Technical Reports

Ayoub Nouri, Anca Molnos, Julien Mottin, Marius Bozga, Saddek Bensalem, Arnaud Tonda, Francois Pacull
A Model-based Approach for Rapid Prototyping of Parallel Applications on Manycore (2014)


Keywords: Code generation flow, Manycore architecture, Model-based design

Abstract: Rapid prototyping of highly parallel applications on manycore platforms is extremely challenging. This paper presents an automated analysis and code generation flow for implementing high-level KPN models on STHORM, an embedded 64-core computing fabric developed by STMicroelectronics. The flow is model-based with sound semantical basis and enables formal verification and performance analysis at different stages. The target for code generation is the MCAPI programming standard which has been ported on STHORM. Currently, the flow is fully operational. We report concrete results obtained on image-processing algorithms and illustrate the potential benefits of the flow for exploring implementation trade-offs

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