PADEC - Coq Library
Library Padec.Model.Rounds_inductive_def
From Coq Require Import SetoidList.
From Coq Require Import Bool.
From Coq Require Import PeanoNat.
From Coq Require Import Lia.
From Coq Require Import RelationPairs.
From Coq Require Import SetoidClass.
From Coq Require Import Bool.
From Coq Require Import PeanoNat.
From Coq Require Import Lia.
From Coq Require Import RelationPairs.
From Coq Require Import SetoidClass.
From Padec Require Import WellfoundedUtil.
From Padec Require Import SetoidUtil.
From Padec Require Import Algorithm.
From Padec Require Import RelModel.
From Padec Require Import Stream.
From Padec Require Import Simulation.
From Padec Require Import Exec.
From Padec Require Import Fairness.
From Padec Require Import ZUtils.
From Padec Require Import BoolSet.
From Padec Require Import RelationA.
From Padec Require Import ListUtils.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Open Scope signature_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
From Padec Require Import SetoidUtil.
From Padec Require Import Algorithm.
From Padec Require Import RelModel.
From Padec Require Import Stream.
From Padec Require Import Simulation.
From Padec Require Import Exec.
From Padec Require Import Fairness.
From Padec Require Import ZUtils.
From Padec Require Import BoolSet.
From Padec Require Import RelationA.
From Padec Require Import ListUtils.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Open Scope signature_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
In this section, we give tools to compute time complexity of an algorithm in terms of rounds. In particular, we compute the number of rounds to reach some predicate P.
Section Rounds.
Context {Chans: Channels} {Net: Network} {Algo: Algorithm}.
Notation zerob := (Nat.eqb 0).
Notation not_zerob := (fun n => negb (Nat.eqb 0 n)).
Context {Chans: Channels} {Net: Network} {Algo: Algorithm}.
Notation zerob := (Nat.eqb 0).
Notation not_zerob := (fun n => negb (Nat.eqb 0 n)).
The definitions for rounds use- sets of nodes that we model as Boolean set (see BoolSet)
- activated nodes (i.e., nodes that execute during a step) and neutralized nodes (i.e., nodes that becomes disabled during a step without executing).
Tools to describe Node set as Boolean sets
Notation NodeSet := (BoolSet (A:=Node)).
Notation eqNodeSet := (eqBoolSet (eqA := (equiv (A:=Node)))).
Notation leNodeSet := (leBoolSet (eqA := (equiv (A:=Node)))).
Notation epsilon_NodeSet:=
(epsilon_BoolSet (eqA := (equiv (A:=Node))) all_nodes_prop).
Definition LeNodeSet U1 U2 :=
Proper fequiv U1 /\ leNodeSet U1 U2 /\ Proper fequiv U2.
Notation eqNodeSet := (eqBoolSet (eqA := (equiv (A:=Node)))).
Notation leNodeSet := (leBoolSet (eqA := (equiv (A:=Node)))).
Notation epsilon_NodeSet:=
(epsilon_BoolSet (eqA := (equiv (A:=Node))) all_nodes_prop).
Definition LeNodeSet U1 U2 :=
Proper fequiv U1 /\ leNodeSet U1 U2 /\ Proper fequiv U2.
Lemma UNSAT_shrinks (g: Env) (e: Exec) (U U': NodeSet)
(pU: Proper fequiv U) (pg: Proper fequiv g)
(pe: Proper pequiv e):
eqNodeSet U' (diffBoolSet U (act_neut_b (s_cons g e))) ->
forall n, U' n = true -> U n = true.
Lemma UNSAT_enabled (g: Env) (e: Exec) (U U': NodeSet)
(pU: Proper fequiv U) (pg: Proper fequiv g)
(pe: Proper pequiv e):
eqNodeSet U' (diffBoolSet U (act_neut_b (s_cons g e))) ->
leNodeSet U (enabled_b g) ->
leNodeSet U' (enabled_b (s_hd e)).
Instance negb_compat: Proper fequiv negb.
Instance leNodeSet_compat: Proper pequiv leNodeSet.
(pU: Proper fequiv U) (pg: Proper fequiv g)
(pe: Proper pequiv e):
eqNodeSet U' (diffBoolSet U (act_neut_b (s_cons g e))) ->
forall n, U' n = true -> U n = true.
Lemma UNSAT_enabled (g: Env) (e: Exec) (U U': NodeSet)
(pU: Proper fequiv U) (pg: Proper fequiv g)
(pe: Proper pequiv e):
eqNodeSet U' (diffBoolSet U (act_neut_b (s_cons g e))) ->
leNodeSet U (enabled_b g) ->
leNodeSet U' (enabled_b (s_hd e)).
Instance negb_compat: Proper fequiv negb.
Instance leNodeSet_compat: Proper pequiv leNodeSet.
Definitions of Rounds
Inductive When_SAT (strict: bool) (P: Exec -> Prop)
(Q: Exec -> Prop): NodeSet -> Exec -> Prop :=
| SAT_next_step: forall U g e,
~ P (s_cons g e) -> Q e ->
~ eqNodeSet U empty_BoolSet ->
let U_ := diffBoolSet U (act_neut_b (s_cons g e)) in
(if strict then eqNodeSet U_ empty_BoolSet else True) ->
When_SAT strict P Q U (s_cons g e)
| SAT_later: forall U U' g e,
~ P (s_cons g e) -> ~ P e ->
let U_ := diffBoolSet U (act_neut_b (s_cons g e)) in
~ eqNodeSet U_ empty_BoolSet -> eqNodeSet U' U_ ->
When_SAT strict P Q U' e -> When_SAT strict P Q U (s_cons g e).
(Q: Exec -> Prop): NodeSet -> Exec -> Prop :=
| SAT_next_step: forall U g e,
~ P (s_cons g e) -> Q e ->
~ eqNodeSet U empty_BoolSet ->
let U_ := diffBoolSet U (act_neut_b (s_cons g e)) in
(if strict then eqNodeSet U_ empty_BoolSet else True) ->
When_SAT strict P Q U (s_cons g e)
| SAT_later: forall U U' g e,
~ P (s_cons g e) -> ~ P e ->
let U_ := diffBoolSet U (act_neut_b (s_cons g e)) in
~ eqNodeSet U_ empty_BoolSet -> eqNodeSet U' U_ ->
When_SAT strict P Q U' e -> When_SAT strict P Q U (s_cons g e).
This_round P Q e:
- Q is the predicate to be reached
- P is the predicate to be maintained false all along the execution before (strict) it reaches Q
- we start at g0 with the set of unsatisfied nodes U0 as the enabled nodes at g0
- at each step of e before reaching Q (hence in not P), U is refreshed by removing the nodes that either are executed or neutralized in the step: U1 = U0 - AN(0->1); U2 = U1 - AN(1->2) To remain in the same round the sets Ui should not be empty unless Q is reached.
Next_round P Q e:
- Q is the predicate to be reached
- P is the predicate to be maintained false all along the execution before (strict) it reaches Q
- we start at g0 with the set of unsatisfied nodes U0 as the enabled nodes at g0
- at each step of e before reaching Q (hence in not P), U is refreshed by removing the nodes that either are executed or neutralized in the step: U1 = U0 - AN(0->1); U2 = U1 - AN(1->2) To remain in the same round the sets Ui should not be empty unless Q is reached
- when Q is reach, Ui should be empty so that a new round can start
Note that When_SAT, hence both This_round and Next_round holds
on the previous configuration before reaching Q. This allow
to glue back together the current round and the next one.
