Library Scat.Guassign
Technical stuff about conditions in order to support guassign
Require Import Coq.FSets.FMapPositive.
Require Import Coq.Structures.OrderedTypeEx.
Require Import PArith.
Require Import PArith.POrderedType.
Require Export Renaming.
Frame bound of a list of variables
Fixpoint lbounds bound (l: list var) : Prop :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ True
| x::l ⇒ (Zpos (vid x)) < Zpos bound ∧ lbounds bound l
Lemma lbounds_Zle l bound1:
lbounds bound1 l → ∀ bound2:positive, (Zpos bound1) ≤ (Zpos bound2) → lbounds bound2 l.
induction l; simpl; intuition eauto with echecker2.
Hint Resolve lbounds_Zle: echecker.
Fixpoint lbound (l: list var) (bound: positive): positive :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ bound
| x::l ⇒ lbound l (Pmax ((vid x)+1)%positive bound)
Lemma lbound_monotonic l: ∀ bound, (Zpos bound) ≤ Zpos (lbound l bound).
induction l; simpl; intros; eauto with checker echecker.
Hint Resolve lbound_monotonic: checker.
Lemma lbound_lbounds l: ∀ bound, (lbounds (lbound l bound) l).
induction l; simpl; intuition eauto with checker echecker echecker2.
Hint Resolve lbound_lbounds: checker.
Lemma lframeeq_nil_invert bound1 bound2 s s':
lframeeq nil s s' → frameeq bound1 bound2 s s'.
unfold lframeeq; simpl.
unfold frameeq; intuition.
Lemma lframeeq_cons_invert l x s s':
lframeeq (x::l) s s' → lframeeq l (add (vid x) (s' (vid x)) s) s'.
unfold lframeeq; simpl.
intros; unfold add; case (Positive_as_DT.eq_dec (vid x) x0); intuition subst; auto.
Fixpoint lfreshx (l:list var) (r:renaming) : renaming :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ r
| x::l ⇒ lfreshx l (fresh x r)
Lemma lfreshx_rbounds l: ∀ bound r, rbounds bound r → rbounds bound (lfreshx l r).
induction l; simpl; auto with checker.
Lemma lfreshx_rbound l: ∀ r, Zpos (rbound r) ≤ Zpos (rbound (lfreshx l r)).
induction l; simpl; intros; auto with checker.
eapply Zle_trans.
2: apply IHl.
simpl; auto with checker echecker.
Hint Resolve lfreshx_rbounds lfreshx_rbound: checker.
Definition lfresh l bound := lfreshx l (rempty bound).
Lemma lfresh_rbounds l bound: rbounds bound (lfresh l bound).
unfold lfresh; intros; auto with checker.
Lemma lfresh_rbound l: ∀ bound, Zpos bound ≤ Zpos (rbound (lfresh l bound)).
unfold lfresh; intros.
eapply Zle_trans.
2: auto with checker.
simpl; auto with checker.
Hint Resolve lfresh_rbound lfresh_rbounds: echecker.
Lemma add_tech1 bound s1 s2 x: frameeq 0 bound s2 s1 → Zpos x < Zpos bound
→ frameeq 0 bound (add x (s1 x) s2) s1.
unfold frameeq; intros H2 H3 y H4.
intros; rewrite <- H2; intuition.
autorewrite with rchecker.
Hint Resolve add_tech1: checker.
Fixpoint ladd (l:list var) (r: renaming) (s s': state): state :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ s'
| x::l ⇒ ladd l (fresh x r) s (add (rbound r) (s' (vid (rfind x r))) (add (vid x) (s (vid x)) s'))
Lemma add_tech2 bound s1 s2 x r: rbounds bound r → frameeq 0 bound s2 s1 → Zpos (vid x) < Zpos bound
→ frameeq 0 bound (add (rbound r) (s2 (vid (rfind x r))) (add (vid x) (s1 (vid x)) s2)) s1.
intros H1 H2 H3.
eapply frameeq_trans.
eapply add_frameeq_out_2; eauto.
auto with checker.
auto with checker.
Hint Resolve add_tech2: checker.
Hint Resolve lframeeq_nil_invert:checker.
Lemma ladd_frameeq_1 l: ∀ bound s1 s2 s3 r,
lframeeq l s3 s1 →
rbounds bound r →
lbounds bound l →
frameeq 0 bound s2 s3 →
frameeq 0 bound (ladd l r s1 s2) s1.
induction l; simpl; intuition.
eauto with checker echecker.
eapply IHl.
eapply lframeeq_cons_invert; eauto.
auto with checker.
eapply frameeq_trans; eauto with checker2 checker.
