Technical Reports

R. Janvier, Y. Lakhnech, L. Mazaré
(De)Compositions of Cryptographic Schemes and their Applications to Protocols (2005)


Keywords: Security, Cryptographic Protocols, Formal Encryption, Probabilistic Encryption, Dolev-Yao Model, Computational Model, Provable cryptography

Abstract: The main result of this paper is that the Dolev-Yao model is a safe abstraction of the computational model for security protocols including those that combine asymmetric and symmetric encryption, signature and hashing. Moreover, message forwarding and private key transmission are allowed. To our knowledge this is the first result that deals with hash functions and the combination of these cryptographic primitives. A key step towards this result is a general definition of correction of cryptographic primitives, that unifies well known correctness criteria such as IND-CPA, IND-CCA, unforgeability etc.... and a theorem that allows to reduce the correctness of a composition of two cryptographic schemes to the correctness of each one. A version of this paper appears as e-print report:

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