Library Scat.KernelProof
Require Import Assertions.
Require Import Guassign.
Require Import Atoms.
Require Import BoundedIteration.
Require Import Kernel.
Require Import KernelVCG.
Lemma atpostfinder_renforce_vc p pre bound l:
vc_eval (vcl (atpostfinder p pre bound l)) → (vc_eval l).
destruct p; unfold soft_or, ret, bind, check_entails in × |- *; simpl in × |- *;
intuition eauto with echecker.
Hint Resolve atpostfinder_renforce_vc: echecker.
Lemma atpostfinder_increases_bound p pre bound l:
Zpos bound ≤ Zpos (pbnd (value (atpostfinder p pre bound l))).
destruct p; unfold soft_or, ret, bind, check_entails in × |- *; simpl in × |- *;
try (intros; omega).
intros; eauto with echecker.
intros; eauto with echecker.
Hint Resolve atpostfinder_increases_bound: echecker.
Lemma atpostfinder_cbounds_post p pre bound l:
cbounds bound pre → atbounds bound p
→ cbounds (pbnd (value (atpostfinder p pre bound l))) (post (value (atpostfinder p pre bound l))).
destruct p; unfold soft_or, ret, bind, check_entails in × |- *; simpl in × |- *; try tauto.
intuition eauto with checker echecker.
intuition; autorewrite with rchecker; omega.
Hint Resolve atpostfinder_cbounds_post: echecker.
Lemma atpostfinder_awlp p pre bound1 bound2 l: vc_eval (vcl (atpostfinder p pre bound2 l)) →
cbounds bound2 pre → atbounds bound1 p → (Zpos bound1) ≤ (Zpos bound2) →
∀ s s0, (frameeq 0 bound1 s0 s) → eval pre s0 →
awlp p (extend (post (value (atpostfinder p pre bound2 l))) bound1 bound2 s0) s.
destruct p; simpl; unfold soft_or, ret, bind, check_entails, extend; simpl.
eapply guassign_vc; eauto.
eapply ex_intro.
intuition eauto with checker echecker.
intuition eauto with echecker.
eapply ex_intro ; intuition eauto with checker echecker.
eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto with checker echecker.
intros X H H0 H1 s s0.
constructor 1 with (x:=add bound2 (s0 (vid x)) (add (vid x) (teval t s0) s0)); simpl.
rewrite trename_tbounds; eauto with checker echecker.
rewrite add_out. auto with checker.
rewrite rename_cbounds; auto.
unfold frameeq.
intros; rewrite add_out.
eapply add_morphism; eauto with echecker.
unfold frameeq.
rewrite add_out.
rewrite add_out.
Notation "'reswf' x" := (cbounds (pbnd x) (post x)) (at level 20).
Inductions sur le_iter
Section Le_iter_proofs.
Variable body next: cond → positive → aenvironment → monad (postfinder_result cond).
Variable kb kn: (state→ Prop) → state → Prop.
Variable bound1 bound2: positive.
Hypothesis body_renforce_vc: ∀ pre bound aenv l,
vc_eval (vcl (body pre bound aenv l)) → (vc_eval l).
Hypothesis next_renforce_vc: ∀ pre bound aenv l,
vc_eval (vcl (next pre bound aenv l)) → (vc_eval l).
Hypothesis body_increases_bound: ∀ pre bound aenv l, Zpos bound ≤ Zpos (pbnd (value (body pre bound aenv l))).
Hypothesis next_increases_bound: ∀ pre bound aenv l, Zpos bound ≤ Zpos (pbnd (value (next pre bound aenv l))).
Hypothesis bound1_bound2: Zpos bound1 ≤ Zpos bound2.
Hypothesis body_reswf: ∀ pre bound aenv l, Zpos bound2 ≤ Zpos bound → cbounds bound pre → aebounds bound aenv →
reswf (value (body pre bound aenv l)).
Hypothesis next_reswf: ∀ pre bound aenv l, Zpos bound2 ≤ Zpos bound → cbounds bound pre → aebounds bound aenv →
reswf (value (next pre bound aenv l)).
