Library Scat.Certificate

An extensible language of certificate (through type certif below)

Require Export Assertions.
Require Export KernelVCG.
Require Import KernelProof.
Require Export Concrete.
Require Import Guassign.
Require Import MiscUtils.
Require Import BoundedIteration.

Coercion Kiat: atom >-> kernel.

Type of certificates

Record certif := {
  concrete: prog ;
  abstract: kernel ;
  certif_correctness: R s, Kwlp abstract R swlp concrete R s
above: certif_correctness expresses that prog refines kernel

Hint Resolve certif_correctness: checker.

Definition extract p := normalize (concrete p).

Definition vcg (p: certif) := Kvcg (abstract p).

Theorem vcg_simple_correctness (p: certif):
  vc_eval (vcg p) → is_ok (concrete p).
  unfold vcg.
  intros; apply wlp_isok.
  intros; eapply certif_correctness.
  eapply Kvcg_correctness.

Our main theorem
Theorem vcg_correctness (cert: certif) (p:prog) :
  prog_eq (extract cert) (normalize p) = truevc_eval (vcg cert) → is_ok p.
  unfold extract; intros; eapply prog_eq_isok; eauto.
  apply vcg_simple_correctness.

Basic lifting of prog syntax

Program Definition iat (inst: atom) :=
{| concrete := inst ;
   abstract := inst ;
   certif_correctness := _

Coercion iat: atom >-> certif.

Program Definition seq (pf: certif) (pn:certif) :=
{| concrete := concrete pf -; concrete pn ;
   abstract := Kseq (abstract pf) (abstract pn) ;
   certif_correctness := _
Obligation 1.
  eauto with checker echecker.

Bind Scope certif_scope with certif.

Notation "p1 -; p2" := (seq p1 p2)
  (at level 95, right associativity): certif_scope.

Program Definition seqlabel (pf: certif) (l: alabel) (pn:certif) :=
{| concrete := concrete pf -; concrete pn ;
   abstract := Kseq (abstract pf) (Kdeflabel l 0 (abstract pn)) ;
   certif_correctness := _
Obligation 1.
  eauto with checker echecker.

Notation "p1 -;[ l ] p2" := (seqlabel p1 l p2)
  (at level 95, right associativity): certif_scope.

Program Definition cjoin (pl pr: certif) :=
{| concrete := join (concrete pl) (concrete pr) ;
   abstract := Kjoin (abstract pl) (abstract pr) ;
   certif_correctness := _
Obligation 1.
  intuition eauto with checker echecker.

Program Definition stdloop (body:certif) (inv: assertion) :=
{| concrete := loop (concrete body) ;
   abstract := Kloop (abstract body) inv ;
   certif_correctness := _
Obligation 1.

Notation "'bloop' p 'invariant' a 'done'" := (stdloop p a) (at level 95): certif_scope.

Basic trace partitioning

Program Definition joinseq (pl pr: certif) (label: alabel) (pn:certif) :=
{| concrete := join (concrete pl) (concrete pr) -; (concrete pn) ;
   abstract :=
     let p:=(abstract pn) in
     Kjoin (Kseq (abstract pl) (Kdeflabel label 0 p)) (Kseq (abstract pr) (Kdeflabel label 1 p));
   certif_correctness := _
Obligation 1.
  intuition eauto with checker echecker.

Program Definition joinchseq (pl pr: certif) (label: alabel) (pn:certif) (convexhull: assertion):=
{| concrete := join (concrete pl) (concrete pr) -; (concrete pn) ;
   abstract :=
     let p:=(abstract pn) in
     Kjoinch (Kseq (abstract pl) (Kdeflabel label 0 p)) (Kseq (abstract pr) (Kdeflabel label 1 p)) convexhull;
   certif_correctness := _
Obligation 1.
  intuition eauto with checker echecker.

Program Definition cbranch2 (label: alabel) (p: boolcertif) :=
let pl := p true in
let pr := p false in
{| concrete := concrete pl ;
   abstract :=
      if prog_eq (concrete pr) (concrete pl) then
         Kbranch2 label (fun b abstract (p b))
         xrequire absurd "cbranch2: concrete branches are not equal" ;
   certif_correctness := _
Obligation 1.
  generalize H; clear H. casebool (prog_eq (concrete (p false)) (concrete (p true))).
  intuition; eapply prog_eq_wlp; eauto.

Program Definition cbranch (label: alabel) (p: Zcertif) :=
let main := concrete (p (labmin label)) in
{| concrete := main ;
   abstract :=
      if (Zforall ((labmin label)+1) (labmax label) (fun z prog_eq (concrete (p z)) main)) then
         Kbranch label (fun z abstract (p z))
         xrequire absurd "cbranch: concrete branches are not equal" ;
   certif_correctness := _
Obligation 1.
  generalize H; clear H.
  casebool (Zforall ((labmin label)+1) (labmax label) (fun zprog_eq (concrete (p z)) (concrete (p (labmin label))))).
  generalize (Zforall_spec_1 _ _ _ H); clear H.
  intros H H1. case H1; clear H1.
  intros z H1.
  case (Z_eq_dec z (labmin label)).
  intros; subst; intuition.
  intuition; lapply (H z).
  intuition; eapply prog_eq_wlp; eauto.

Program Definition dead (p:prog) := {|
  concrete:= p ;
  abstract:= xrequire absurd "dead code" ;
  certif_correctness:= _
Obligation 1.