Library HoareTut.partialhoarelogic

Generation of Hoare proof obligations in partial correctness

This file is part of the "Tutorial on Hoare Logic". For an introduction to this Coq library, see or index.html.
This file gives a syntactic definition of the weakest liberal precondition wlp introduced in hoarelogicsemantics.

Global Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Export hoarelogicsemantics.

Module PartialHoareLogic (HD: HoareLogicDefs).

Export HD.
Module HLD:=HD.

Definition sem_wp := wlp.

Syntactic definition of the weakest liberal precondition.

In the following, we show that this definition is logically equivalent to wlp.
Fixpoint synt_wp (prog: ImpProg) : Pred Pred
 := fun post e
  match prog with
  | Iskippost e
  | (Iset A x expr) ⇒ post (E.upd x (E.eval expr e) e)
  | (Iif cond p1 p2) ⇒
          ((E.eval cond e)=true (synt_wp p1 post e))
        ((E.eval cond e)=false (synt_wp p2 post e))
  | (Iseq p1 p2) ⇒ synt_wp p1 (synt_wp p2 post) e
  | (Iwhile cond p) ⇒
             (inv e)
           ( e', (inv e')
                   (E.eval cond e')=false (post e'))
           ( e', (inv e')
                   (E.eval cond e')=true (synt_wp p inv e'))

This property is also trivially satisfied by wlp. We need it here to prove the soundness.
Lemma synt_wp_monotonic:
   (p: ImpProg) (post1 post2: Pred),
   (post1 |= post2) (synt_wp p post1) |= (synt_wp p post2).
  induction p; simpl; firstorder eauto with hoare.

Hint Resolve synt_wp_monotonic: hoare.


The proof of soundness proceeds by induction over the derivation exec ... prog ... in implicit hypothesis induced by wlp definition.
Please, notice that coq performs the exec_Iwhile case alone (that's where monotonicity is used). Unfortunately, the case exec_Iif which seems trivial to a human is not discharged by Coq.
Lemma wp_sound: prog post, synt_wp prog post |= prog{=post=}.
 intros prog post e H0 e' H; generalize post H0; clear H0 post.
 elim H; clear H e' e prog; simpl; try ((firstorder eauto 20 with hoare); fail).
 intros e cond p1 p2 e'.
 case (E.eval cond e); simpl; firstorder auto.


The proof of completeness proceeds by induction over prog syntax.
Please, notice that coq performs this proof almost alone. The only hint given here is the invariant.
Lemma wp_complete: prog post, prog{=post=} |= (synt_wp prog post).
 unfold wlp; intros prog; elim prog; clear prog; simpl;
 try ((firstorder auto with hoare); fail).
 eauto with hoare.
  • case Iwhile: I provide the invariant below
  constructor 1 with (x:=wlp (Iwhile cond p) post).
  unfold wlp; intuition eauto 20 with hoare.

Combining the previous results with transitivity of |=

Hint Resolve wp_complete wp_sound: hoare.

Theorem soundness: pre p post, pre |= (synt_wp p post) pre |= p {=post=}.
 auto with hoare.

Theorem completeness: pre p post, pre |= p {=post=} pre |= (synt_wp p post).
  intuition auto with hoare.

End PartialHoareLogic.

"Tutorial on Hoare Logic" Library. Copyright 2007 Sylvain Boulme.
This file is distributed under the terms of the "GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE" version 3.