Library HoareTut.hoarelogic
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Export hoarelogicsemantics.
Require Import partialhoarelogic.
Require Import totalhoarelogic.
Module HoareLogic(Ex: ExprLang)<: HoareLogicSem with Module E:=Ex.
Module E:=Ex.
Module HLD <: HoareLogicDefs with Module E:=E.
Module E:=E.
Inductive ImpProg: Type :=
| Iskip: ImpProg
| Iset (A:Type) (v:E.Var A) (expr:E.Expr A): ImpProg
| Iif (cond:E.Expr bool) (p1 p2:ImpProg): ImpProg
| Iseq (p1 p2:ImpProg): ImpProg
| Iwhile (cond:E.Expr bool) (p:ImpProg): ImpProg.
Inductive exec: E.Env → ImpProg → E.Env → Prop :=
| exec_Iskip:
∀ e, (exec e Iskip e)
| exec_Iset:
∀ (A:Type) e x (expr: E.Expr A),
(exec e (Iset x expr) (E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e))
| exec_Iif:
∀ e (cond: E.Expr bool) p1 p2 e',
(exec e (if (E.eval cond e) then p1 else p2) e')
→ (exec e (Iif cond p1 p2) e')
| exec_Iseq:
∀ e p1 p2 e' e'',
(exec e p1 e')
→ (exec e' p2 e'')
→ (exec e (Iseq p1 p2) e'')
| exec_Iwhile:
∀ e cond p e',
(exec e (Iif cond (Iseq p (Iwhile cond p)) Iskip) e')
→ (exec e (Iwhile cond p) e').
Lemma exec_Iif_true:
∀ e cond p1 p2 e',
(E.eval cond e)=true
→ (exec e p1 e')
→ (exec e (Iif cond p1 p2) e').
intros e cond p1 p2 e' H1 H2.
apply exec_Iif.
rewrite H1; auto.
Lemma exec_Iif_false:
∀ e cond p1 p2 e',
(E.eval cond e)=false
→ (exec e p2 e')
→ (exec e (Iif cond p1 p2) e').
intros e cond p1 p2 e' H1 H2.
apply exec_Iif.
rewrite H1; auto.
Definition Pred := E.Env → Prop.
Definition wlp: ImpProg → Pred → Pred
:= fun prog post e ⇒ (∀ e', (exec e prog e') → (post e')).
Definition wp: ImpProg → Pred → Pred
:= fun prog post e ⇒ ∃ e', (exec e prog e') ∧ (post e').
Notation "p |= q" := (∀ e, (p e) → (q e)) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "p {= post =}" := (wlp p post) (at level 70).
Notation "p [= post =]" := (wp p post) (at level 70).
End HLD.
Export HLD.
Module PHL<: HoareProofSystem := PartialHoareLogic(HLD).
Module THL<: HoareProofSystem := TotalHoareLogic(HLD).
Import THL.
Lemma wp_entails_wlp: ∀ prog post, prog [= post =] |= prog {= post =}.
unfold wp, wlp. intros prog post e H e' H'.
dec2 e0 H.
dec2 H0 H.
rewrite (exec_deterministic H' H0).
End HoareLogic.
"Tutorial on Hoare Logic" Library. Copyright 2007 Sylvain Boulme.
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