Library HoareTut.totalhoarelogic
Generation of Hoare proof obligations in total correctness
Global Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Export hoarelogicsemantics.
Require Wf.
Module TotalHoareLogic (HD: HoareLogicDefs).
Export HD.
Module HLD:=HD.
Definition sem_wp := wp.
Export Wf.
Syntactic definition of the weakest precondition.
Fixpoint synt_wp (prog: ImpProg) : Pred → Pred
:= fun post e ⇒
match prog with
| Iskip ⇒ post e
| (Iset A x expr) ⇒ post (E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e)
| (Iif cond p1 p2) ⇒
((E.eval cond e)=true → (synt_wp p1 post e))
∧ ((E.eval cond e)=false → (synt_wp p2 post e))
| (Iseq p1 p2) ⇒ synt_wp p1 (synt_wp p2 post) e
| (Iwhile cond p) ⇒
∃ inv:Pred,
∃ R:E.Env → E.Env → Prop,
(well_founded R)
∧ (inv e)
∧ (∀ e', (inv e')
→ (E.eval cond e')=false → post e')
∧ (∀ e', (inv e')
→ (E.eval cond e')=true → synt_wp p inv e')
∧ (∀ e0, (inv e0)
→ (E.eval cond e0)=true → synt_wp p (fun e1 ⇒ R e1 e0) e0)
:= fun post e ⇒
match prog with
| Iskip ⇒ post e
| (Iset A x expr) ⇒ post (E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e)
| (Iif cond p1 p2) ⇒
((E.eval cond e)=true → (synt_wp p1 post e))
∧ ((E.eval cond e)=false → (synt_wp p2 post e))
| (Iseq p1 p2) ⇒ synt_wp p1 (synt_wp p2 post) e
| (Iwhile cond p) ⇒
∃ inv:Pred,
∃ R:E.Env → E.Env → Prop,
(well_founded R)
∧ (inv e)
∧ (∀ e', (inv e')
→ (E.eval cond e')=false → post e')
∧ (∀ e', (inv e')
→ (E.eval cond e')=true → synt_wp p inv e')
∧ (∀ e0, (inv e0)
→ (E.eval cond e0)=true → synt_wp p (fun e1 ⇒ R e1 e0) e0)
Lemma synt_wp_monotonic:
∀ (p: ImpProg) (post1 post2: Pred),
(∀ e, post1 e → post2 e)
→ ∀ e, (synt_wp p post1 e) → (synt_wp p post2 e).
induction p; simpl; firstorder eauto.
Hint Resolve synt_wp_monotonic: hoare.
∀ (p: ImpProg) (post1 post2: Pred),
(∀ e, post1 e → post2 e)
→ ∀ e, (synt_wp p post1 e) → (synt_wp p post2 e).
induction p; simpl; firstorder eauto.
Hint Resolve synt_wp_monotonic: hoare.
Below, a little tactic to decompose a pair in hypothesis H
by giving the name n to the first component.
Ltac dec2 n H := case H; clear H; intros n H.
The property below is also satisfied by wp (using the fact that
the language is deterministic).
We need it here to prove the soundness.
Lemma synt_wp_conj:
∀ (p: ImpProg) (post1 post2: Pred) e,
(synt_wp p post1 e) → (synt_wp p post2 e)
→ (synt_wp p (fun e ⇒ post1 e ∧ post2 e) e).
induction p; simpl; try ((intuition auto); fail).
intros post1 post2 e H1 H2.
intros; eapply synt_wp_monotonic.
2: apply (IHp1 _ _ _ H1 H2).
simpl; intuition auto.
intros post1 post2 e H1 H2.
dec2 inv1 H1.
dec2 R1 H1.
dec2 inv2 H2.
constructor 1 with (x:=fun e ⇒ inv1 e ∧ inv2 e).
constructor 1 with (x:=R1).
firstorder auto.
∀ (p: ImpProg) (post1 post2: Pred) e,
(synt_wp p post1 e) → (synt_wp p post2 e)
→ (synt_wp p (fun e ⇒ post1 e ∧ post2 e) e).
induction p; simpl; try ((intuition auto); fail).
intros post1 post2 e H1 H2.
intros; eapply synt_wp_monotonic.