The particulat case when Q holds at e directly will be treated
Hence, here comes the predicate to count the number of rounds
to reach a predicate P. For an execution e, At_N_rounds N P e
means: e reaches P in N rounds.
- if N is null, then we should have P e
- if N is one, then P should be reached during the current round, i.e., This_round P P e should hold
- otherwise, N = N' + 1 with N' >0, hence we should have at least one round (computed using Next_round) and then seek P within N' round: Next_round P (At_N_rounds N' P) e
Fixpoint At_N_rounds N (P: Exec -> Prop): Exec -> Prop :=
match N with
O => P
| S N_ => (if zerob N_ then This_round P
else Next_round P) (At_N_rounds N_ P)
match N with
O => P
| S N_ => (if zerob N_ then This_round P
else Next_round P) (At_N_rounds N_ P)
Hence round complexity is expressed as some upper bound on
P is the goal to be reached while Q restrict the execution among
which we check the bound (usually it is set to: is_exec /\ Assume
Definition Round_complexity (Q P: Exec -> Prop) (N: nat) :=
forall exec, Q exec ->
exists n, n <= N /\ At_N_rounds n P exec.
forall exec, Q exec ->
exists n, n <= N /\ At_N_rounds n P exec.
Compatibility of the definitions
Instance When_SAT_compat: Proper fequiv When_SAT.
Instance Next_round_compat: Proper fequiv Next_round.
Instance This_round_compat: Proper fequiv This_round.
Instance At_N_rounds_compat: Proper fequiv At_N_rounds.
Instance Next_round_compat: Proper fequiv Next_round.
Instance This_round_compat: Proper fequiv This_round.
Instance At_N_rounds_compat: Proper fequiv At_N_rounds.
Compatibility for Round_complexity requires more assumption:
Lemma Round_complexity_compat:
forall n1 n2 (en: n1 == n2)
P1 P2 (eP: fequiv P1 P2)
(Q1 Q2: Exec -> Prop) (eQ: fequiv Q1 Q2)
(hp1: forall e, Q1 e -> Proper pequiv e)
(hp2: forall e, Q2 e -> Proper pequiv e),
Round_complexity Q1 P1 n1 == Round_complexity Q2 P2 n2.
forall n1 n2 (en: n1 == n2)
P1 P2 (eP: fequiv P1 P2)
(Q1 Q2: Exec -> Prop) (eQ: fequiv Q1 Q2)
(hp1: forall e, Q1 e -> Proper pequiv e)
(hp2: forall e, Q2 e -> Proper pequiv e),
Round_complexity Q1 P1 n1 == Round_complexity Q2 P2 n2.
Properties based on At_N_rouds
Lemma When_SAT_monotonic:
Proper (flip Bool.Bool.le ==> (pequiv ==> flip impl)
==> (pequiv ==> impl) ==> eqNodeSet
==> pequiv ==> impl) When_SAT.
Proper (flip Bool.Bool.le ==> (pequiv ==> flip impl)
==> (pequiv ==> impl) ==> eqNodeSet
==> pequiv ==> impl) When_SAT.
Relation between Next_round and This_round:
for every P P' Q Q', P' -> P Q' -> Q:
Next_round P Q e -> This_round P' Q' e
Lemma Next_round_This_round :
((pequiv ==> flip impl) ==> (pequiv ==> impl)
==> pequiv ==> impl)
Next_round This_round.
((pequiv ==> flip impl) ==> (pequiv ==> impl)
==> pequiv ==> impl)
Next_round This_round.
When_SAT implies Eventually
When_SAT implies not P
Lemma When_SAT_notP: forall P Q b UNSAT e,
When_SAT b P Q UNSAT e -> ~P e.
Lemma diff_not_empty:
forall (s s': NodeSet),
Proper eqNodeSet s -> Proper eqNodeSet s' ->
~ eqNodeSet (diffBoolSet s s') empty_BoolSet
-> ~ eqNodeSet s empty_BoolSet.
Lemma When_SAT_not_empty:
forall P Q b U e (pU: Proper pequiv U) (pe: Proper pequiv e),
When_SAT b P Q U e -> ~ eqNodeSet U empty_BoolSet.
When_SAT b P Q UNSAT e -> ~P e.
Lemma diff_not_empty:
forall (s s': NodeSet),
Proper eqNodeSet s -> Proper eqNodeSet s' ->
~ eqNodeSet (diffBoolSet s s') empty_BoolSet
-> ~ eqNodeSet s empty_BoolSet.
Lemma When_SAT_not_empty:
forall P Q b U e (pU: Proper pequiv U) (pe: Proper pequiv e),
When_SAT b P Q U e -> ~ eqNodeSet U empty_BoolSet.
The following property is direct from the definitions.
Note nonetheless that: The converse is False.
Lemma Next_round_S_until:
forall N P e,
Proper fequiv P -> Proper pequiv e ->
Next_round P (At_N_rounds N P) e -> At_N_rounds (1+N) P e.
forall N P e,
Proper fequiv P -> Proper pequiv e ->
Next_round P (At_N_rounds N P) e -> At_N_rounds (1+N) P e.
After (S N) rounds implies not P
At N rounds impls Eventually P
Progress Towards P
Definition progress_P (P: Exec -> Prop) (e: Exec): Prop :=
Eventually P e ->
Until (fun e => ~ eqNodeSet (enabled_b (s_hd e)) empty_BoolSet)
P e.
Lemma progress_P_is_exec:
forall P (P_dec: Weak_Dec pequiv P) e,
is_exec e -> progress_P P e.
Lemma progress_P_contd:
forall P e g, progress_P P (s_cons g e)
-> ~ P (s_cons g e) -> progress_P P e.
Lemma progress_P_now:
forall P e, progress_P P e -> Eventually P e -> ~ P e ->
~ eqNodeSet (enabled_b (s_hd e)) empty_BoolSet.
Eventually P e ->
Until (fun e => ~ eqNodeSet (enabled_b (s_hd e)) empty_BoolSet)
P e.
Lemma progress_P_is_exec:
forall P (P_dec: Weak_Dec pequiv P) e,
is_exec e -> progress_P P e.
Lemma progress_P_contd:
forall P e g, progress_P P (s_cons g e)
-> ~ P (s_cons g e) -> progress_P P e.
Lemma progress_P_now:
forall P e, progress_P P e -> Eventually P e -> ~ P e ->
~ eqNodeSet (enabled_b (s_hd e)) empty_BoolSet.
Round Properties
Lemma Reachable_Rounds:
forall P (P_dec: Weak_Dec pequiv P) e (pe: Proper pequiv e),
Eventually P e -> progress_P P e ->
exists N, At_N_rounds N P e.
forall P (P_dec: Weak_Dec pequiv P) e (pe: Proper pequiv e),
Eventually P e -> progress_P P e ->
exists N, At_N_rounds N P e.
At_N_rounds corresponds to a unique value
Lemma At_N_Rounds_unique: forall P e N1 N2,
Proper pequiv P -> Proper pequiv e ->
At_N_rounds N1 P e ->
At_N_rounds N2 P e -> N1 = N2.
Lemma Eventually_When_SAT_At_N_rounds:
forall P e N, Eventually (At_N_rounds N P) e -> Eventually P e.
Lemma At_N_rounds_equiv:
forall P Q (e: Exec), Always (fun e => P e <-> Q e) e ->
forall k, At_N_rounds k P e ->
At_N_rounds k Q e.
