Tayeb Bouhadiba

supervisor : F. Maraninchi - PhD 2006-2010

42, A Component-Based Approach to Virtual Prototyping of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems

Committee (September 15, 2010) :

Marc Pouzet (Pr. ENS Paris) Reviewer and President
Lionel Seinturier (Pr. Lille University) Reviewer
Jean-Bernard Stefani (D.R INRIA Rhône-Alpes) Examiner
Florence Maraninchi (Pr. Grenoble INP) Supervisor


  Thesis abstract

The work presented in this thesis deals with virtual prototyping of heterogeneous embedded systems. The complexity of these systems make it difficult to find an optimal solution. Hence, engineers usually make simulations that require virtual prototyping of the system. Virtual prototyping of an embedded system aims at providing an executable model of it, in order to study its functional as well as its non-functional aspects. Our contribution is the definition of a new component-based approach for the virtual prototyping of embedded systems, called 42. 42 is not a new language for the design of embedded systems, it is a tool for describing components and assemblies for embedded systems at the system-level. Virtual prototyping of embedded systems must take into account their heterogeneous aspect. Following Ptolemy, several approaches propose a catalog of MoCCs (Models of Computation and Communication) and a framework for hierarchically combining them in order to model heterogeneity. As in Ptolemy, 42 allows to organize components and MoCCs in hierarchy. However, the MoCCs in 42 are described by means of programs manipulating a small set of basic primitives to activate components and to manage their communication. A component-based approach like 42 requires a formalism for specifying components. 42 proposes several means for specifying components. We will present these means an give particular interest to 42 control contracts. 42 is designed independently from any language or formalism and may be used jointly with the existing approaches. We provide a proof of concept to demonstrate the interest of using 42 and its control contracts with the existing approaches.



  1. Modeling Power Consumption and Temperature in TLM Models. Matthieu Moy, Claude Helmstetter, Tayeb Bouhadiba, Florence Maraninchi - Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems - [bibtex]


  1. Co-Simulation of Functional SystemC TLM Models with Power/Thermal Solvers. Tayeb Bouhadiba, Matthieu Moy, Florence Maraninchi, Jérôme Cornet, Laurent Maillet-Contoz, Ilija Materic - Virtual Prototyping of Parallel and Embedded Systems (VIPES) - [bibtex]
  2. System-Level Modeling of Energy in TLM for Early Validation of Power and Thermal Management. Tayeb Bouhadiba, Matthieu Moy, Florence Maraninchi - Design Automation and Test Europe (DATE) - PDF - [bibtex]


  1. Co-Simulation of a SystemC TLM Virtual Platform with a Power Simulator at the Architectural Level: Case of a Set-Top Box. Jérôme Cornet, Laurent Maillet-Contoz, Ilija Materic, Sylvian Kaiser, Hela Boussetta, Tayeb Bouhadiba, Matthieu Moy, Florence Maraninchi - Design Automation Conference - [bibtex]


  1. 42, A Component-Based Approach to Virtual Prototyping of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems. Tayeb Bouhadiba - PDF - [bibtex]


  1. Contract-Based Coordination of Hardware Components for the Development of Embedded Software. Tayeb Bouhadiba, Florence Maraninchi - COORDINATION'09, the 11th international conference on Coordination Models and Languages - [bibtex]
  2. Formal and Executable Contracts for Transaction-Level Modeling in SystemC. Tayeb Bouhadiba, Florence Maraninchi, Giovanni Funchal - ACM International Conference on Embedded Sofware (EMSOFT 09) - [bibtex]
  3. 42: Programmable Models of Computation for the Component-Based Virtual Prototyping of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems. Florence Maraninchi, Tayeb Bouhadiba - [bibtex]
  4. Formal and Executable Contracts for Transaction-Level Modeling in SystemC - Full version. Tayeb Bouhadiba, Florence Maraninchi, Giovanni Funchal - [bibtex]


  1. 42: Programmable Models of Computation for a Component-Based Approach to Heterogeneous Embedded Systems. Florence Maraninchi, Tayeb Bouhadiba - Sixth ACM International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'07) - [bibtex]
  2. Model-Based X and Virtual Prototyping (with the Model of Components 42). Florence Maraninchi, Tayeb Bouhadiba - [bibtex]


  1. 42: the question of components, embedded systems, and everything. Florence Maraninchi, Tayeb Bouhadiba - [bibtex]
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