Library Scat.BasicExamples

Tools for examples + basic tests

Require Import NaiveAbstractionLib.
Require Import LoopsUnrolling.

Additionnal notations

Notation "'bloop' p 'done'" := (loop p) (at level 95): prog_scope.
Notation "str ! n" := (mkvar str n) (at level 7, no associativity, format "str '!' n"): term_scope.

Notations in assertions
Bind Scope assertion_scope with assertion.
Delimit Scope assertion_scope with assertion.
Infix "&" := conj (at level 98, left associativity): assertion_scope.
Open Scope assertion_scope.

Tactic to simplify goal generated by vc_eval

Ltac quantify x :=
  match goal with
  | |- ?pmatch p with
            | appcontext [x ?n] ⇒ generalize (x n)

Ltac atom :=
  let n := fresh "x" in
  intro n; repeat (quantify n); intuition subst; zof_simplify.

Ltac splitconj :=
  match goal with
  | |- and ?p1 ?p2constructor 1

Ltac simplify_vc_eval :=
  vm_compute; (repeat splitconj); (atom || auto).

Basic Examples

Section LoopExample.

Let x := "x"!1.
Let y := "y"!2.
Let i := "i"!3.
Let r := "r"!4.

Let source : prog :=
  ensure (1 x x 10) -;
  join (ensure (x 5) -; assign y (x+5))
       (ensure (6 x) -; assign y (x-5)) -;
  assign i 0 -;
  assign r 0 -;
     ensure (i x-1) -;
     assign i (i+1) -;
     assign r (r+y)
  done -;
  ensure (x i) -;
  require (x r r x×10) -;
  require (1 r r 100).

Open Scope certif_scope.

Let annotated1 : certif :=
  ensure (1 x x 10) -;
  cjoin (ensure (x 5) -; assign y (x+5))
       (ensure (6 x) -; assign y (x-5)) -;
  assign i 0 -;
  assign r 0 -;
  stdloop (
     ensure (i x-1) -;
     assign i (i+1) -;
     assign r (r+y)
  ) (i x 1 x x 10 1 y y 10 i r r i×10) -;
  ensure (x i) -;
  require (x r r x×10) -;
  require (1 r r 100).

Lemma annotated1_proof: is_ok source.
  apply vcg_correctness with (cert:=annotated1).
  vm_compute; auto.
  simplify_vc_eval; try omega.

Let label := mkjoinlabel 3%positive.

Let annotated2 : certif :=
  ensure (1 x x 10) -;
  cjoin (ensure (x 5) -; assign y (x+5))
       (ensure (6 x) -; assign y (x-5)) -;[label]
  assign i 0 -;
  assign r 0 -;
  stdloop (
     ensure (i x-1) -;
     assign i (i+1) -;
     assign r (r+y)
  ) (inv label & i x i r r i×10) -;
  ensure (x i) -;
  require (x r r x×10) -;
  require (1 r r 100).

Lemma annotated2_proof: is_ok source.
  apply vcg_correctness with (cert:=annotated2).
  vm_compute; auto.
  simplify_vc_eval; try omega.

Close Scope certif_scope.

End LoopExample.

Section AbstractionExample.

Let x := "x"!1.
Let y := "y"!2.

Let source : prog :=
  ensure (5 x 1 y y 3) -;
  assign y ((x×3)*(y+2)) -;
  require (5 x x×9 y y x×15).

Open Scope certif_scope.

Let annotated : certif :=
  ensure (5 x 1 y y 3) -;
  abs_assign y (mult_pos_interv (x×3) (y+2) (3,5)) -;
  xrequire (5 x x×9 y y x×15) "main".

Goal is_ok source.
  apply vcg_correctness with (cert:=annotated).
  vm_compute; auto.
  simplify_vc_eval; try omega.

Close Scope certif_scope.

End AbstractionExample.

Section UnroolBasicExample.

Let x := "x"!1.
Let y := "y"!2.
Let i := "i"!3.
Let r := "r"!4.

Let source : prog :=
  ensure (x 3) -;
  ensure (0 y) -;
  assign i 1 -;
  assign r 0 -;
     ensure (i x) -;
     assign i (i+1) -;
     assign r (r+y)
  done -;
  ensure (x+1 i) -;
  require (0 r r y×3).

Open Scope certif_scope.

Let annotated : certif :=
  ensure (x 3) -;
  ensure (0 y) -;
  assign i 1 -;
  assign r 0 -;
  unroll_all 3%nat None (
    ensure (i x) -;
    assign i (i+1) -;
    assign r (r+y)
  ) (ensure (x+1i)) -;
  require (0 r r y×3).

Goal is_ok source.
  apply vcg_correctness with (cert:=annotated).
  vm_compute; auto.
  simplify_vc_eval; try omega.

Close Scope certif_scope.

End UnroolBasicExample.

Section GuassignExample.

Let x := "x"!1.
Let y := "y"!2.
Let z := "z"!3.
Let t := "t"!4.
Let u := "u"!5.
Let v := "v"!6.

Open Scope certif_scope.

Let essai: certif :=
  assign u 100 -;
  assign v 200 -;
  assign t 250 -;
  assign z 30 -;
  guassign [u;x;y;t] (u = (told t) t = (told u) (told (u+v)) = x x+v = y) -;
  require (250 = u) -;
  require (t=100) -;
  require (v=200) -;
  require (z=30) -;
  require (300=x) -;
  require (y=500).

Let list := vcg essai.

Goal vc_eval list.
  simplify_vc_eval; auto; try omega.

Close Scope certif_scope.

End GuassignExample.

Section LetTerm.

Let x := "x"!1.

Let y := "y"!2.

Let source : prog :=
  ensure (1 x x 4 0 y) -;
  assign x ((x-1)*((x+y-1)*x)) -;
  require (0 x x y×12+36).

Open Scope certif_scope.

Let z := "z"!3.

Let annotated : certif :=
  ensure (1 x x 4 0 y) -;
  abs_assign x
    (let_term z := mult_pos_interv (x+y-1) x (1,4) in
                   mult_interv_pos (x-1) z (0,3)) -;
  require (0 x x y×12+36).

Eval vm_compute in abstract annotated.

Goal is_ok source.
   apply vcg_correctness with (cert:=annotated).
   vm_compute; auto.
   simplify_vc_eval; try omega.

Let annotatedy : certif :=
  ensure (1 x x 4 0 y) -;
  abs_assign x
    (let_term y := mult_pos_interv (x+y-1) x (1,4) in
                   mult_interv_pos (x-1) y (0,3)) -;
  require (0 x x y×12+36).

Goal is_ok source.
   apply vcg_correctness with (cert:=annotatedy).
   vm_compute; auto.
   simplify_vc_eval; try omega.

Close Scope certif_scope.

End LetTerm.

Section Misc1.

Let x := "x"!1.
Let y := "y"!2.
Let r := "r"!3.

Open Scope certif_scope.

Let annotated : certif :=
  ensure (6 r r 50 7 x+y x+y 15) -;
  assign r (r+x+y) -;
  require (13 r r 65).

Close Scope certif_scope.

Goal vc_eval (vcg annotated).
  simplify_vc_eval; auto; try omega.

End Misc1.