Library HoareTut.totalhoarelogic

Generation of Hoare proof obligations in total correctness

This file is part of the "Tutorial on Hoare Logic". For an introduction to this Coq library, see or index.html.
This file gives a syntactic definition of the weakest precondition wp introduced in hoarelogicsemantics. We refine here the approach of partialhoarelogic.

Global Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Export hoarelogicsemantics.
Require Wf.

Module TotalHoareLogic (HD: HoareLogicDefs).

Export HD.
Module HLD:=HD.

Definition sem_wp := wp.

Export Wf.

Syntactic definition of the weakest precondition.

In the following, we show that this definition is logically equivalent to wp.
Fixpoint synt_wp (prog: ImpProg) : Pred Pred
 := fun post e
  match prog with
  | Iskippost e
  | (Iset A x expr) ⇒ post (E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e)
  | (Iif cond p1 p2) ⇒
          ((E.eval cond e)=true (synt_wp p1 post e))
        ((E.eval cond e)=false (synt_wp p2 post e))
  | (Iseq p1 p2) ⇒ synt_wp p1 (synt_wp p2 post) e
  | (Iwhile cond p) ⇒
         R:E.Env E.Env Prop,
             (well_founded R)
           (inv e)
           ( e', (inv e')
                   (E.eval cond e')=false post e')
           ( e', (inv e')
                   (E.eval cond e')=true synt_wp p inv e')
           ( e0, (inv e0)
                   (E.eval cond e0)=true synt_wp p (fun e1R e1 e0) e0)


Monotonicity is also trivially satisfied by wp. We need it here to prove the soundness.
Lemma synt_wp_monotonic:
   (p: ImpProg) (post1 post2: Pred),
   ( e, post1 e post2 e)
     e, (synt_wp p post1 e) (synt_wp p post2 e).
  induction p; simpl; firstorder eauto.

Hint Resolve synt_wp_monotonic: hoare.

Below, a little tactic to decompose a pair in hypothesis H by giving the name n to the first component.
Ltac dec2 n H := case H; clear H; intros n H.

The property below is also satisfied by wp (using the fact that the language is deterministic). We need it here to prove the soundness.
Lemma synt_wp_conj:
  (p: ImpProg) (post1 post2: Pred) e,
   (synt_wp p post1 e) (synt_wp p post2 e)
      (synt_wp p (fun epost1 e post2 e) e).
  induction p; simpl; try ((intuition auto); fail).
  intros post1 post2 e H1 H2.
  intros; eapply synt_wp_monotonic.
  2: apply (IHp1 _ _ _ H1 H2).
  simpl; intuition auto.
  intros post1 post2 e H1 H2.
  dec2 inv1 H1.
  dec2 R1 H1.
  dec2 inv2 H2.
  constructor 1 with (x:=fun einv1 e inv2 e).
  constructor 1 with (x:=R1).
  firstorder auto.

The proof of soundness proceeds by induction over prog.
Lemma wp_sound: prog post, synt_wp prog post |= prog [=post=].
 unfold wp.
 induction prog; simpl; try ((intuition eauto with hoare); fail).
 intros post e.
 set (b:=E.eval cond e).
 cut (E.eval cond e=b); auto.
 case b; firstorder eauto with hoare.
 intros post e H; case (IHprog1 _ _ H).
 intros e0 H0; case (IHprog2 post e0); firstorder eauto with hoare.
 intros post e H.
 dec2 inv H.
 dec2 R H.
 dec2 Rwf H.
 dec2 Hinv H.
 dec2 H1 H.
 dec2 H2 H.
 generalize Hinv.
 pattern e.
 eapply well_founded_ind; eauto.
 clear Hinv e.
 intros e' X H'.
 set (b:=E.eval cond e').
 cut (E.eval cond e'=b); auto.
 case b; [ idtac | firstorder eauto with hoare ].
 intros H5.
 case (IHprog (wp (Iwhile cond prog) post) e');
 [ idtac | (unfold wp; firstorder eauto with hoare) ].
 eapply synt_wp_monotonic.
 2:apply (synt_wp_conj _ _ _ _ (H2 _ H' H5) (H _ H' H5)).
 simpl; unfold wp; intuition auto.