Hypothesis kb_monotonic:
∀ (P Q: state → Prop) s, kb P s →
(∀ s, P s → Q s) → kb Q s.
Hypothesis kn_monotonic:
∀ (P Q: state → Prop) s, kn P s →
(∀ s, P s → Q s) → kn Q s.
Hypothesis body_kb: ∀ pre bound aenv l, vc_eval (vcl (body pre bound aenv l))
→ Zpos bound2 ≤ Zpos bound → cbounds bound pre → aebounds bound aenv
→ ∀ s s0, (frameeq 0 bound1 s0 s) → eval pre s0 →
kb (extend (post (value (body pre bound aenv l))) bound1 bound s0) s.
Hypothesis next_kn: ∀ pre bound aenv l, vc_eval (vcl (next pre bound aenv l))
→ Zpos bound2 ≤ Zpos bound → cbounds bound pre → aebounds bound aenv
→ ∀ s s0, (frameeq 0 bound1 s0 s) → eval pre s0 →
kn (extend (post (value (next pre bound aenv l))) bound1 bound s0) s.
Lemma postfinder_le_iter_renforce_vc n: ∀ ol pre bound aenv z l,
vc_eval (vcl (postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv z l)) → (vc_eval l).
induction n; simpl; eauto.
Lemma postfinder_le_iter_increases_bound_1 n: ∀ ol pre bound aenv z l,
Zpos bound ≤ Zpos (pbnd (value (postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv z l))).
induction n; simpl; auto with zarith.
intros; eapply Zle_trans.
2: eauto.
Hint Resolve postfinder_le_iter_increases_bound_1: echecker.
Lemma postfinder_le_iter_increases_bound_2 n: ∀ ol pre bound aenv z l,
Zpos bound ≤ Zpos (pbnd (snd (post (value (postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv z l))))).
induction n; simpl. auto with zarith.
intros. eapply Zle_trans.
2: eapply Zle_Pmax_l.
Hint Resolve postfinder_le_iter_increases_bound_2: echecker.
Lemma postfinder_le_iter_cbounds_1 n: ∀ bound ol pre aenv z l,
Zpos bound2 ≤ Zpos bound → cbounds bound pre → aebounds bound aenv →
cbounds (pbnd (value (postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv z l)))
(fst (post (value (postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv z l)))).
induction n; simpl.
intros bound ol pre aenv z l H H0 H1.
eapply body_reswf.
eauto with echecker.
eapply IHn; eauto.
eauto with echecker.
Hint Resolve postfinder_le_iter_cbounds_1: echecker.
Notation "<<< x , l , z , a >>>" := (value (body (fst (post (value x)))
(pbnd (value x))
(oadd l (fst (post (value x))) z a)
(vcl x))) (at level 20).
Lemma le_iter_tech1 n bound ol pre aenv z l :
Zpos bound2 ≤ Zpos bound
Zpos bound2 ≤
Zpos (pbnd (<<< (postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv (z - 1) l), ol, z, aenv >>>)).
eapply Zle_trans.
2: eapply body_increases_bound.
eauto with echecker.
Hint Resolve le_iter_tech1: le_iter_tech.
Lemma le_iter_tech2 n bound ol pre aenv z l :
Zpos bound2 ≤ Zpos bound
→ cbounds bound pre
→ aebounds bound aenv
→ reswf <<< (postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv (z - 1) l), ol, z, aenv >>>.
intros; eapply body_reswf; eauto.
eauto with echecker.
eapply postfinder_le_iter_cbounds_1; eauto.
apply oadd_aebounds.
eauto with echecker.
eapply postfinder_le_iter_cbounds_1; eauto.
Hint Resolve le_iter_tech2: le_iter_tech.
Lemma le_iter_tech3 n bound ol pre aenv z l :
Zpos bound2 ≤ Zpos bound
→ cbounds bound pre
→ aebounds bound aenv
→ aebounds
(<<< postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv (z - 1) l, ol, z, aenv >>>))
(oadd ol
(<<< postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv (z - 1) l, ol, z, aenv >>>)) z aenv).
intros; apply oadd_aebounds; auto with le_iter_tech.
eapply aebounds_Zle; auto with le_iter_tech.
eauto with echecker.