Lemma ladd_frameeq_2 l: ∀ bound1 bound2 s1 s2 s3 r,
Zpos bound1 ≤ Zpos bound2
→ lframeeq l s3 s1
→ lbounds bound1 l
→ rbounds bound2 r
→ frameeq 0 bound1 s2 s3
→ frameeq (Zpos bound1) bound2 (ladd l r s1 s2) s2.
induction l; simpl; intuition.
eapply frameeq_trans.
eapply IHl; auto.
eapply lframeeq_cons_invert; eauto.
eauto with checker echecker.
eapply frameeq_trans.
eapply add_frameeq_out_2; eauto with checker echecker.
auto with checker.
clear IHl.
eapply frameeq_trans.
eapply add_frameeq_out_2; eauto.
auto with checker.
auto with checker2.
Lemma eval_rsubst_lfreshx l: ∀ c bound r s s0 s',
cbounds (rbound r) c
→ lframeeq l s s'
→ rbounds bound r
→ lbounds bound l
→ frameeq 0 bound s0 s
→ eval (rsubst c r) s0
→ eval (rsubst c (lfreshx l r)) (ladd l r s' s0).
induction l; simpl; intuition.
intros; eapply IHl; clear IHl; simpl.
eauto with echecker checker.
intros; eapply lframeeq_cons_invert.
eapply H0.
eauto with echecker checker.
eapply frameeq_trans.
eapply add_frameeq_out_2; eauto with checker.
eauto with checker.
erewrite rsubst_fresh_cbounds; eauto.
Lemma eval_rsubst l: ∀ c bound1 bound2 s s0 s',
cbounds bound2 c
→ Zpos bound1 ≤ Zpos bound2
→ lbounds bound1 l
→ frameeq 0 bound1 s0 s
→ eval c s0
→ lframeeq l s s'
→ eval (rsubst c (lfresh l bound2)) (ladd l (rempty bound2) s' s0).
intros; unfold lfresh.
eapply eval_rsubst_lfreshx; eauto.
eauto with checker echecker.
autorewrite with rchecker; auto.
Lemma eval_orsubst_lfreshx l: ∀ c bound r s s0 s',
lframeeq l s s'
→ rbounds bound r
→ lbounds bound l
→ cbounds bound c
→ frameeq 0 bound s0 s
→ oeval c (rlift s0 r) s'
→ eval (orsubst c (lfreshx l r)) (ladd l r s' s0).
induction l; simpl; intuition.
rewrite orsubst_eval_rlift.
erewrite frameeq_oeval; eauto with checker.
eapply frameeq_trans; eauto with checker.
intros; eapply IHl; clear IHl.
intros; eapply lframeeq_cons_invert.
eapply H.
eauto with echecker checker.
eapply frameeq_trans.
eapply add_frameeq_out_2; eauto with checker.
eauto with checker.
erewrite frameeq_oeval; eauto with checker.
eapply frameeq_Zle.
eapply rlift_fresh_tech; eauto.
auto with checker.
Lemma eval_orsubst l: ∀ c bound1 bound2 s s0 s',
Zpos bound1 ≤ Zpos bound2
→ lbounds bound1 l
→ cbounds bound1 c
→ frameeq 0 bound1 s0 s
→ lframeeq l s s'
→ oeval c s s'
→ eval (orsubst c (lfresh l bound2)) (ladd l (rempty bound2) s' s0).
intros; unfold lfresh.
eapply eval_orsubst_lfreshx; eauto.
eauto with checker echecker.
erewrite frameeq_oeval; eauto with checker.
unfold frameeq in × |- ×.
intros; autorewrite with rchecker; auto.
Lemma guassign_vc: ∀ l (pre post: cond) bound1 bound2 s s0 s',
cbounds bound2 pre
→ Zpos bound1 ≤ Zpos bound2
→ lbounds bound1 l
→ cbounds bound1 post
→ frameeq 0 bound1 s0 s
→ eval pre s0
→ lframeeq l s s'
→ oeval post s s'
→ extend (bin AND (rsubst pre (lfresh l bound2))
(orsubst post (lfresh l bound2)))
bound1 bound2 s0 s'.
unfold extend; intuition.
constructor 1 with (x:=ladd l (rempty bound2) s' s0); simpl; intuition.
eapply eval_rsubst; eauto.
eapply eval_orsubst; eauto.
eapply ladd_frameeq_1; eauto with checker echecker.
eapply ladd_frameeq_2; eauto with checker echecker.