Library Scat.Examples

Examples of the report listed in the same order than in the report

Require Import Conditions.
Require Import NaiveAbstractionLib.
Require Import LoopsUnrolling.
Require Import BasicExamples.
Require Import NaiveGuardAbstractions.
Require Import Kernel.

Running Example: delay of a join after linearization

Section RunningExample.

Let x := "x"!1.
Let y := "y"!2.
Let r := "r"!3.

Source of the example
Let source : prog :=
  ensure (1 x x 10) -;
  ifc (x 5) then
     assign y (x+5)
     assign y (x-5)
  fi -;
  assign r (x×y) -;
  require (6 r r 50) -;
  assign r (r+x+y) -;
  require (13 r r 65).

Let label := mkjoinlabel 1%positive.

Let convexhull :=
    -5 x-y x-y 5
  7 x+y x+y 15
  x+y+5 r×2 r×2 x×5 + y×5 + 25
  x+y×5-25 r r x×7 + y×3 - 15.

Open Scope certif_scope.

Certificate of the example
Let annotated : certif :=
  ensure (1 x x 10) -;
       (ensure (x 5) -; assign y (x+5))
       (abs_ensure (not_LE x 5) -; assign y (x-5))
       (abs_assign r (ht_branch (mult_pos_interv x y) label (fun vmatch v with 0 ⇒ (6,10) | _(1,5) end)))
       convexhull -;
  require (6 r r 50) -;
  assign r (r+x+y) -;
  require (13 r r 65).

Computes the VCs
Eval vm_compute in vcg annotated.

Proof of source safety
Goal is_ok source.
   apply vcg_correctness with (cert:=annotated).
   vm_compute; auto.
   simplify_vc_eval; try omega.

Close Scope certif_scope.

End RunningExample.

Example: delay of a join + partial loop unrolling

Section JoinseqUnrollInvariant.

Let x := "x"!1.
Let y := "y"!2.
Let i := "i"!3.
Let r := "r"!4.

Let source : prog :=
  ensure (x 10) -;
  ifc (x 5) then
     assign y (x+5)
     assign y (x-5)
  fi -;
  assign i 0 -;
  assign r 0 -;
  while i x-1 do
     assign i (i+1) -;
     assign r (r+y)
  done -;
  require (0 r r 50).

Let label := mkjoinlabel 1%positive.

Open Scope certif_scope.

Let approx_convexhull :=
    -5 x-y x-y 5
  x+y 15
  0 r r 50.

Let annotated : certif :=
  ensure (x 10) -;
       (ensure (x 5) -; assign y (x+5))
       (abs_ensure (not_LE x 5) -; assign y (x-5))
       (assign i 0 -;
        assign r 0 -;
           ensure (i x-1) -;
           assign i (i+1) -;
           assign r (r+y)
        fwd 1
        invariant (i x 0 r & inv label & branch label (fun vmatch v with 0 ⇒ r i×10 | _r i×5 end))
        then (abs_ensure (not_LE i (x-1)))
        approx_convexhull -;
  require (0 r r 50).

Goal is_ok source.
  apply vcg_correctness with (cert:=annotated).
  vm_compute; auto.
  simplify_vc_eval; try omega.

Close Scope certif_scope.

End JoinseqUnrollInvariant.

Example: composition of linearizations

Section MinetBarycentreExample.

Let x := "x"!1.
Let y := "y"!2.
Let z := "z"!3.
Let r := "r"!4.

Let source : prog :=
  ensure (1 x x 5 1 y y 3 1 z z 3) -;
  assign r (y×x + z*(0 - x) + z×5) -;
  require (1 r r 27).

Open Scope certif_scope.

Let annotated : certif :=
  ensure (1 x x 5 1 y y 3 1 z z 3) -;
  abs_assign r
      (let_term y := mult_pos_interv y x (1,5) in
       let_term r := mult_pos_interv z (0-x) (-5,-1) in
                     y+r+z×5) -;
  require (1 r r 27).

Eval vm_compute in abstract annotated.

Goal is_ok source.
   apply vcg_correctness with (cert:=annotated).
   vm_compute; auto.
   simplify_vc_eval; try omega.

Close Scope certif_scope.

End MinetBarycentreExample.

Example of case analysis + rewriting

Section MinetBarycentreExample2.

Let x := "x"!1.
Let y := "y"!2.
Let z := "z"!3.
Let r := "r"!4.

Let source : prog :=
  ensure (1 x x 5 1 y y 3 1 z z 3) -;
  assign r (y×x + z*(0 - x) + z×5) -;
  require (5 r r 15).

Open Scope certif_scope.

Program Definition rewriting1: term_rewrite ((y - z)*x + z×5) :=
   rwin := y×x + z*(0 - x) + z*5 ;
   rwproof := _
Obligation 1.