Hint Resolve le_iter_tech3: le_iter_tech.
Lemma postfinder_le_iter_reswf n: ∀ bound ol pre aenv z l, Zpos bound2 ≤ Zpos bound → cbounds bound pre → aebounds bound aenv →
reswf (snd (post (value (postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv z l)))).
induction n; simpl.
intros bound ol pre aenv z l H H0 H1.
constructor 1.
eapply cbounds_Zle.
eapply IHn; eauto with echecker.
eauto with echecker.
eapply cbounds_Zle.
eapply next_reswf; auto with le_iter_tech.
auto with le_iter_tech.
auto with echecker.
Hint Resolve postfinder_le_iter_reswf: echecker.
Lemma postfinder_le_iter_Kwlp_1 n: ∀ bound ol pre aenv z l, Zpos bound2 ≤ Zpos bound
→ vc_eval (vcl (postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv z l))
→ cbounds bound pre → aebounds bound aenv → ∀ s s0, (frameeq 0 bound1 s0 s) → eval pre s0 →
Kwlp_iter n kb (extend (fst (post (value (postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv z l)))) bound1 bound s0) s.
induction n; simpl.
unfold extend; intros; eapply ex_intro.
constructor 1; eauto. intuition.
eapply Kiter_monotonic; auto.
eapply IHn; eauto.
unfold extend; intros s1 X.
decompose [ex and] X; clear X.
eapply kb_monotonic.
eapply body_kb; eauto.
eauto with echecker.
auto with echecker.
eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; intros s2 X; eapply ex_monotonic; eauto.
clear X; simpl.
eapply frameeq_trans.
2: eauto.
eapply frameeq_Zle; eauto with echecker.
Lemma postfinder_le_iter_Kwlp_2 n: ∀ bound ol pre aenv z l, Zpos bound2 ≤ Zpos bound
→ vc_eval (vcl (postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv z l))
→ cbounds bound pre → aebounds bound aenv → ∀ s s0, (frameeq 0 bound1 s0 s) → eval pre s0 →
Kwlp_le_iter n kb (kn (extend (post (snd (post (value (postfinder_le_iter n ol body next pre bound aenv z l))))) bound1 bound s0)) s.
induction n; simpl.
intros; eapply next_kn; eauto with echecker.
intros. constructor 1.
eapply Kle_iter_monotonic; auto.
eapply IHn; eauto.
eapply kn_monotonic; eauto.
unfold extend; intros; eapply ex_monotonic; eauto.
simpl; intros; intuition.
eapply Kiter_monotonic; auto.
eapply postfinder_le_iter_Kwlp_1; eauto.
unfold extend; intros s1 X.
decompose [ex and] X; clear X.
eapply kb_monotonic.
eapply body_kb; eauto.
eauto with echecker.
auto with echecker.
eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; intros s2 X; decompose [ex and] X; clear X.
eapply kn_monotonic.
eapply next_kn; eauto; auto with le_iter_tech.
unfold extend; intros s3 X; eapply ex_monotonic; eauto.
clear X; simpl.
eapply frameeq_trans.
2: eauto.
eapply frameeq_trans.
2: (eapply frameeq_Zle; eauto with echecker).
eapply frameeq_Zle; eauto.
eapply Zle_trans.
2: eapply body_increases_bound.
auto with echecker.
End Le_iter_proofs.
Fixpoint postfinder_renforce_vc (p:kernel) pre bound aenv l {struct p}:
vc_eval (vcl (postfinder p pre bound aenv l)) → (vc_eval l).
destruct p; simpl ;
intro H0;
unfold soft_or, ret, bind, check_entails in × |- *; simpl in × |- *;
do_except_on @biter ltac:( intuition eauto with echecker).
generalize (postfinder_renforce_vc _ _ _ _ _ H0); clear H0; intro H0.
generalize (postfinder_renforce_vc _ _ _ _ _ H0); clear H0; intro H0.
eapply postfinder_le_iter_renforce_vc; eauto.
generalize l H0; clear l H0.
unfold bind; simpl.
intuition eauto with echecker.
generalize l H0; clear l H0.
eauto with echecker.
