title = { Algorithmic Analysis of Continuous and Hybrid Systems },
author = {Maler, Oded},
year = {2013},
booktitle = {Infinity},
series = {EPTCS},
team = {TEMPO},
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- Karine Altisen, Alain Cournier, Geoffrey Defalque, Stéphane Devismes: Self-stabilizing synchronous unison in directed networks
- Dominique Larchey-Wendling, Jean-François Monin: Proof Pearl: Faithful Computation and Extraction of \mu-Recursive Algorithms in Coq
- Erwan Jahier, Karine Altisen, Stéphane Devismes: Exploring Worst Cases of Self-stabilizing Algorithms using Simulations
- David Monniaux, Léo Gourdin, Sylvain Boulmé, Olivier Lebeltel: Testing a Formally Verified Compiler
Jobs and internships
- Jobs and internships
- [Master] Implementation of critical applications on multi-core: execution mode analysis to reduce interferences
- PERSYVAL Master 2 Scholarships
- [Funded PhD/PostDoc] Countermeasures to (transient) Side-Channel Attacks in a Formally Verified Compiler
- [Funded PhD] Annotations de sécurité pour compilateur optimisant formellement vérifié
- [Funded PhD] Formal Modeling and Verification of Parameterized and Distributed Systems
- [Funded PhD] Improving Diagnosis for a Formal Verification Tool for Electrical Circuits at Transistor Level
- [Funded PhD] Modular Analysis for Formal Verification of Integrated Circuits at Transistor Level
- [Funded PhD] Quantitative analysis of software security against adaptive attacks
- [Master] Formal Methods for the Verification of Self-Adapting Distributed Systems
- [Master]Leakage in presence of an active and adaptive adversary
- [PostDoc] Implementation of critical applications on multi-core: execution mode analysis to reduce interferences