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j-POST -- Property Oriented Software Testing

Tool-chain download

The GUI version of j-POST is available for linux. Versions for Windows and Mac OS X are upcoming.

  • j-POST Test Designer GUI here
  • j-POST Test Generator GUI here
  • j-POST Test Execution Engine GUI here

In command line, j-POST has been tested and works on Linux and Mac OS X. See the README file in each tool distribution for usage instructions

  • j-POST Test Designer v 0.2 here
  • j-POST Test Generator v 0.3 here
  • j-POST Test Execution Engine v 0.2.1 here

Version History

Test Designer

  • Apr 8, 2008: GUI version available
  • Nov 2, 2007: TestDesigner 0.2
    • Full inclusion of the test case editor as an Eclipse EMF plugin
    • Corrected a bug with the output path of the test case image
    • Improved the distribution package
  • Oct 1, 2007: TestDesigner 0.1

Test Generator

  • Apr 8, 2008: GUI version available
  • Nov 19, 2007: TestGenerator 0.3
    • Support for Extended Regular Expression as requirement formalism
  • Nov 2, 2007: TestGenerator 0.2
    • Improved the distribution package
  • Oct 1, 2007: TestGenerator 0.1

Test Engine

  • Apr 8, 2008: GUI version available
  • Nov 9, 2007: TestEngine 0.2.1
    • Improved graphs of execution logs
  • Nov 2, 2007: TestEngine 0.2
    • Corrected a bug in the communication between test processes
    • Improved the distribution package
  • Oct 1, 2007: TestEngine 0.1