Hint Resolve postfinder_renforce_vc: echecker.
Fixpoint postfinder_increases_bound (p:kernel) pre bound aenv l {struct p}:
Zpos bound ≤ Zpos (pbnd (value (postfinder p pre bound aenv l))).
destruct p; simpl;
unfold soft_or, ret, bind, check_entails in × |- *; simpl in × |- *; try (intros; omega).
eapply Zle_trans.
2: apply Zle_Pmax_l.
eapply postfinder_le_iter_increases_bound_2; eauto with echecker.
unfold bind; simpl. generalize l; clear l.
biter_ind; simpl.
intros; try omega.
eauto with echecker.
auto with echecker.
unfold bind; simpl; eauto with echecker.
eauto with echecker.
eapply Zle_trans.
2: apply postfinder_increases_bound; eauto with echecker.
auto with echecker.
eauto with echecker.
auto with echecker.
Hint Resolve postfinder_increases_bound: echecker.
Hint Resolve swap_rbounds: echecker.
Hint Resolve le_iter_tech1 le_iter_tech2 le_iter_tech3: le_iter_tech.
Lemma postfinder_cbounds_reswf (p: kernel):
∀ pre bound aenv l,
cbounds bound pre → Kbounds bound p → aebounds bound aenv →
reswf (value (postfinder p pre bound aenv l)).
induction p; intros pre bound aenv l; simpl;
unfold soft_or, ret, bind, check_entails in × |- *; simpl in × |- *; try tauto.
eapply cbounds_Zle.
apply postfinder_le_iter_reswf with (bound2:=bound); auto with zarith;
eauto with echecker.
auto with echecker.
cutrewrite (Z_of_nat n = (Z_of_nat n) + 1 - 1); try omega.
cutrewrite ((Z_of_nat n) + 1 - 1 + 1 = (Z_of_nat n) + 1); try omega.
eapply cbounds_Zle.
eapply IHp2.
eapply le_iter_tech2; eauto with zarith echecker.
eapply Kbounds_Zle; eauto with le_iter_tech zarith echecker.
eapply le_iter_tech3; eauto with zarith echecker.
auto with echecker.
unfold bind; simpl. intros H1 H2.
generalize l; clear l.
biter_ind; simpl; auto.
intros n K l H3; constructor 1.
eapply cbounds_Zle.
eapply H3; auto with zarith echecker.
auto with zarith echecker.
eapply cbounds_Zle.
eapply H; auto with zarith.
auto with echecker.
intuition eauto with echecker.
unfold bind; simpl; intuition.
eapply IHp2; eauto with echecker.
intuition eauto with echecker.
intuition eauto with echecker.
intuition eauto with echecker.
intuition. eapply cbounds_Zle; simpl.
eapply cbounds_rsubst.
eapply swap_rbounds.
constructor 1; auto with zarith.
eapply Zlt_le_trans; eauto.
eapply Zle_trans.
2: eapply postfinder_increases_bound.
auto with echecker.
constructor 1; auto with zarith.
eapply Zlt_le_trans; eauto.
2: eapply postfinder_increases_bound.
auto with checker.
apply IHp; simpl; eauto with echecker.
intuition; autorewrite with rchecker; omega.
auto with zarith.
eauto with echecker.
case (Zeq_bool (abranch (afind (labid label) aenv)) (labmin label)); simpl; intuition.
Hint Resolve postfinder_cbounds_reswf postfinder_le_iter_increases_bound_1 postfinder_le_iter_cbounds_1: echecker.