Auxiliary lemmas for completeness

The proof of completeness requires to exhibit a variant. The purpose of the following lemmas is to build this variant.

A technical issue: the inversion of exec

If your are not interested in Coq details, you may skip this part which only explains how to avoid the assumption of a (consistent and standard) axiom to prove the completeness.
Because the use of dependent types in constructor exec_Iset, the standard inversion of Coq may fail on exec (see exec_test_inversion below).
This comes from the fact the following property is not provable in the core theory of Coq (although it is consistent with it) :
A (x1 x2:E.Var A) e1 e2, (Iset x1 e1)=(Iset x2 e2) x1=x2 e1=e2.
To deal with this problem, we may assume a (consistent) axiom given in Eqdep. But here, we can avoid this axiom.
Indeed, I define an ad-hoc inversion lemma for exec called exec_inversion below. This lemma is directly derived from the notion of weakest liberal precondition: aux_wlp is an other alternative definition of wlp.
Definition aux_wlp (prog: ImpProg) : Pred Pred
 := fun post e
  match prog with
  | Iskippost e
  | (Iset A x expr) ⇒ post (E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e)
  | (Iif cond p1 p2) ⇒
        e', exec e (if E.eval cond e then p1 else p2) e'
           post e'
  | (Iseq p1 p2) ⇒ e1 e2, exec e p1 e1 exec e1 p2 e2 post e2
  | (Iwhile cond p) ⇒ e', exec e (Iif cond (Iseq p (Iwhile cond p)) Iskip) e' post e'

This lemma is my inversion lemma of exec. It expresses the "soundness" of aux_wlp.
Lemma exec_inversion:
   prog e e', (exec e prog e') post, (aux_wlp prog post e) post e'.
  induction 1; simpl;
  try ((firstorder eauto with hoare); fail).

Here is the case, where the previous lemma is better than the standard inversion of Coq.
Lemma exec_test_inversion:
   A (x:E.Var A) expr e e',
     (exec e (Iset x expr) e') e'=(E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e).
  intros A x expr e e' H.
Here, try "inversion H" instead the tactic below. The generated goal is not directly provable.
  pattern e'; apply (exec_inversion H); simpl; auto.

Below, a little tactic to helps in applying exec_inversion.
Ltac exec_inversion H :=
  match type of H with
  | (exec ?e ?p ?e') ⇒ pattern e'; apply (exec_inversion H); simpl; clear H

The programming language is deterministic

This property is probably not necessary to prove the correctness of my variant, but it simplifies the proof a lot.
This lemma is a trivial induction over the first exec derivation, provided the ad-hoc inversion tactic on the second exec derivation.
Lemma exec_deterministic: ei p ef,
  (exec ei p ef) ef', (exec ei p ef') ef=ef'.
  induction 1; intros ef' X; exec_inversion X; eauto.
  intros e1 e2 X1 X2; assert (X3: e'=e1); auto.
  subst; auto.

Definition of the variant

Given a program p and a boolean expression cond, the relation on environment "reduces cond p" is the variant required by "synt_wp (Iwhile cond p)".
I prove below that this relation is well-founded.
Definition reduces cond p e1 e0 :=
  (E.eval cond e0)=true (exec e0 p e1) ef, (exec e1 (Iwhile cond p) ef).

