Library Scat.Kernel

The kernel of our verifier: the abstract programming language

Require Import Assertions.
Require Import Atoms.

Abstract syntax of kernel

Inductive kernel: Type :=
 | Kle_iter (n:nat) (label: option alabel) (body last next: kernel)
 | Kgjoin (min max:Z) (pf: Zkernel)
 | Kiat (inst: atom)
 | Kseq (pf pn:kernel)
 | Kjoin (pl pr:kernel)
 | Kjoinch (pl pr: kernel) (convexhull: assertion)
 | Kloop (body:kernel) (inv: assertion)
 | Kclone (x:var) (body:kernel)
 | Kdeflabel (label: alabel) (res:Z) (p: kernel)
 | Kbranch2 (label: alabel) (p: boolkernel)
 | Kbranch (label: alabel) (p: Zkernel).

Kernel concrete semantics

Fixpoint Kwlp_iter (n:nat) (k: (stateProp) → stateProp) (post: stateProp) (s:state) :=
  match n with
  | Opost s
  | (S n) ⇒ Kwlp_iter n k (k post) s

Fixpoint Kwlp_le_iter (n:nat) (k: (stateProp) → stateProp) (post: stateProp) (s:state) :=
  match n with
  | Opost s
  | (S n) ⇒ Kwlp_le_iter n k post s Kwlp_iter (S n) k post s

Fixpoint Kwlp (p: kernel) (post: stateProp) (s:state) {struct p}: Prop :=
  match p with
  | Kle_iter n _ body last next
      Kwlp_le_iter n (Kwlp body) (Kwlp next post) s
       Kwlp_iter (S n) (Kwlp body) (Kwlp last post) s
  | Kgjoin min max pf z, min z maxKwlp (pf z) post s
  | Kiat instawlp inst post s
  | Kseq pf pnKwlp pf (Kwlp pn post) s
  | Kjoin pl pr(Kwlp pl post s) (Kwlp pr post s)
  | Kjoinch pl pr _(Kwlp pl post s) (Kwlp pr post s)
  | Kloop body _
     inv: stateProp,
        (inv s)
      ( s', inv s'Kwlp body inv s')
      ( s', inv s'post s')
  | Kclone x bodyKwlp body (fun s'post (add (vid x) (s (vid x)) s')) s
  | Kdeflabel _ _ pKwlp p post s
  | Kbranch2 _ p(Kwlp (p true) post s) (Kwlp (p false) post s)
  | Kbranch l pf z, (labmin l) z (labmax l) Kwlp (pf z) post s

Section Kiter_proofs.

Variable k: (stateProp) → stateProp.

Hypothesis k_monotonic: (P Q: stateProp) s, k P s → ( s, P sQ s) → k Q s.

Lemma Kiter_monotonic n:
    (P Q: stateProp) s, Kwlp_iter n k P s → ( s, P sQ s) → Kwlp_iter n k Q s.
  induction n; simpl; firstorder.

Hint Resolve Kiter_monotonic: echecker.

Lemma Kle_iter_monotonic n:
    (P Q: stateProp) s, Kwlp_le_iter n k P s → ( s, P sQ s) → Kwlp_le_iter n k Q s.
  induction n; simpl; firstorder eauto with echecker.

End Kiter_proofs.

Hint Resolve Kle_iter_monotonic Kiter_monotonic: echecker.

Lemma Kwlp_monotonic p:
   (P Q: stateProp) s, Kwlp p P s
    ( s, P sQ s) → Kwlp p Q s.
  induction p; simpl; try (intuition (simpl; eauto with echecker; fail)).

Hint Resolve Kwlp_monotonic: echecker.

Kangel_wlp angelic wlp (used for abstraction of concrete terms)

Fixpoint Kangel_wlp (p: kernel) (post: stateProp) (s:state) {struct p}: Prop :=
  match p with
  | Kclone x bodyKangel_wlp body (fun s'post (add (vid x) (s (vid x)) s')) s
  | Kiat instangel_awlp inst post s
  | Kseq pf pnKangel_wlp pf (Kangel_wlp pn post) s
  | Kjoin pl pr(Kangel_wlp pl post s) (Kangel_wlp pr post s)
  | Kbranch2 _ p(Kwlp (p true) (fun sTrue) sKangel_wlp (p true) post s) (Kwlp (p false) (fun sTrue) sKangel_wlp (p false) post s)
  | Kbranch l p z, (labmin l) z (labmax l)Kwlp (p z) (fun sTrue) sKangel_wlp (p z) post s
  | _False

Lemma Kangel_wlp_monotonic p:
   (P Q: stateProp) s, Kangel_wlp p P s
    ( s, P sQ s) → Kangel_wlp p Q s.
  induction p; simpl; try (intuition (eauto with angel; fail)).

Hint Resolve Kangel_wlp_monotonic: echecker angel.

Lemma Kangel_wlp_duality p :
   P s, Kangel_wlp p P s~(Kwlp p (fun s~(P s)) s).
  induction p; simpl; try (intuition (eauto with angel; fail)).
  intros P s H H1.
  eapply (IHp1 _ _ H).
  eapply Kwlp_monotonic; eauto.
  clear H1 H.
  intros P s H0. case H0; clear H0; intros H1 H2.
  intro H0; case H0; clear H0.
  intros H0. lapply H1.
  clear H1 H2; firstorder.
  eapply Kwlp_monotonic; eauto.
  intros H0. lapply H2.
  clear H1 H2; firstorder.
  eapply Kwlp_monotonic; eauto.
  intros P s H0 H1.
  case H1; clear H1.
  intros z; intuition.
  case (H z P s); clear H.
  apply H0; intuition.
  eapply Kwlp_monotonic; eauto.
  eapply Kwlp_monotonic; eauto.

Require Import Classical_Prop.
Lemma Kangel_wlp_correctness p R s s':
  Kwlp p R sKangel_wlp p (eq s') sR s'.
  intros H H0.
  apply NNPP.
  intros H1.
  apply (Kangel_wlp_duality _ _ _ H0); clear H0.
  eapply Kwlp_monotonic; eauto.
  intros s0 H0 H2; subst.