2: apply (IHp1 _ _ _ H1 H2).
simpl; intuition auto.
intros post1 post2 e H1 H2.
dec2 inv1 H1.
dec2 R1 H1.
dec2 inv2 H2.
constructor 1 with (x:=fun e ⇒ inv1 e ∧ inv2 e).
constructor 1 with (x:=R1).
firstorder auto.
The proof of soundness proceeds by induction over prog.
Lemma wp_sound: ∀ prog post, synt_wp prog post |= prog [=post=].
unfold wp.
induction prog; simpl; try ((intuition eauto with hoare); fail).
intros post e.
set (b:=E.eval cond e).
cut (E.eval cond e=b); auto.
case b; firstorder eauto with hoare.
intros post e H; case (IHprog1 _ _ H).
intros e0 H0; case (IHprog2 post e0); firstorder eauto with hoare.
intros post e H.
dec2 inv H.
dec2 R H.
dec2 Rwf H.
dec2 Hinv H.
dec2 H1 H.
dec2 H2 H.
generalize Hinv.
pattern e.
eapply well_founded_ind; eauto.
clear Hinv e.
intros e' X H'.
set (b:=E.eval cond e').
cut (E.eval cond e'=b); auto.
case b; [ idtac | firstorder eauto with hoare ].
intros H5.
case (IHprog (wp (Iwhile cond prog) post) e');
[ idtac | (unfold wp; firstorder eauto with hoare) ].
eapply synt_wp_monotonic.
2:apply (synt_wp_conj _ _ _ _ (H2 _ H' H5) (H _ H' H5)).
simpl; unfold wp; intuition auto.
unfold wp.
induction prog; simpl; try ((intuition eauto with hoare); fail).
intros post e.
set (b:=E.eval cond e).
cut (E.eval cond e=b); auto.
case b; firstorder eauto with hoare.
intros post e H; case (IHprog1 _ _ H).
intros e0 H0; case (IHprog2 post e0); firstorder eauto with hoare.
intros post e H.
dec2 inv H.
dec2 R H.
dec2 Rwf H.
dec2 Hinv H.
dec2 H1 H.
dec2 H2 H.
generalize Hinv.
pattern e.
eapply well_founded_ind; eauto.
clear Hinv e.
intros e' X H'.
set (b:=E.eval cond e').
cut (E.eval cond e'=b); auto.
case b; [ idtac | firstorder eauto with hoare ].
intros H5.
case (IHprog (wp (Iwhile cond prog) post) e');
[ idtac | (unfold wp; firstorder eauto with hoare) ].
eapply synt_wp_monotonic.
2:apply (synt_wp_conj _ _ _ _ (H2 _ H' H5) (H _ H' H5)).
simpl; unfold wp; intuition auto.
Auxiliary lemmas for completeness
A technical issue: the inversion of exec
Definition aux_wlp (prog: ImpProg) : Pred → Pred
:= fun post e ⇒
match prog with
| Iskip ⇒ post e
| (Iset A x expr) ⇒ post (E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e)
| (Iif cond p1 p2) ⇒
∀ e', exec e (if E.eval cond e then p1 else p2) e'
→ post e'
| (Iseq p1 p2) ⇒ ∀ e1 e2, exec e p1 e1 → exec e1 p2 e2 → post e2
| (Iwhile cond p) ⇒ ∀ e', exec e (Iif cond (Iseq p (Iwhile cond p)) Iskip) e' → post e'
:= fun post e ⇒
match prog with
| Iskip ⇒ post e
| (Iset A x expr) ⇒ post (E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e)
| (Iif cond p1 p2) ⇒
∀ e', exec e (if E.eval cond e then p1 else p2) e'
→ post e'
| (Iseq p1 p2) ⇒ ∀ e1 e2, exec e p1 e1 → exec e1 p2 e2 → post e2
| (Iwhile cond p) ⇒ ∀ e', exec e (Iif cond (Iseq p (Iwhile cond p)) Iskip) e' → post e'
Lemma exec_inversion:
∀ prog e e', (exec e prog e') → ∀ post, (aux_wlp prog post e) → post e'.
induction 1; simpl;
try ((firstorder eauto with hoare); fail).
∀ prog e e', (exec e prog e') → ∀ post, (aux_wlp prog post e) → post e'.
induction 1; simpl;
try ((firstorder eauto with hoare); fail).
Here is the case, where the previous lemma is better than the standard inversion of Coq.
Lemma exec_test_inversion:
∀ A (x:E.Var A) expr e e',
(exec e (Iset x expr) e') → e'=(E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e).
intros A x expr e e' H.
