on Formal Methods for Components, Objects and their Implementation, 1-4, November 2006, Amsterdam
- MARTES 2006, Int. Workshop on Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems, hold with MoDELS/UML 2006 , October 2 or 3, 2006, Genova, Italy
In 2005 asked the organisers of the SIVOES
workshop to join our forces, as SIVOES and our own predecessor SIVOES shared most of the topics
and participants.
- FMCO 2005 Int. Symposium on Formal Methods for Components, Objects and their Implementation, 1-4, November 2005, Amsterdam
- MARTES 2005, Int. Workshop on Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems, a satellite workshop of MoDELS/UML 2005 , October 2-7, 2005, Montego Bay, Jamaica
- OMEGA Workshop of the IST project OMEGA, Febuary 17, 2005, Grenoble, France.
This workshop was a mixture of presentations of project
results and high level invited talks of topics related the component-based approach which was one
of the issues which we could only partly address in the project itself and remained still to be done.
- FMCO 2004 Int. Symposium on Formal Methods for Components, Objects and their Implementation, Leiden (NL), November, 2-5, 2004 proceedings appeared as LNCS volume 3657 in the "tutorial" series
- SVERTS 2004, Int. Workshop on Specification and Validation of UML models for Real Time and Embedded Systems, a satellite workshop of UML 2004 , October 11-15, 2004, Lisbon
This workshop has been organised jointly with Oystein Haugen (U. Oslo), Bran Selic (IBM) et Ileana Ober and has been initiated as a dissemination action of OMEGA. The main objective was the dissemination of the work of OMEGA on the integration of verification
tools with UML and on the real time prfile for UML.
- FMCO 2003 Int. Symposium on Formal Methods for Components, Objects and their Implementation, Leiden (NL), November, 4-7, 2003. Proceedings appeared as LNCS volume 3188 in the "tutorial" series
- SVERTS 2003, Int, Workshop on Specification and Validation of UML models for Real Time and Embedded Systems, a satellite workshop of UML 2003 , October 20 - 24, 2003, San Francisco
Proceedings available online
- FMCO 2002 Int. Symposium on Formal Methods for Components, Objects and their Implementation, Leiden (NL), November, 5-9, 2002 . Proceedingsappeared as LNCS volume 2852 in the "tutorial" series
- ETAPS 2002, European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, April 6-14, 2002 in Grenoble.
I chaired the organisation committee of the European Joint Conferences on Theory
and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2002, which drains since 1998 an almost constantly growing number
of participants around five main conferences and a variable number of workshops and tutorials.
In Grenoble, we
organised 13 workshops of a duration of 1 to 3 days, 9 half- or full day tutorials attended by over
600 participants from all over the world.
We succeeded in well involving the local and regional community
by solicitating them to propose workshops and associating them with the organisation. We
also succeeded to attract a number of local students as
the attendance of tutorials contributed to the student's mandatory credits.
- SAM 2000, the second Workshop on SDL and MSC,
Grenoble Col de Porte, June 26 to 28, 2000. Papers are on the Web.
The SAM workshop is organised every second year inbetween two SDLforums, as a more informal event. In 2000, SAM gathered
more than 100 participants which was a record number.
- VIRES Workshop, Autrans, June 14-16, 2000
- Participation in the organisation of the European Summer school on Methods for the Verification of
Infinite Systems which has taken place in Grenoble in March 1997 and has gathered 120 participants.
- Participation in the organisation of the franco-canadien workshop on Communicating Informatics
and Distributed Systems, new Technologies, new Requirements organised in the context of the 7th
Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier in December 1994 in Grenoble.
- Participation in the organisation of the 1st CAV in Grenoble in 1989, which has been initiated by Ed Clarke, Bob Kurshan and Joseph Sifakis. An electronic version of
the photos taken at this occasion is to come. For now, a Spectre Research Report on this topic is available in my office.
