Laure Danthony-Gonnord

supervisor: N. Halbwachs - PhD 2003-2007

Abstract Acceleration to improve precision in Linear Relation Analysis.

Committee (October 25th, 2007):

— Yves Ledru (Pr, UJF) President
— François Irigoin (Mines Paris), reviewer
— Philippe Schnoebelen (CNRS, LSV), reviewer
— Bertrand Jeannet (INRIA)
— Thomas Reps (University of Wisconsin)
— Nicolas Halbwachs (DR CNRS, Verimag), supervisor



  1. Cell Morphing: From Array Programs to Array-Free Horn Clauses. David Monniaux, Laure Gonnord - Static analysis - [bibtex]


  1. Synthesis of ranking functions using extremal counterexamples. Laure Gonnord, David Monniaux, Gabriel Radanne - Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) - [bibtex]


  1. Using bounded model checking to focus fixpoint iterations. David Monniaux, Laure Gonnord - Static analysis (SAS) - PDF - [bibtex]


  1. Acceleration abstraite pour l'amelioration de la precision en analyse des relations lineaires. Laure Gonnord - [bibtex]


  1. Some ways to reduce the space dimension in polyhedra computations. Nicolas Halbwachs, David Merchat, Laure Gonnord - Formal Methods in System Design - [bibtex]
  2. Combining widening and acceleration in linear relation analysis. Laure Gonnord, Nicolas Halbwachs - 13th International Static Analysis Symposium, SAS'06 - [bibtex]


  1. From Discrete Duration Calculus to Symbolic Automata. Laure Gonnord, Nicolas Halbwachs, Pascal Raymond - 3rd International Workshop on Synchronous Languages, Applications, and Programs, SLAP'04, see also Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science Volume 153, Issue 4, 27 June 2006, Pages 3-18 - [bibtex]
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