Proper pequiv P -> Proper pequiv e ->
At_N_rounds N1 P e ->
At_N_rounds N2 P e -> N1 = N2.
Lemma Eventually_When_SAT_At_N_rounds:
forall P e N, Eventually (At_N_rounds N P) e -> Eventually P e.
Lemma At_N_rounds_equiv:
forall P Q (e: Exec), Always (fun e => P e <-> Q e) e ->
forall k, At_N_rounds k P e ->
At_N_rounds k Q e.
Functional definition of Rounds,
as long as one can compute the reachability of the predicate.- Either Finally tells that P is reached, hence one round
- Or the set of unsatisfied is refreshed by removing moving or neutralized nodes. If this new set is empty, this starts a new round (add 1 and initialize the new set of unsatisfied with the enabled nodes of the current configuration) otherwise we go on the current round.
Fixpoint count_rounds_aux (P: Exec -> Prop) (g: Env) (e: Exec)
(UNSAT: Node -> bool) (F: Finally P e) : nat :=
match F in Finally _ e_ return nat with
| finally_now _ _ _ => 1
| finally_not_yet g' e' F' =>
let NEXT := diffBoolSet UNSAT (act_neut_b (s_cons g e)) in
if EMPTY all_nodes NEXT
then 1 + count_rounds_aux g' (enabled_b g') F'
else count_rounds_aux g' NEXT F'
(UNSAT: Node -> bool) (F: Finally P e) : nat :=
match F in Finally _ e_ return nat with
| finally_now _ _ _ => 1
| finally_not_yet g' e' F' =>
let NEXT := diffBoolSet UNSAT (act_neut_b (s_cons g e)) in
if EMPTY all_nodes NEXT
then 1 + count_rounds_aux g' (enabled_b g') F'
else count_rounds_aux g' NEXT F'
count_rounds provides the number of rounds to reach P.
It compute the 0 case separately. Otherwise it uses
count_rounds_aux and initialize the new set of unsatisfied with
the enabled nodes of the initial configuration.
Definition count_rounds
(P: Exec -> Prop) (P_dec: Weak_Dec pequiv P)
(e: Exec) (pe: Proper pequiv e)
(he: Eventually P e): nat :=
match (Eventually_Dec_Finally' P_dec pe he) in
Finally _ e_ return nat with
| finally_now _ _ _ => 0
| finally_not_yet g' e' F' =>
count_rounds_aux g' (enabled_b g') F'
Lemma count_rounds_aux_S: forall P g e U (F: Finally P e),
count_rounds_aux g U F <> 0.
Theorem round_functional_equivalence:
forall P (P_dec: Weak_Dec pequiv P) (P_compat: Proper pequiv P)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e) (he: Eventually P e)
(pP: progress_P P e) N,
count_rounds P_dec pe he = N <-> At_N_rounds N P e.
(P: Exec -> Prop) (P_dec: Weak_Dec pequiv P)
(e: Exec) (pe: Proper pequiv e)
(he: Eventually P e): nat :=
match (Eventually_Dec_Finally' P_dec pe he) in
Finally _ e_ return nat with
| finally_now _ _ _ => 0
| finally_not_yet g' e' F' =>
count_rounds_aux g' (enabled_b g') F'
Lemma count_rounds_aux_S: forall P g e U (F: Finally P e),
count_rounds_aux g U F <> 0.
Theorem round_functional_equivalence:
forall P (P_dec: Weak_Dec pequiv P) (P_compat: Proper pequiv P)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e) (he: Eventually P e)
(pP: progress_P P e) N,
count_rounds P_dec pe he = N <-> At_N_rounds N P e.
Tools to cut an execution into pieces; each piece
corresponds to one round.Infinite round
CoInductive Infinite_first_round: (Node -> bool) -> Exec -> Prop :=
Infinite_First_round_ongoing: forall UNSAT1 U' g e,
~eqNodeSet UNSAT1 empty_BoolSet ->
Proper eqNodeSet UNSAT1 ->
let U_ := (diffBoolSet UNSAT1 (act_neut_b (s_cons g e))) in
eqNodeSet U' U_ ->
Infinite_first_round U' e ->
Infinite_first_round UNSAT1 (s_cons g e).
Definition infinite_first_round (e:Exec) :Prop :=
Infinite_first_round (enabled_b (s_hd e)) e.
Infinite_First_round_ongoing: forall UNSAT1 U' g e,
~eqNodeSet UNSAT1 empty_BoolSet ->
Proper eqNodeSet UNSAT1 ->
let U_ := (diffBoolSet UNSAT1 (act_neut_b (s_cons g e))) in
eqNodeSet U' U_ ->
Infinite_first_round U' e ->
Infinite_first_round UNSAT1 (s_cons g e).
Definition infinite_first_round (e:Exec) :Prop :=
Infinite_first_round (enabled_b (s_hd e)) e.
Finite rounds - first round: we define how to acces to the
first round of an execution, and its corresponding prefix- l is the list of configurations at the beginning of e and represents the first round;
- c is a suffix of e such that the second round begins at c
- the concatenation of l and c (see Function cat_prefix) is
Inductive Finite_first_round_contd:
(Node -> bool) -> Exec -> list Env -> Exec -> Prop :=
| Finite_First_round_done: forall U e lbeg contd,
eqNodeSet U empty_BoolSet -> e =~= contd -> lbeg = nil ->
Finite_first_round_contd U e lbeg contd
| Finite_First_round_ongoing: forall U g gg e lbeg contd,
~ eqNodeSet U empty_BoolSet -> Proper eqNodeSet U ->
let Udiff := (diffBoolSet U (act_neut_b (s_cons g e))) in
Finite_first_round_contd Udiff e lbeg contd -> g =~= gg ->
Finite_first_round_contd U (s_cons g e) (gg :: lbeg) contd.
Definition no_round e: Prop :=
eqNodeSet (enabled_b (s_hd e)) empty_BoolSet.
Lemma terminal_no_round:
forall e (pe: Proper pequiv e),
no_round e <-> terminal (s_hd e).
Definition finite_first_round_contd
(e: Exec) (lbeg: list Env) (contd: Exec): Prop :=
~ no_round e /\
Finite_first_round_contd (enabled_b (s_hd e)) e lbeg contd.
Finite rounds - after k rounds: we define how to acces to
the first k-th rounds of an execution, and the corresponding prefix.- l is the list of configurations at the beginning of e and represents those k rounds;
- c is a suffix of e such that the (k+1)-th round begins at c
- the concatenation of l and c (see Function cat_prefix) is
Inductive after_k_rounds: nat -> Exec -> list Env -> Exec -> Prop :=
| akr_0: forall e l c, e =~= c -> l =~= nil -> after_k_rounds 0 e l c
| akr_more: forall k e l c cc l' lc,
finite_first_round_contd e l' cc ->
after_k_rounds k cc lc c ->
l =~= l' ++ lc ->
after_k_rounds (S k) e l c.
| akr_0: forall e l c, e =~= c -> l =~= nil -> after_k_rounds 0 e l c
| akr_more: forall k e l c cc l' lc,
finite_first_round_contd e l' cc ->
after_k_rounds k cc lc c ->
l =~= l' ++ lc ->
after_k_rounds (S k) e l c.
Lemma Ffrc_suffix:
forall U e l c, Finite_first_round_contd U e l c ->
is_suffix e c.