Fixpoint postfinder_Kwlp (p: kernel) pre bound1 bound2 aenv l {struct p}:
vc_eval (vcl (postfinder p pre bound2 aenv l)) →
cbounds bound2 pre → Kbounds bound1 p → (Zpos bound1) ≤ (Zpos bound2) → aebounds bound2 aenv →
∀ s s0, (frameeq 0 bound1 s0 s) → eval pre s0 →
Kwlp p (extend (post (value (postfinder p pre bound2 aenv l))) bound1 bound2 s0) s.
destruct p; simpl .
unfold soft_or, ret, bind, check_entails; simpl.
eapply Kle_iter_monotonic. eauto with echecker.
eapply postfinder_le_iter_Kwlp_2 with (body:=postfinder p1) (next:=postfinder p3) (kb:=Kwlp p1) (kn:=Kwlp p3); eauto with echecker.
intros; eapply Kwlp_monotonic; eauto.
unfold extend; intros; eapply ex_monotonic; eauto.
simpl; intros; intuition.
eapply Kiter_monotonic. eauto with echecker.
eapply postfinder_le_iter_Kwlp_1 with (body:=postfinder p1) (next:=postfinder p3) (kb:=Kwlp p1); eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; intros s1 X.
decompose [ex and] X; clear X.
eapply Kwlp_monotonic.
generalize (postfinder_renforce_vc _ _ _ _ _ H); clear H; intro H.
eapply postfinder_Kwlp; eauto.
eauto with zarith echecker.
eauto with zarith echecker.
apply oadd_aebounds; eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; intros s2 X; decompose [ex and] X; clear X.
eapply Kwlp_monotonic.
eapply postfinder_Kwlp; eauto.
cutrewrite (Z_of_nat n = (Z_of_nat n) + 1 - 1); try omega.
cutrewrite ((Z_of_nat n) + 1 - 1 + 1 = (Z_of_nat n) + 1); try omega.
eapply le_iter_tech2; eauto with zarith echecker.
cutrewrite (Z_of_nat n = (Z_of_nat n) + 1 - 1); try omega.
cutrewrite ((Z_of_nat n) + 1 - 1 + 1 = (Z_of_nat n) + 1); try omega.
eapply le_iter_tech1; eauto with zarith echecker.
cutrewrite (Z_of_nat n = (Z_of_nat n) + 1 - 1); try omega.
cutrewrite ((Z_of_nat n) + 1 - 1 + 1 = (Z_of_nat n) + 1); try omega.
eapply le_iter_tech3; eauto with zarith echecker.
unfold extend; intros s3 X; eapply ex_monotonic; eauto.
clear X; simpl.
eapply frameeq_trans.
2: eauto.
eapply frameeq_trans.
2: (eapply frameeq_Zle; eauto with echecker).
eapply frameeq_Zle; eauto.
eapply Zle_trans.
2: eapply postfinder_increases_bound.
auto with echecker.
intros H H0 H1 H2 H3 s s0 H4 H5 z.
generalize l H; clear l H.
biter_ind; simpl; auto.
intros n K H6 H7 l H8 H10.
biter_split_le H10.
intros. eapply Kwlp_monotonic.
eapply H7; eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; simpl; intros.
eapply ex_monotonic; eauto.
simpl; intros; intuition.
clear H7 H10.
generalize (postfinder_renforce_vc _ _ _ _ _ H8); simpl.
intros H9; eapply Kwlp_monotonic.
eapply postfinder_Kwlp; eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; intros s1 X; eapply ex_monotonic; eauto.
simpl; intuition.
intros; eapply atpostfinder_awlp; eauto.
eapply Kwlp_monotonic.
eapply postfinder_Kwlp; eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; intros s1 X; decompose [ex and] X; clear X.
eapply Kwlp_monotonic.
eapply postfinder_Kwlp; eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; intros s2 X; eapply ex_monotonic; eauto.
clear X; simpl; intuition eauto with echecker.
generalize (postfinder_renforce_vc _ _ _ _ _ H); simpl.
eapply Kwlp_monotonic.
eapply postfinder_Kwlp; eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; intros s1 X; eapply ex_monotonic; eauto.
clear X; simpl; intuition eauto with echecker.
eapply Kwlp_monotonic.