∀ A (x:E.Var A) expr e e',
(exec e (Iset x expr) e') → e'=(E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e).
intros A x expr e e' H.
Here, try "inversion H" instead the tactic below.
The generated goal is not directly provable.
Below, a little tactic to helps in applying exec_inversion.
Ltac exec_inversion H :=
match type of H with
| (exec ?e ?p ?e') ⇒ pattern e'; apply (exec_inversion H); simpl; clear H
match type of H with
| (exec ?e ?p ?e') ⇒ pattern e'; apply (exec_inversion H); simpl; clear H
The programming language is deterministic
Lemma exec_deterministic: ∀ ei p ef,
(exec ei p ef) → ∀ ef', (exec ei p ef') → ef=ef'.
induction 1; intros ef' X; exec_inversion X; eauto.
intros e1 e2 X1 X2; assert (X3: e'=e1); auto.
subst; auto.
(exec ei p ef) → ∀ ef', (exec ei p ef') → ef=ef'.
induction 1; intros ef' X; exec_inversion X; eauto.
intros e1 e2 X1 X2; assert (X3: e'=e1); auto.
subst; auto.
Definition of the variant
Given a program p and a boolean expression cond, the relation on environment "reduces cond p" is the variant required by "synt_wp (Iwhile cond p)".
Definition reduces cond p e1 e0 :=
(E.eval cond e0)=true ∧ (exec e0 p e1) ∧ ∃ ef, (exec e1 (Iwhile cond p) ef).
(E.eval cond e0)=true ∧ (exec e0 p e1) ∧ ∃ ef, (exec e1 (Iwhile cond p) ef).
To prove that "reduces cond p" is well-founded, I want to count
the number of execution of p in the computation of "Iwhile cond p".
Indeed, as the language is deterministic, this number is unique.
Hence, "execn n e (Iwhile cond p) e'" means that "exec e (Iwhile cond p) e'"
in a sequence of n execution of p.
Inductive execn: nat → E.Env → ImpProg → E.Env → Prop :=
| execn_Iskip:
∀ e, (execn 0 e Iskip e)
| execn_Iset:
∀ (A:Type) e x (expr: E.Expr A),
(execn 0 e (Iset x expr) (E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e))
| execn_Iif:
∀ n e (cond: E.Expr bool) p1 p2 e',
(execn n e (if (E.eval cond e) then p1 else p2) e')
→ (execn n e (Iif cond p1 p2) e')
| execn_Iseq:
∀ n e p1 p2 e' e'',
(exec e p1 e')
→ (execn n e' p2 e'')
→ (execn n e (Iseq p1 p2) e'')
| execn_Iwhile:
∀ n e cond p e',
(execn n e (Iif cond (Iseq p (Iwhile cond p)) Iskip) e')
→ (execn (S n) e (Iwhile cond p) e').
Hint Resolve execn_Iskip execn_Iset execn_Iif execn_Iseq execn_Iwhile: hoare.
Lemma exec_execn: ∀ ei p ef,
(exec ei p ef) → (∃ n, execn n ei p ef).
induction 1; firstorder (eauto with hoare).
| execn_Iskip:
∀ e, (execn 0 e Iskip e)
| execn_Iset:
∀ (A:Type) e x (expr: E.Expr A),
(execn 0 e (Iset x expr) (E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e))
| execn_Iif:
∀ n e (cond: E.Expr bool) p1 p2 e',
(execn n e (if (E.eval cond e) then p1 else p2) e')
→ (execn n e (Iif cond p1 p2) e')
| execn_Iseq:
∀ n e p1 p2 e' e'',
(exec e p1 e')
→ (execn n e' p2 e'')
→ (execn n e (Iseq p1 p2) e'')
| execn_Iwhile:
∀ n e cond p e',
(execn n e (Iif cond (Iseq p (Iwhile cond p)) Iskip) e')
→ (execn (S n) e (Iwhile cond p) e').
Hint Resolve execn_Iskip execn_Iset execn_Iif execn_Iseq execn_Iwhile: hoare.
Lemma exec_execn: ∀ ei p ef,
(exec ei p ef) → (∃ n, execn n ei p ef).
induction 1; firstorder (eauto with hoare).
In the proof below, I mainly use that "reduces cond p e1 e0"
implies that there exists n and ef such that "execn (S n) e0 (Iwhile cond p) ef"
and "execn n e1 (Iwhile cond p) ef".