Lemma ffrc_suffix:
forall e l c, finite_first_round_contd e l c -> is_suffix e c.
Lemma akr_suffix:
forall k (e: Exec) l c, after_k_rounds k e l c -> is_suffix e c.
forall U e l c, Finite_first_round_contd U e l c ->
is_suffix e c.
Lemma ffrc_suffix:
forall e l c, finite_first_round_contd e l c -> is_suffix e c.
Lemma akr_suffix:
forall k (e: Exec) l c, after_k_rounds k e l c -> is_suffix e c.
Lemma Ffrc_pequiv_suf:
forall U e l c, Finite_first_round_contd U e l c ->
Proper pequiv c.
Lemma ffrc_pequiv_suf:
forall e l c, finite_first_round_contd e l c ->
Proper pequiv c.
Lemma Ffrc_pequiv_list:
forall l U e c, Proper pequiv e ->
Finite_first_round_contd U e l c ->
Proper pequiv l.
Lemma ffrc_pequiv_list:
forall e l c, Proper pequiv e ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c ->
Proper pequiv l.
Lemma akr_pequiv_suf:
forall k e l c, after_k_rounds k e l c -> Proper pequiv c.
Lemma akr_pequiv_list:
forall k e l c,
Proper pequiv e ->
after_k_rounds k e l c -> Proper pequiv l.
forall U e l c, Finite_first_round_contd U e l c ->
Proper pequiv c.
Lemma ffrc_pequiv_suf:
forall e l c, finite_first_round_contd e l c ->
Proper pequiv c.
Lemma Ffrc_pequiv_list:
forall l U e c, Proper pequiv e ->
Finite_first_round_contd U e l c ->
Proper pequiv l.
Lemma ffrc_pequiv_list:
forall e l c, Proper pequiv e ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c ->
Proper pequiv l.
Lemma akr_pequiv_suf:
forall k e l c, after_k_rounds k e l c -> Proper pequiv c.
Lemma akr_pequiv_list:
forall k e l c,
Proper pequiv e ->
after_k_rounds k e l c -> Proper pequiv l.
Global Instance Finite_first_round_contd_compat:
Proper pequiv Finite_first_round_contd.
Instance no_round_compat: Proper pequiv no_round.
Global Instance finite_first_round_contd_compat:
Proper pequiv finite_first_round_contd.
Instance after_k_rounds_compat: Proper pequiv after_k_rounds.
Proper pequiv Finite_first_round_contd.
Instance no_round_compat: Proper pequiv no_round.
Global Instance finite_first_round_contd_compat:
Proper pequiv finite_first_round_contd.
Instance after_k_rounds_compat: Proper pequiv after_k_rounds.
Lemma Ffrc_inv1:
forall e U c, Finite_first_round_contd U e nil c ->
e =~= c /\ eqNodeSet U empty_BoolSet.
Lemma Ffrc_inv2:
forall e g l a U c,
Finite_first_round_contd U (s_cons g e) (a :: l) c ->
g =~= a /\
~ eqNodeSet U empty_BoolSet /\
Proper eqNodeSet U /\
(diffBoolSet U (act_neut_b (s_cons g e))) e l c.
Lemma Ffrc_inv3:
forall g l a U c,
~ Finite_first_round_contd U (s_one g) (a :: l) c.
Lemma ffrc_inv1:
forall e c, ~ finite_first_round_contd e nil c.
Lemma ffrc_not_nil:
forall e l c, finite_first_round_contd e l c -> l <> nil.
forall e U c, Finite_first_round_contd U e nil c ->
e =~= c /\ eqNodeSet U empty_BoolSet.
Lemma Ffrc_inv2:
forall e g l a U c,
Finite_first_round_contd U (s_cons g e) (a :: l) c ->
g =~= a /\
~ eqNodeSet U empty_BoolSet /\
Proper eqNodeSet U /\
(diffBoolSet U (act_neut_b (s_cons g e))) e l c.
Lemma Ffrc_inv3:
forall g l a U c,
~ Finite_first_round_contd U (s_one g) (a :: l) c.
Lemma ffrc_inv1:
forall e c, ~ finite_first_round_contd e nil c.
Lemma ffrc_not_nil:
forall e l c, finite_first_round_contd e l c -> l <> nil.
Fixpoint cat_prefix (l: list Env) (e: Exec): Exec :=
match l with nil => e
| a :: ll => s_cons a (cat_prefix ll e) end.
Instance cat_prefix_compat: Proper pequiv cat_prefix.
Lemma cat_prefix_app:
forall l ll e, cat_prefix (l ++ ll) e = cat_prefix l (cat_prefix ll e).
Lemma cat_prefix_last:
forall e b l,
Proper pequiv e -> Proper pequiv b -> Proper pequiv l ->
cat_prefix (l ++ b :: nil) e =~= cat_prefix l (s_cons b e).
Lemma cat_prefix_proper_r:
forall l c lc, cat_prefix l c =~= lc -> Proper pequiv c.
Lemma cat_prefix_proper_l:
forall l c lc, cat_prefix l c =~= lc -> Proper pequiv l.
Lemma cat_prefix_app_eq:
forall l a m b, l =~= m -> cat_prefix l a =~= cat_prefix m b ->
a =~= b.
Lemma Forever_cat_prefix:
forall P l e, Forever P (cat_prefix l e) -> Forever P e.
Lemma is_suffix_cat_prefix:
forall l (a b: Exec),
is_suffix a b -> is_suffix (cat_prefix l a) b.
match l with nil => e
| a :: ll => s_cons a (cat_prefix ll e) end.
Instance cat_prefix_compat: Proper pequiv cat_prefix.
Lemma cat_prefix_app:
forall l ll e, cat_prefix (l ++ ll) e = cat_prefix l (cat_prefix ll e).
Lemma cat_prefix_last:
forall e b l,
Proper pequiv e -> Proper pequiv b -> Proper pequiv l ->
cat_prefix (l ++ b :: nil) e =~= cat_prefix l (s_cons b e).
Lemma cat_prefix_proper_r:
forall l c lc, cat_prefix l c =~= lc -> Proper pequiv c.
Lemma cat_prefix_proper_l:
forall l c lc, cat_prefix l c =~= lc -> Proper pequiv l.
Lemma cat_prefix_app_eq:
forall l a m b, l =~= m -> cat_prefix l a =~= cat_prefix m b ->
a =~= b.
Lemma Forever_cat_prefix:
forall P l e, Forever P (cat_prefix l e) -> Forever P e.
Lemma is_suffix_cat_prefix:
forall l (a b: Exec),
is_suffix a b -> is_suffix (cat_prefix l a) b.
Lemma Ffrc_rebuild:
forall l U e c,
Proper pequiv e -> Finite_first_round_contd U e l c ->
cat_prefix l c =~= e.
Lemma ffrc_rebuild:
forall e l c,
Proper pequiv e -> finite_first_round_contd e l c ->
cat_prefix l c =~= e.
Lemma after_k_rounds_rebuild:
forall k e l c,
Proper pequiv e ->
after_k_rounds k e l c -> cat_prefix l c =~= e.
forall l U e c,
Proper pequiv e -> Finite_first_round_contd U e l c ->
cat_prefix l c =~= e.
Lemma ffrc_rebuild:
forall e l c,
Proper pequiv e -> finite_first_round_contd e l c ->
cat_prefix l c =~= e.
