Publications 2003

International Conferences

  1. Jean-Claude. Fernandez, Laurent Mounier, Cyril Pachon. Property Oriented Test Case Generation. In Proceedings of FATES'03 (Satellite workshop of ASE'03), Montreal, Canada, 2003. (more) pdf
  2. Dominique Borrione, Menouer Boubekeur, Laurent Mounier, Marc Renaudin, Antoine Sirianni. Validation of asynchronous circuit specifications using IF/CADP. In IFIP Intl. Conference on VLSI, Darmstadt, Germany, December 2003. (more) pdf
  3. Menouer Boubekeur, Dominique Borrione, Laurent Mounier, Marc Renaudin, Antoine Sirianni. Modelling CHP descriptions in Labelled Transition Systems for an efficient formal validations of asynchronous circuit specifications. In Forum on Specification and Design Language (FDL'03), Frankfurt, Germany, September 2003. (more) pdf