Lemma reduces_wf: ∀ cond p, well_founded (reduces cond p).
unfold well_founded.
intros cond p e0; apply Acc_intro.
intros e1 H; unfold reduces in H.
decompose [ex and] H; clear H.
clear H2 H0 e0.
case (exec_execn H1).
intros n.
generalize cond p e1 x; clear cond p e1 x H1.
elim n.
intros cond p e0 e1 H; inversion_clear H.
clear n; intros n HR cond p e0 e1 H.
inversion_clear H.
inversion_clear H0.
set (b:=E.eval cond e0) in × |-.
cut (E.eval cond e0=b); auto.
generalize H; clear H; case b; simpl.
intros H;
inversion_clear H.
apply Acc_intro.
intros e2 H3; unfold reduces in H3.
rewrite (exec_deterministic H3 H0); eauto.
intros H H0; apply Acc_intro.
unfold reduces; rewrite H0.
Hint Resolve reduces_wf: hoare.
unfold well_founded.
intros cond p e0; apply Acc_intro.
intros e1 H; unfold reduces in H.
decompose [ex and] H; clear H.
clear H2 H0 e0.
case (exec_execn H1).
intros n.
generalize cond p e1 x; clear cond p e1 x H1.
elim n.
intros cond p e0 e1 H; inversion_clear H.
clear n; intros n HR cond p e0 e1 H.
inversion_clear H.
inversion_clear H0.
set (b:=E.eval cond e0) in × |-.
cut (E.eval cond e0=b); auto.
generalize H; clear H; case b; simpl.
intros H;
inversion_clear H.
apply Acc_intro.
intros e2 H3; unfold reduces in H3.
rewrite (exec_deterministic H3 H0); eauto.
intros H H0; apply Acc_intro.
unfold reduces; rewrite H0.
Hint Resolve reduces_wf: hoare.
Lemma wp_complete: ∀ prog post, prog [= post =] |= (synt_wp prog post).
unfold wp.
intros prog post e H; case H; clear H.
intros e' H; case H; clear H.
generalize post e e'; clear post e e'; elim prog; clear prog; simpl.
intros post e e' H; exec_inversion H; auto.
intros A v expr post e e' H; exec_inversion H; auto.
intros cond p1 Hp1 p2 Hp2 post e e' H; exec_inversion H.
case (E.eval cond e); simpl; firstorder auto || discriminate.
intros p1 Hp1 p2 Hp2 post e e' H.
exec_inversion H.
intros cond p Hp post e e' H H0.
constructor 1 with (x:=wp (Iwhile cond p) post).
constructor 1 with (x:=reduces cond p).
unfold wp; (intuition eauto with hoare);
dec2 e1 H1;
case H1; clear H1; intros H1;
exec_inversion H1;
intros e2 H1; exec_inversion H1;
rewrite H2; intros e3 H1; exec_inversion H1;
unfold reduces; eauto with hoare.
unfold wp.
intros prog post e H; case H; clear H.
intros e' H; case H; clear H.
generalize post e e'; clear post e e'; elim prog; clear prog; simpl.
intros post e e' H; exec_inversion H; auto.
intros A v expr post e e' H; exec_inversion H; auto.
intros cond p1 Hp1 p2 Hp2 post e e' H; exec_inversion H.
case (E.eval cond e); simpl; firstorder auto || discriminate.
intros p1 Hp1 p2 Hp2 post e e' H.
exec_inversion H.
intros cond p Hp post e e' H H0.
constructor 1 with (x:=wp (Iwhile cond p) post).
constructor 1 with (x:=reduces cond p).
unfold wp; (intuition eauto with hoare);
dec2 e1 H1;
case H1; clear H1; intros H1;
exec_inversion H1;
intros e2 H1; exec_inversion H1;
rewrite H2; intros e3 H1; exec_inversion H1;
unfold reduces; eauto with hoare.
Hint Resolve wp_complete wp_sound: hoare.
Theorem soundness: ∀ pre p post, pre |= (synt_wp p post) → pre |= p [=post=].
auto with hoare.
Theorem completeness: ∀ pre p post, pre |= p [=post=] → pre |= (synt_wp p post).
intuition auto with hoare.
End TotalHoareLogic.
"Tutorial on Hoare Logic" Library. Copyright 2007 Sylvain Boulme.
This file is distributed under the terms of the