Lemma after_k_rounds_rebuild:
forall k e l c,
Proper pequiv e ->
after_k_rounds k e l c -> cat_prefix l c =~= e.
Properties of prefix of execution (list of configurations)
- P eventually holds at some point in l
- the definition is strict meaning before P holds, it does not hold
Inductive check_list_ev_strict: (Exec -> Prop) -> list Env -> Exec -> Prop :=
here: forall (P: Exec -> Prop) l c, P (cat_prefix l c) -> check_list_ev_strict P l c
| further: forall P a l c, ~ P (cat_prefix (a :: l) c) ->
check_list_ev_strict P l c ->
check_list_ev_strict P (a :: l) c.
here: forall (P: Exec -> Prop) l c, P (cat_prefix l c) -> check_list_ev_strict P l c
| further: forall P a l c, ~ P (cat_prefix (a :: l) c) ->
check_list_ev_strict P l c ->
check_list_ev_strict P (a :: l) c.
check_list_ev_strict P l e means that
- P eventually holds at some point in l
- the definition is not strict
Inductive check_list_ev: (Exec -> Prop) -> list Env -> Exec -> Prop :=
here_: forall (P: Exec -> Prop) l c, P (cat_prefix l c) -> check_list_ev P l c
| further_: forall P a l c, check_list_ev P l c ->
check_list_ev P (a :: l) c.
here_: forall (P: Exec -> Prop) l c, P (cat_prefix l c) -> check_list_ev P l c
| further_: forall P a l c, check_list_ev P l c ->
check_list_ev P (a :: l) c.
check_list_al P l e means that
- P holds at any configuration in l
Inductive check_list_al: (Exec -> Prop) -> list Env -> Exec -> Prop :=
end_: forall (P: Exec -> Prop) l c, l = nil ->
check_list_al P l c
| fur_: forall P a l c, check_list_al P l c ->
P (cat_prefix (a :: l) c) ->
check_list_al P (a :: l) c.
Instance check_list_ev_strict_compat: Proper pequiv check_list_ev_strict.
Instance check_list_ev_compat_impl:
Proper ((pequiv ==> impl) ==> pequiv ==> pequiv ==> impl) check_list_ev.
Instance check_list_ev_compat: Proper pequiv check_list_ev.
Instance check_list_al_compat: Proper pequiv check_list_al.
end_: forall (P: Exec -> Prop) l c, l = nil ->
check_list_al P l c
| fur_: forall P a l c, check_list_al P l c ->
P (cat_prefix (a :: l) c) ->
check_list_al P (a :: l) c.
Instance check_list_ev_strict_compat: Proper pequiv check_list_ev_strict.
Instance check_list_ev_compat_impl:
Proper ((pequiv ==> impl) ==> pequiv ==> pequiv ==> impl) check_list_ev.
Instance check_list_ev_compat: Proper pequiv check_list_ev.
Instance check_list_al_compat: Proper pequiv check_list_al.
Lemma check_list_al_all:
forall P l e, l <> nil -> check_list_al P l e -> P (cat_prefix l e).
Lemma check_list_al_app_l:
forall P l1 l2 e,
check_list_al P (l1 ++ l2) e ->
check_list_al P l1 (cat_prefix l2 e).
Lemma check_list_al_app_r:
forall P l1 l2 e,
check_list_al P (l1 ++ l2) e ->
check_list_al P l2 e.
forall P l e, l <> nil -> check_list_al P l e -> P (cat_prefix l e).
Lemma check_list_al_app_l:
forall P l1 l2 e,
check_list_al P (l1 ++ l2) e ->
check_list_al P l1 (cat_prefix l2 e).
Lemma check_list_al_app_r:
forall P l1 l2 e,
check_list_al P (l1 ++ l2) e ->
check_list_al P l2 e.
Lemma check_list_ev_strict_not_strict:
forall P l e, check_list_ev_strict P l e -> check_list_ev P l e.
Lemma check_list_ev_not_strict_strict:
forall P l e
(Pdec: Always (fun e => P e \/ ~P e) (cat_prefix l e)),
check_list_ev P l e -> check_list_ev_strict P l e.
forall P l e, check_list_ev_strict P l e -> check_list_ev P l e.
Lemma check_list_ev_not_strict_strict:
forall P l e
(Pdec: Always (fun e => P e \/ ~P e) (cat_prefix l e)),
check_list_ev P l e -> check_list_ev_strict P l e.
Lemma check_list_ev_app:
forall P a b e, check_list_ev P (a ++ b) e ->
check_list_al (fun e => ~P e) a (cat_prefix b e) ->
check_list_ev P b e.
Lemma check_list_ev_app_r:
forall P a b e, check_list_ev P b e ->
check_list_ev P (a ++ b) e.
Lemma check_list_ev_app_l:
forall P a b e, check_list_ev P a (cat_prefix b e) ->
check_list_ev P (a ++ b) e.
Lemma check_list_ev_end:
forall (P: Exec -> Prop) l e, P e -> check_list_ev P l e.
forall P a b e, check_list_ev P (a ++ b) e ->
check_list_al (fun e => ~P e) a (cat_prefix b e) ->
check_list_ev P b e.
Lemma check_list_ev_app_r:
forall P a b e, check_list_ev P b e ->
check_list_ev P (a ++ b) e.
Lemma check_list_ev_app_l:
forall P a b e, check_list_ev P a (cat_prefix b e) ->
check_list_ev P (a ++ b) e.
Lemma check_list_ev_end:
forall (P: Exec -> Prop) l e, P e -> check_list_ev P l e.
About check_list_ev_strict
When check_list_ev_strict P l c holds, this tools cuts l into two lists l1 and l2 such that- P never holds on l1
- P holds at (cat_prefix l2 c).
Lemma find_ev:
forall P l c,
check_list_ev_strict P l c ->
exists l1 l2,
l = l1 ++ l2 /\
check_list_al (fun e => ~ P e) l1 (cat_prefix l2 c) /\
P (cat_prefix l2 c).
forall P l c,
check_list_ev_strict P l c ->
exists l1 l2,
l = l1 ++ l2 /\
check_list_al (fun e => ~ P e) l1 (cat_prefix l2 c) /\
P (cat_prefix l2 c).
Fundamental lemma when dealing with rounds:
when a node is enabled at the beginning of a round then it is activated or neutralized before the end of this round.
Lemma round_en_act:
forall e l b c,
Proper pequiv e ->
finite_first_round_contd e (l ++ b :: nil) c ->
forall n,
enabled_b (s_hd e) n = true ->
check_list_ev_strict (fun e' => act_neut_b e' n = true) l (s_cons b c).
forall e l b c,
Proper pequiv e ->
finite_first_round_contd e (l ++ b :: nil) c ->
forall n,
enabled_b (s_hd e) n = true ->
check_list_ev_strict (fun e' => act_neut_b e' n = true) l (s_cons b c).
Relation between finite_first_round_contd and At_N_rounds
For an execution e,- if P holds at e then At_N_rounds 0 P e
- otherwise, in case of finite first round, and if P is
- otherwise we provide a lemma to prepare recursion:
Lemma At_N_rounds_0: forall e P, At_N_rounds 0 P e <-> P e.
Lemma This_round_ffr:
forall P (pc: Proper pequiv P) e (pe: Proper pequiv e) c l,
~ P e -> check_list_ev_strict P l c ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> This_round P P e.
Lemma At_N_rounds_1:
forall P (pc: Proper pequiv P) e (pe: Proper pequiv e) c l,
~ P e -> check_list_ev_strict P l c ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> At_N_rounds 1 P e.
