Claude Helmstetter

supervisor : F. Maraninchi - PhD 2003-2007

Validating Models of Systems-on-a-Chip with Loose Timings and Non-Deterministic Schedulings

Committee (march 26, 2007) :

  • Florence Maraninchi (supervisor, VERIMAG)
  • Gérard Berry (reviewer, EsterelTechnology, Academy of Sciences)
  • Patrice Godefroid (reviewer, Microsoft Research, USA)
  • Laurent Maillet-Contoz (advisor, STMicroelectronics)
  • Marc Renaudin (president, Grenoble INP)

PhD text on HAL (in French)



  1. Modeling Power Consumption and Temperature in TLM Models. Matthieu Moy, Claude Helmstetter, Tayeb Bouhadiba, Florence Maraninchi - Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems - [bibtex]


  1. Fast and Accurate TLM Simulations using Temporal Decoupling for FIFO-based Communications. Claude Helmstetter, Jérôme Cornet, Bruno Galilée, Matthieu Moy, Pascal VIVET - Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) - [bibtex]


  1. Designing a CPU model: from a pseudo-formal document to fast code. Frédéric Blanqui, Claude Helmstetter, Vania Joloboff, Jean-François Monin, Xiaomu Shi - Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Rapid Simulation and Performance Evaluation: Methods and Tools - [bibtex]


  1. Designing a CPU simulator: from a pseudo-formal document to fast code. Frédéric Blanqui, Claude Helmstetter, Vania Joloboff, Jean-François Monin, Xan Shi - [bibtex]
  2. SimSoC-Cert: a Certified Simulator for Systems on Chip. Frédéric Blanqui, Claude Helmstetter, Vania Joloboff, Jean-François Monin, Xan Shi - [bibtex]


  1. Full Simulation Coverage for SystemC Transaction-Level Models of Systems-on-a-Chip. Claude Helmstetter, Florence Maraninchi, Laurent Maillet-Contoz - Formal Methods in System Design - [bibtex]


  1. SystemC/TLM Semantics for Heterogeneous System-on-Chip Validation. Florence Maraninchi, Matthieu Moy, Jérôme Cornet, Laurent Maillet-Contoz, Claude Helmstetter, Claus Traulsen - 2008 Joint IEEE-NEWCAS and TAISA Conference - [bibtex]


  1. Validation de modèles de systèmes sur puce en présence d'ordonnancements indéterministes et de temps imprécis. Claude Helmstetter - [bibtex]


  1. Test Coverage for Loose Timing Annotations. Claude Helmstetter, Florence Maraninchi, Laurent Maillet-Contoz - 11th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems - [bibtex]
  2. Automatic Generation of Schedulings for Improving the Test Coverage of Systems-on-a-Chip. Claude Helmstetter, Florence Maraninchi, Laurent Maillet-Contoz, Matthieu Moy - Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD) - [bibtex]

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