Let label := mkjoinlabel 1%positive.

Let annotated : certif :=
  ensure (1 x x 5 1 y y 3 1 z z 3) -;
    (casescmp 0 (y-z) label
     (abs_assign r
          (let_term x := (htb2 label (fun b
                            if b then
                              mult_pos_interv (y-z) x (1,5)
                              mult_neg_interv (y-z) x (1,5)
                          )) in
       rewriting1))) -;
  require (5 r r 15).

Eval vm_compute in vcg annotated.

Goal is_ok source.
   apply vcg_correctness with (cert:=annotated).
   vm_compute; auto.
   simplify_vc_eval; try omega.

Close Scope certif_scope.

End MinetBarycentreExample2.

Example of full unrolling

Section MauborgneRival_LinearInterpolation.

Notation "'#tc'" := (ctefun 1).
Notation "'#tx'" := (ctefun 2).
Notation "'#ty'" := (ctefun 3).

Coercion vcte: Z >-> Value.value.

Hypothesis tc_0: #tc 0 =0.
Hypothesis tc_1: #tc 1 =3.
Hypothesis tc_2: #tc 2 =6.
Hypothesis tc_3: #tc 3 =0.

Hypothesis tx_1: #tx 1 =-1.
Hypothesis tx_2: #tx 2 =1.
Hypothesis tx_3: #tx 3 =3.

Hypothesis ty_0: #ty 0 =-6.
Hypothesis ty_1: #ty 1 =-6.
Hypothesis ty_2: #ty 2 =-0.
Hypothesis ty_3: #ty 3 =12.

Hint Rewrite tc_0 tc_1 tc_2 tc_3 tx_1 tx_2 tx_3 ty_0 ty_1 ty_2 ty_3: ctefun.

Let tc := "tc"!1.
Let tx := "tx"!2.
Let ty := "ty"!3.

Coercion tapp: var >-> Funclass.

Let x := "x"!1.
Let y := "y"!2.
Let i := "i"!3.

Let source : prog :=
  assign i 0 -;
  while (i 2 tx(i+1) + 1 x) do
     assign i (i+1)
  done -;
  assign y ((tc i)*(x-(tx i))+(ty i)) -;
  require (-6 y y 12).

Open Scope certif_scope.
Let label := mklabel 0 4 1%positive.

Let annotated : certif :=
  assign i 0 -;
  split label
     ensure (i 2 tx(i+1) + 1 x) -;
     assign i (i+1)
  all 3
     abs_ensure (abs_not ((i 2 tx(i+1) + 1 x))) -;
     abs_assign y (let_term x := ht_branch (mult_left_cte (tc i) (x-(tx i))) label (fun z ⇒ (match z with | 1 ⇒ 3 | 2 ⇒ 6 | _ ⇒ 0 end))
                   in x+(ty i))
  done -;
  require (-6 y y 12).

Eval vm_compute in abstract (abs_ensure (abs_not ((i 2 tx(i+1) + 1 x)))).

Eval vm_compute in vcg annotated.

Ltac simplify_ctefun :=
   try (rewrite (ctefun_Zof 1) in × |- *);
   try (rewrite (ctefun_Zof 2) in × |- *);
   try (rewrite (ctefun_Zof 3) in × |- *);
   autorewrite with zof_value in × |- *; simpl in × |- × ;
   autorewrite with ctefun in × |- *;
   autorewrite with zof_value in × |- *;simpl in × |- ×.

Goal is_ok source.
   apply vcg_correctness with (cert:=annotated).
   vm_compute; auto.
   simplify_vc_eval; try (simplify_ctefun; omega).

Close Scope certif_scope.

End MauborgneRival_LinearInterpolation.

Example of exhaustive value exploration

Section MauborgneRival_Barycentre.

Let x := "x"!1.
Let y := "y"!2.
Let r := "r"!3.

Let source : prog :=
  ensure (-10 x x 10) -;
        guassign [r;y] (0 r r 5 -10 y y 10) -;
        assign x ((x×r + y) / (r+1))
  done -;
  require (-10 x x 10).

Open Scope certif_scope.
Let label := mklabel 0 5 1%positive.

Let annotated : certif :=
  ensure (-10 x x 10) -;
     guassign [r;y] (0 r r 5 -10 y y 10) -;
     explore r 0 5 label (
       abs_assign x (let_term x := ht_branch (mult_right_cte x r) label (fun crcr) in
                     ht_branch (Zdiv_by_pos_cte (x+y) (r+1)) label Zsucc))
  invariant -10 x x 10
  done -;
  require (-10 x x 10).

Goal is_ok source.
   apply vcg_correctness with (cert:=annotated).
   vm_compute; auto.
   simplify_vc_eval; try omega.

Close Scope certif_scope.

End MauborgneRival_Barycentre.