Lemma Next_round_ffr:
forall P (pc: Proper pequiv P)
(Q: Exec -> Prop) (qc: Proper pequiv Q)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e) c l,
Q c -> check_list_al (fun e => ~ P e) l c ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> Next_round P Q e.
Lemma Next_round_ffr_converse:
forall P (pc: Proper pequiv P)
(Q: Exec -> Prop) (qc: Proper pequiv Q)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e),
Next_round P Q e -> exists c l,
Q c /\ check_list_al (fun e => ~ P e) l c /\
finite_first_round_contd e l c.
Lemma This_round_ffr:
forall P (pc: Proper pequiv P) e (pe: Proper pequiv e) c l,
~ P e -> check_list_ev_strict P l c ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> This_round P P e.
Lemma At_N_rounds_1:
forall P (pc: Proper pequiv P) e (pe: Proper pequiv e) c l,
~ P e -> check_list_ev_strict P l c ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> At_N_rounds 1 P e.
Lemma Next_round_ffr:
forall P (pc: Proper pequiv P)
(Q: Exec -> Prop) (qc: Proper pequiv Q)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e) c l,
Q c -> check_list_al (fun e => ~ P e) l c ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> Next_round P Q e.
Lemma Next_round_ffr_converse:
forall P (pc: Proper pequiv P)
(Q: Exec -> Prop) (qc: Proper pequiv Q)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e),
Next_round P Q e -> exists c l,
Q c /\ check_list_al (fun e => ~ P e) l c /\
finite_first_round_contd e l c.
K Rounds
The definition of after_k_rounds, for (k+1) exhibits the first round and then the k next rounds. This definition copies the way At_N_rounds is defined. Nevertheless, in proof of round complexity, the induction is usually the other way round; namely, having letting pass k rounds, we reason about the last one (the (k+1)-th) and observe how properties about the last configurations have evolved.- if e starts with k rounds in l before c, and if c contains one
- conversely, if e starts with (k+1) rounds l before c, then l can
e starts with k rounds l' before some execution c'
c' starts with a finite round ll before c.
- similarly (but when looking for a target maybe reached before k
some k'<=k rounds has elapsed on a prefix of l1
and a (k'+1)-th round can be found
Lemma after_k_rounds_add:
forall k l ll e c c', after_k_rounds k e l c ->
finite_first_round_contd c ll c' ->
after_k_rounds (S k) e (l ++ ll) c'.
Lemma after_k_rounds_inv_rev:
forall k e l c,
Proper pequiv e ->
after_k_rounds (S k) e l c ->
exists l' ll c',
l =~= l' ++ ll /\
after_k_rounds k e l' c' /\
finite_first_round_contd c' ll c.
Lemma cut_akr:
forall e c k l1 l2,
Proper pequiv e ->
after_k_rounds (S k) e (l1 ++ l2) c ->
exists k' c' a la b lb,
k' <= k /\ l1 =~= la ++ a /\ l2 =~= b ++ lb /\
after_k_rounds k' e la (cat_prefix (a ++ b) c') /\
finite_first_round_contd (cat_prefix (a ++ b) c') (a ++ b) c'
/\ (l1 <> nil -> a <> nil).
forall k l ll e c c', after_k_rounds k e l c ->
finite_first_round_contd c ll c' ->
after_k_rounds (S k) e (l ++ ll) c'.
Lemma after_k_rounds_inv_rev:
forall k e l c,
Proper pequiv e ->
after_k_rounds (S k) e l c ->
exists l' ll c',
l =~= l' ++ ll /\
after_k_rounds k e l' c' /\
finite_first_round_contd c' ll c.
Lemma cut_akr:
forall e c k l1 l2,
Proper pequiv e ->
after_k_rounds (S k) e (l1 ++ l2) c ->
exists k' c' a la b lb,
k' <= k /\ l1 =~= la ++ a /\ l2 =~= b ++ lb /\
after_k_rounds k' e la (cat_prefix (a ++ b) c') /\
finite_first_round_contd (cat_prefix (a ++ b) c') (a ++ b) c'
/\ (l1 <> nil -> a <> nil).
Relation between finite_first_round_contd, after_k_rounds and
At_N_rounds- To prove At_N_rounds (k+1) P e, prove the following sufficient conditions: * e constains k rounds in l before c and never satifies P during l * c contains one round in l' before c' and satisfies P at some point in l'
- To prove that there exists some k' <= k such that At_N_rounds k' P e, prove the following sufficient conditions: * e constains k rounds in l before c * e and satisfies P at some point in l nb: to get rid of the fact that the definition is strict (it would require strict eventuality), we require an additionnal assumption: Always (fun e => P e \/ ~P e) e, namely P is classical for e and all its suffices.
Lemma At_N_rounds_ind_inf:
forall k P (pc: Proper pequiv P)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e) c l,
after_k_rounds k e l c ->
check_list_al (fun e => ~P e) l c -> ~ P c ->
At_N_rounds 1 P c ->
At_N_rounds (S k) P e.
Lemma At_N_rounds_ind:
forall k P (pc: Proper pequiv P)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e) c c' l l',
after_k_rounds k e l c ->
check_list_al (fun e => ~P e) l c -> ~ P c ->
finite_first_round_contd c l' c' ->
check_list_ev_strict P l' c' ->
At_N_rounds (S k) P e.
Lemma At_N_rounds_ind_le:
forall k P (pc: Proper pequiv P)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e)
(Pdec: Always (fun e => P e \/ ~P e) e)
c l,
after_k_rounds k e l c ->
check_list_ev P l c ->
exists k', k' <= k /\ At_N_rounds k' P e.
forall k P (pc: Proper pequiv P)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e) c l,
after_k_rounds k e l c ->
check_list_al (fun e => ~P e) l c -> ~ P c ->
At_N_rounds 1 P c ->
At_N_rounds (S k) P e.
Lemma At_N_rounds_ind:
forall k P (pc: Proper pequiv P)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e) c c' l l',
after_k_rounds k e l c ->
check_list_al (fun e => ~P e) l c -> ~ P c ->
finite_first_round_contd c l' c' ->
check_list_ev_strict P l' c' ->
At_N_rounds (S k) P e.
Lemma At_N_rounds_ind_le:
forall k P (pc: Proper pequiv P)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e)
(Pdec: Always (fun e => P e \/ ~P e) e)
c l,
after_k_rounds k e l c ->
check_list_ev P l c ->
exists k', k' <= k /\ At_N_rounds k' P e.
Relation between weaklyfair daemon and rounds
Properties for weakly execution:- for an execution, being weakly fair is equivalent to having all
- if the execution is not already terminal at its first
Inductive Finite_first_round: (Node -> bool) -> Exec -> Prop :=
| Finite_First_round_done_: forall UNSAT e,
eqNodeSet UNSAT empty_BoolSet ->
Finite_first_round UNSAT e
| Finite_First_round_ongoing_: forall UNSAT1 U' g e,
~eqNodeSet UNSAT1 empty_BoolSet ->
Proper eqNodeSet UNSAT1 ->
let U'_ := (diffBoolSet UNSAT1 (act_neut_b (s_cons g e))) in
eqNodeSet U' U'_ ->
Finite_first_round U' e ->
Finite_first_round UNSAT1 (s_cons g e).
Definition finite_first_round (e:Exec) :Prop :=
Finite_first_round (enabled_b (s_hd e)) e.
