Labex-Persyval 2021-2024

Partners : LCIS Valence, TIMA Grenoble, Verimag/PACS

Securing the software components (e.g., microprocessors and microcontrollers) intended for the IoT market, as well as for critical Cyber Physical Systems, requires, on the one hand, analyzing their vulnerabilities and, on the other hand, defining hardware and software countermeasures at the most appropriate cost.

The increasing complexity of the microprocessor architectures and the applications they run means that the typical software fault models (such as instruction skips, instruction replacements) used to analyze the vulnerability of their code are no longer sufficient to express the diversity of faulty behaviors in modern architectures. Indeed, microarchitecture designers have progressively added many complex hardware blocks (for example, pipeline, cache memory, branch prediction, speculative execution, specialized blocks) in order to optimize program executions. At the same time, fault injection techniques (such as ElectroMagnetic or Laser attacks, voltage or clock glitch injections) are constantly progressing. Today, these techniques allow multiple injections both multi-temporal and multi-spatial to achieve attacker objectives.

In this context the project CAM aims to address the 3 following challenges :

  1. studying the modeling of complex physical attack effects
  2. helping to evaluate, design and combine adapted countermeasures
  3. automatic tools for taking into account spatial and temporal multi-faults.
Voir en ligne : CLAM website

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