To prove that "reduces cond p" is well-founded, I want to count the number of execution of p in the computation of "Iwhile cond p". Indeed, as the language is deterministic, this number is unique.
Hence, "execn n e (Iwhile cond p) e'" means that "exec e (Iwhile cond p) e'" in a sequence of n execution of p.
Inductive execn: nat E.Env ImpProg E.Env Prop :=
 | execn_Iskip:
     e, (execn 0 e Iskip e)
 | execn_Iset:
     (A:Type) e x (expr: E.Expr A),
     (execn 0 e (Iset x expr) (E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e))
 | execn_Iif:
     n e (cond: E.Expr bool) p1 p2 e',
       (execn n e (if (E.eval cond e) then p1 else p2) e')
          (execn n e (Iif cond p1 p2) e')
 | execn_Iseq:
     n e p1 p2 e' e'',
      (exec e p1 e')
        (execn n e' p2 e'')
          (execn n e (Iseq p1 p2) e'')
 | execn_Iwhile:
     n e cond p e',
     (execn n e (Iif cond (Iseq p (Iwhile cond p)) Iskip) e')
         (execn (S n) e (Iwhile cond p) e').

Hint Resolve execn_Iskip execn_Iset execn_Iif execn_Iseq execn_Iwhile: hoare.

Lemma exec_execn: ei p ef,
  (exec ei p ef) ( n, execn n ei p ef).
  induction 1; firstorder (eauto with hoare).

In the proof below, I mainly use that "reduces cond p e1 e0" implies that there exists n and ef such that "execn (S n) e0 (Iwhile cond p) ef" and "execn n e1 (Iwhile cond p) ef".
Lemma reduces_wf: cond p, well_founded (reduces cond p).
  unfold well_founded.
  intros cond p e0; apply Acc_intro.
  intros e1 H; unfold reduces in H.
  decompose [ex and] H; clear H.
  clear H2 H0 e0.
  case (exec_execn H1).
  intros n.
  generalize cond p e1 x; clear cond p e1 x H1.
  elim n.
  intros cond p e0 e1 H; inversion_clear H.
  clear n; intros n HR cond p e0 e1 H.
  inversion_clear H.
  inversion_clear H0.
  set (b:=E.eval cond e0) in × |-.
  cut (E.eval cond e0=b); auto.
  generalize H; clear H; case b; simpl.
    intros H;
    inversion_clear H.
    apply Acc_intro.
    intros e2 H3; unfold reduces in H3.
    rewrite (exec_deterministic H3 H0); eauto.
    intros H H0; apply Acc_intro.
    unfold reduces; rewrite H0.
Hint Resolve reduces_wf: hoare.


The proof of completeness proceeds by induction over prog syntax.
Lemma wp_complete: prog post, prog [= post =] |= (synt_wp prog post).
 unfold wp.
  intros prog post e H; case H; clear H.
  intros e' H; case H; clear H.
  generalize post e e'; clear post e e'; elim prog; clear prog; simpl.
  intros post e e' H; exec_inversion H; auto.
  intros A v expr post e e' H; exec_inversion H; auto.
  intros cond p1 Hp1 p2 Hp2 post e e' H; exec_inversion H.
  case (E.eval cond e); simpl; firstorder auto || discriminate.
  intros p1 Hp1 p2 Hp2 post e e' H.
  exec_inversion H.
  intros cond p Hp post e e' H H0.
  constructor 1 with (x:=wp (Iwhile cond p) post).
  constructor 1 with (x:=reduces cond p).
  unfold wp; (intuition eauto with hoare);
    dec2 e1 H1;
    case H1; clear H1; intros H1;
    exec_inversion H1;
    intros e2 H1; exec_inversion H1;
    rewrite H2; intros e3 H1; exec_inversion H1;
    unfold reduces; eauto with hoare.

Combining the previous results with transitivity of |=

Hint Resolve wp_complete wp_sound: hoare.

Theorem soundness: pre p post, pre |= (synt_wp p post) pre |= p [=post=].
 auto with hoare.

Theorem completeness: pre p post, pre |= p [=post=] pre |= (synt_wp p post).
  intuition auto with hoare.

End TotalHoareLogic.

"Tutorial on Hoare Logic" Library. Copyright 2007 Sylvain Boulme.
This file is distributed under the terms of the "GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE" version 3.