Lemma Finite_first_round_equiv:
forall U (e: Exec) (pe: Proper pequiv e),
Finite_first_round U e <->
exists c l, Finite_first_round_contd U e l c.
Lemma finite_first_round_equiv:
forall e (pe: Proper pequiv e),
finite_first_round e /\
~ eqNodeSet (enabled_b (s_hd e)) empty_BoolSet <->
exists c l, finite_first_round_contd e l c.
Definition all_rounds_finite (e:Exec) :Prop :=
Always finite_first_round e.
Lemma Weakly_fair_finite_rounds :
forall e, Proper pequiv e ->
weakly_fair e <-> all_rounds_finite e.
Lemma weakly_fair_one_round:
forall e, Proper pequiv e -> weakly_fair e ->
~ terminal (s_hd e) ->
exists c l, finite_first_round_contd e l c.
At_N_rounds classical (when property is reachable)
Lemma At_N_rounds_clas:
forall P e k, Weak_Dec pequiv P -> Proper pequiv P ->
Eventually P e -> is_exec e ->
At_N_rounds k P e \/ ~At_N_rounds k P e.
forall P e k, Weak_Dec pequiv P -> Proper pequiv P ->
Eventually P e -> is_exec e ->
At_N_rounds k P e \/ ~At_N_rounds k P e.
*At_N_rounds* covariance
Lemma When_SAT_cov:
forall (P1 P2: Exec -> Prop) (Q1 Q2: Exec -> Prop)
(pc2: Proper pequiv P2) (qc2: Proper pequiv Q2)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e)
(eP: Always (fun e => P2 e -> P1 e) e)
(eQ: Always (fun e => Q1 e -> Q2 e) e)
strict U,
When_SAT strict P1 Q1 U e -> When_SAT strict P2 Q2 U e.
Lemma This_round_cov:
forall (P1 P2: Exec -> Prop)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e)
(eP: Always (fun e => P1 e -> P2 e) e)
(d2: Always (fun c => P2 c \/ ~ P2 c) e),
This_round P1 P1 e -> P2 e \/ This_round P2 P2 e.
Lemma At_N_rounds_1_cov:
forall (P1 P2: Exec -> Prop)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e)
(eP: Always (fun e => P1 e -> P2 e) e)
(d2: Always (fun c => P2 c \/ ~ P2 c) e),
At_N_rounds 1 P1 e -> P2 e \/ At_N_rounds 1 P2 e.
Lemma Next_round_cov:
forall (P1 P2: Exec -> Prop) (Q1 Q2: Exec -> Prop)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e)
(eP: Always (fun e => P1 e -> P2 e) e)
(eQ: Always (fun e => Q2 e -> Q1 e) e)
(d2: forall c, is_suffix e c -> P2 c \/ ~ P2 c),
Next_round Q1 P1 e ->
P2 e \/ This_round Q2 P2 e \/ Next_round Q2 P2 e.
Lemma check_list_al_cc:
forall Q (pq: Proper pequiv Q) l (pl: Proper pequiv l)
ll c cc,
check_list_al Q l c -> check_list_al Q ll cc ->
c =~= cat_prefix ll cc -> check_list_al Q (l ++ ll) cc.
Lemma find_round_list:
forall k P (pc: Proper pequiv P) e (pe: Proper pequiv e),
At_N_rounds (S k) P e ->
exists l c, after_k_rounds k e l c /\
check_list_al (fun e => ~ P e) l c /\
At_N_rounds 1 P c.
Lemma check_list_al_impl:
forall (P1: Exec -> Prop) (P1c: Proper pequiv P1)
(P2: Exec -> Prop) (eP: (pequiv ==> impl) P1 P2)
l (pl: Proper pequiv l) c (pc: Proper pequiv c)
(d2: Always (fun c => P1 c \/ ~ P1 c)
(cat_prefix l c)),
check_list_al P2 l c -> exists l' c',
check_list_al P1 l' c' /\
cat_prefix l c =~= cat_prefix l' c' /\
( l =~= l' \/ ~P1 c' ).
Lemma At_N_rounds_cov:
forall (P1: Exec -> Prop) (P1c: Proper pequiv P1)
(P2: Exec -> Prop) (P2c: Proper pequiv P2)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e)
(d2: Always (fun c => P2 c \/ ~ P2 c) e) k1
(impl2: Always (fun e => P1 e -> P2 e) e),
At_N_rounds k1 P1 e ->
exists k2, k2 <= k1 /\ At_N_rounds k2 P2 e.
Compatibility for Round_complexity with implies:
Lemma Round_complexity_compat_cov:
forall n1 n2 (en: n1 == n2)
(P1: Exec -> Prop) (P1c: Proper pequiv P1)
(P2: Exec -> Prop) (P2c: Proper pequiv P2)
(Q1: Exec -> Prop) (Q1c: Proper pequiv Q1)
(Q2: Exec -> Prop) (Q2c: Proper pequiv Q2)
(eQ: (pequiv ==> impl) Q2 Q1)
(eP: forall e, Q2 e -> Always (fun e => P1 e -> P2 e) e)
(hp2: forall e, Q2 e -> Proper pequiv e)
(d2: forall e, Q2 e -> Always (fun c => P2 c \/ ~ P2 c) e),
Round_complexity Q1 P1 n1 -> Round_complexity Q2 P2 n2.
forall n1 n2 (en: n1 == n2)
(P1: Exec -> Prop) (P1c: Proper pequiv P1)
(P2: Exec -> Prop) (P2c: Proper pequiv P2)
(Q1: Exec -> Prop) (Q1c: Proper pequiv Q1)
(Q2: Exec -> Prop) (Q2c: Proper pequiv Q2)
(eQ: (pequiv ==> impl) Q2 Q1)
(eP: forall e, Q2 e -> Always (fun e => P1 e -> P2 e) e)
(hp2: forall e, Q2 e -> Proper pequiv e)
(d2: forall e, Q2 e -> Always (fun c => P2 c \/ ~ P2 c) e),
Round_complexity Q1 P1 n1 -> Round_complexity Q2 P2 n2.
Proof Schema
Those tools are meant to help the proof designer in order to count the number of rounds, hence finite rounds (at least for all of them but the last one. This is why the tools focus on finite rounds.First schema: progress by one round
- P is the property which is obtained after n rounds
- R is the property that should be satisfied after at most n+1 rounds
- a progress condition, i.e. the existence of a next round
- the fact that R can be reach from P in one round
Lemma schema_one_round_progress:
forall (P: Exec -> Prop) (R: Exec -> Prop) e n l c,
after_k_rounds n e l c -> P c ->
(exists cc ll, finite_first_round_contd c ll cc /\ R cc) ->
exists c' l', after_k_rounds (S n) e l' c' /\ R c'.
Lemma schema_one_round_progress':
forall (P: Exec -> Prop) (R: Exec -> Prop) (Rc: Proper fequiv R)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e)
(clas: Always (fun e0 : Stream => R e0 \/ ~ R e0) e) n l c,
after_k_rounds n e l c -> P c ->
(exists cc ll, finite_first_round_contd c ll cc /\ R cc) ->
exists n', n' <= S n /\ At_N_rounds n' R e.
forall (P: Exec -> Prop) (R: Exec -> Prop) (Rc: Proper fequiv R)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e)
(clas: Always (fun e0 : Stream => R e0 \/ ~ R e0) e) n l c,
after_k_rounds n e l c -> P c ->
(exists cc ll, finite_first_round_contd c ll cc /\ R cc) ->
exists n', n' <= S n /\ At_N_rounds n' R e.