eapply postfinder_Kwlp; eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; intros s1 X; eapply ex_monotonic; eauto.
clear X; simpl; intuition eauto with echecker.
generalize (postfinder_renforce_vc _ _ _ _ _ H7); simpl.
eapply Kwlp_monotonic.
eapply postfinder_Kwlp; eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; intros s1 X; eapply ex_monotonic; eauto.
clear X; simpl; intuition eauto with echecker.
eapply Kwlp_monotonic.
eapply postfinder_Kwlp; eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; intros s1 X; eapply ex_monotonic; eauto.
clear X; simpl; intuition eauto with echecker.
constructor 1 with (x:=extend (aeval inv aenv) bound1 bound2 s0).
unfold extend; constructor 1.
eapply ex_intro; intuition eauto with checker echecker.
constructor 1.
intros s' X; decompose [and ex] X; clear X.
intros; eapply Kwlp_monotonic.
eapply postfinder_Kwlp; eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; intros s1 X; eapply ex_monotonic; eauto.
clear X; simpl; intuition eauto with echecker.
unfold extend; auto. intros H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 s s0 H5 H6. intuition.
eapply Kwlp_monotonic.
eapply postfinder_Kwlp with (s0:=(add bound2 (s0 (vid x)) (add (vid x) (s0 (vid x)) s0))) (bound2:=(bound2+1)%positive); eauto.
simpl; intuition; autorewrite with rchecker; omega.
eauto with echecker.
eauto with echecker.
eapply frameeq_trans.
eapply add_frameeq_out_2; auto.
eapply frameeq_trans.
2: apply H5.
unfold frameeq; intros; rewrite add_id; auto.
constructor 1.
rewrite add_out.
rewrite add_in.
rewrite add_in; auto.
rewrite rename_cbounds; auto.
unfold extend; intros s1 X; case X; clear X.
intros s2 X. case X; clear X.
intros H9 X; case X; clear X.
intros H10 H11.
constructor 1 with (x:=add (vid x) (s2 bound2) (add bound2 (s2 (vid x)) s2)).
rewrite rsubst_eval_rlift.
erewrite ext_eval.
eapply H9.
intros x0; rewrite swap_rlift.
rewrite add_in. unfold add at 1.
case (POrderedType.Positive_as_DT.eq_dec (vid x) x0).
intros; subst.
rewrite add_out.
rewrite add_in.
intros; unfold add at 1.
case (POrderedType.Positive_as_DT.eq_dec bound2 x0).
intros; subst; auto.
intros; repeat (rewrite add_out2; auto).
eapply add_morphism; eauto with echecker.
unfold frameeq in × |- ×.
rewrite H11.
rewrite add_in; intuition.
eapply frameeq_trans.
eapply add_frameeq_out_2; auto.
eapply frameeq_trans.
eapply add_frameeq_out_1; auto.
eapply frameeq_trans.
eapply add_frameeq_out_2; auto with zarith.
eapply frameeq_trans.
eapply frameeq_Zle.
eapply H11.
auto with echecker.
eapply frameeq_trans.
eapply add_frameeq_out_2; auto with zarith.
eapply add_frameeq_out_1; auto with checker.
eauto with echecker.
case (Zeq_bool (abranch (afind (labid label) aenv)) (labmin label)); simpl;
intros H H0 H1 H2 H3 s s0 H4 H5.
generalize l H; clear l H.
intros l H6; case H6; clear H6; intros H6.
case (H6 _ H5).
intros z H6 H7 H8; constructor 1 with (x:=z).
Definition Kvcg p := vcl (Kvcgen p nil).
Hint Resolve bound_Kbounds: checker.
Theorem Kvcg_correctness (p: kernel):
vc_eval (Kvcg p) → ∀ s, Kwlp p (fun s ⇒ True) s.
unfold Kvcg, Kvcgen; simpl; intuition.
eapply Kwlp_monotonic; auto.
eapply postfinder_Kwlp.
eapply H.
simpl; auto with checker.
auto with checker.
auto with checker.
auto with checker.
unfold frameeq; eauto.
simpl; auto with checker.