Lemma schema_round_induction:
forall (Q: Exec -> Prop) (Qc: Proper pequiv Q)
(P: nat -> Exec -> Prop) (Pc: Proper pequiv P)
(B: nat) (e: Exec) (pe: Proper pequiv e),
Always Q e ->
(forall k, k <= B -> Always (fun e => P k e \/ ~ P k e) e) ->
(forall k, k <= B ->
Always (fun e => ~ P k e ->
exists cc ll, finite_first_round_contd e ll cc) e) ->
P 0 e ->
(forall k e l c, k < B ->
Q e -> P k e ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> P (S k) c)
exists n c l, n <= B /\ after_k_rounds n e l c /\ P B c.
forall (Q: Exec -> Prop) (Qc: Proper pequiv Q)
(P: nat -> Exec -> Prop) (Pc: Proper pequiv P)
(B: nat) (e: Exec) (pe: Proper pequiv e),
Always Q e ->
(forall k, k <= B -> Always (fun e => P k e \/ ~ P k e) e) ->
(forall k, k <= B ->
Always (fun e => ~ P k e ->
exists cc ll, finite_first_round_contd e ll cc) e) ->
P 0 e ->
(forall k e l c, k < B ->
Q e -> P k e ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> P (S k) c)
exists n c l, n <= B /\ after_k_rounds n e l c /\ P B c.
Lemma schema_round_induction':
forall (Q: Exec -> Prop) (Qc: Proper pequiv Q)
(P: nat -> Exec -> Prop) (Pc: Proper pequiv P)
(B: nat) (e: Exec) (pe: Proper pequiv e),
Always Q e ->
(forall k, k <= B -> Always (fun e => P k e \/ ~ P k e) e) ->
(forall k, k <= B ->
Always (fun e => ~ P k e ->
exists cc ll, finite_first_round_contd e ll cc) e) ->
P 0 e ->
(forall k e l c, k < B ->
Q e -> P k e ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> P (S k) c)
exists n, n <= B /\ At_N_rounds n (P B) e.
forall (Q: Exec -> Prop) (Qc: Proper pequiv Q)
(P: nat -> Exec -> Prop) (Pc: Proper pequiv P)
(B: nat) (e: Exec) (pe: Proper pequiv e),
Always Q e ->
(forall k, k <= B -> Always (fun e => P k e \/ ~ P k e) e) ->
(forall k, k <= B ->
Always (fun e => ~ P k e ->
exists cc ll, finite_first_round_contd e ll cc) e) ->
P 0 e ->
(forall k e l c, k < B ->
Q e -> P k e ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> P (S k) c)
exists n, n <= B /\ At_N_rounds n (P B) e.
Schema of proofs - weakly fair daemon
Lemma schema_round_induction_wf:
forall (Q: Exec -> Prop) (Qc: Proper pequiv Q)
(P: nat -> Exec -> Prop) (Pc: Proper pequiv P)
(B: nat) (e: Exec) (pe: Proper pequiv e),
Always Q e -> weakly_fair e ->
(forall k, k <= B -> Always (fun e => P k e \/ ~ P k e) e) ->
(forall k, k <= B ->
Always (fun e => ~ P k e -> ~ terminal (s_hd e)) e) ->
P 0 e ->
(forall k e l c, k < B ->
Q e -> P k e ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> P (S k) c)
exists n c l, n <= B /\ after_k_rounds n e l c /\ P B c.
forall (Q: Exec -> Prop) (Qc: Proper pequiv Q)
(P: nat -> Exec -> Prop) (Pc: Proper pequiv P)
(B: nat) (e: Exec) (pe: Proper pequiv e),
Always Q e -> weakly_fair e ->
(forall k, k <= B -> Always (fun e => P k e \/ ~ P k e) e) ->
(forall k, k <= B ->
Always (fun e => ~ P k e -> ~ terminal (s_hd e)) e) ->
P 0 e ->
(forall k e l c, k < B ->
Q e -> P k e ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> P (S k) c)
exists n c l, n <= B /\ after_k_rounds n e l c /\ P B c.
Lemma schema_round_induction_wf':
forall (Q: Exec -> Prop) (Qc: Proper pequiv Q)
(P: nat -> Exec -> Prop) (Pc: Proper pequiv P)
(B: nat) (e: Exec) (pe: Proper pequiv e),
Always Q e -> weakly_fair e ->
(forall k, k <= B -> Always (fun e => P k e \/ ~ P k e) e) ->
(forall k, k <= B ->
Always (fun e => ~ P k e -> ~ terminal (s_hd e)) e) ->
P 0 e ->
(forall k e l c, k < B ->
Q e -> P k e ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> P (S k) c)
exists n, n <= B /\ At_N_rounds n (P B) e.
forall (Q: Exec -> Prop) (Qc: Proper pequiv Q)
(P: nat -> Exec -> Prop) (Pc: Proper pequiv P)
(B: nat) (e: Exec) (pe: Proper pequiv e),
Always Q e -> weakly_fair e ->
(forall k, k <= B -> Always (fun e => P k e \/ ~ P k e) e) ->
(forall k, k <= B ->
Always (fun e => ~ P k e -> ~ terminal (s_hd e)) e) ->
P 0 e ->
(forall k e l c, k < B ->
Q e -> P k e ->
finite_first_round_contd e l c -> P (S k) c)
exists n, n <= B /\ At_N_rounds n (P B) e.
Relation between At_N_rounds and round extraction tools
At_N_rounds n P e <->
n = 0 /\ P e
n = S n' /\ after_k_rounds n' e l c /\ ~ P c /\ never P on l /\
either finite_first_round c l' c' /\ P in l'
or infinite_first_round c /\ Eventually P on c
The last disjunction is not tractable. This characterization would be
useless. We propose an inductive property to check the last disjunction;
this property goes through the execution suffix c until reaching P,
meanwhile it checks that the current round is not over.
Inductive Check_P_in_First_Round (P: Exec -> Prop): NodeSet ->Exec -> Prop :=
| CFR_stop: forall U e, P e -> Check_P_in_First_Round P U e
| CFR_on: forall U g e,
Check_P_in_First_Round P (diffBoolSet U (act_neut_b (s_cons g e))) e ->
~ eqNodeSet U empty_BoolSet ->
Check_P_in_First_Round P U (s_cons g e).
Instance Check_P_in_First_Round_compat: Proper pequiv Check_P_in_First_Round.
Definition check_P_in_first_round P e :=
~ P e /\ Check_P_in_First_Round P (enabled_b (s_hd e)) e.
Instance check_P_in_first_round_compat: Proper pequiv check_P_in_first_round.
Lemma At_N_rounds_1_Check_P_First_Round:
forall P (Pc: Proper pequiv P) (P_clas: forall e_, P e_ \/ ~ P e_)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e),
At_N_rounds 1 P e <-> check_P_in_first_round P e.
Lemma At_N_rounds_charac:
forall P (Pc: Proper pequiv P) (P_clas: forall e_, P e_ \/ ~ P e_)
e (pe: Proper pequiv e) n,
At_N_rounds n P e <->
match n with
| 0 => P e
| S n' => exists l c, after_k_rounds n' e l c /\
check_list_al (fun e_ => ~ P e_) l c /\
check_P_in_first_round P c
End Rounds.