PADEC - Coq Library
Library Padec.Tools.WellfoundedUtil
From Coq Require Import Relations.
From Coq Require Import SetoidList.
From Coq Require Import SetoidClass.
From Coq Require Import Wellfounded.
From Coq Require Import RelationPairs.
From Coq Require Import Arith.
From Coq Require Import Morphisms_Prop.
From Coq Require Import Bool.
From Coq Require Import Lia.
From Coq Require Import SetoidList.
From Coq Require Import SetoidClass.
From Coq Require Import Wellfounded.
From Coq Require Import RelationPairs.
From Coq Require Import Arith.
From Coq Require Import Morphisms_Prop.
From Coq Require Import Bool.
From Coq Require Import Lia.
From CoLoR Require RelUtil.
From Padec Require Import SetoidUtil.
From Padec Require Import ListUtils.
From Padec Require Import ZUtils.
From Padec Require Import RelationA.
Open Scope signature_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Global Instance Acc_per_morphism {A: Type} `{SA: PartialSetoid A}
(R: A -> A -> Prop) `(pR: Proper _ fequiv R)
`(closure: forall x y, R y x -> Proper pequiv x -> Proper pequiv y):
Proper fequiv (Acc R).
Lemma Acc_per_impl {A: Type} `{SA: PartialSetoid A}
(R1 R2: A -> A -> Prop) `(pR: R1 =~= R2)
`(closure: forall x y, R1 y x -> Proper pequiv x -> Proper pequiv y):
(pequiv ==> impl) (Acc R2) (Acc R1).
Lemma Acc_per_morphism' {A: Type} `{SA: PartialSetoid A}
(R1 R2: A -> A -> Prop) `(pR: R1 =~= R2)
`(closure_R1: forall x y, R1 y x -> Proper pequiv x -> Proper pequiv y)
`(closure_R2: forall x y, R2 y x -> Proper pequiv x -> Proper pequiv y):
(pequiv ==> iff) (Acc R1) (Acc R2).
Section Well_Founded.
Two equivalent relations are equivalently well founded.
Lemma wf_rel_equiv:
forall (A: Type) (R1: relation A) (R2: relation A),
(forall a b, R1 a b <-> R2 a b) -> (well_founded R1 <-> well_founded R2).
forall (A: Type) (R1: relation A) (R2: relation A),
(forall a b, R1 a b <-> R2 a b) -> (well_founded R1 <-> well_founded R2).
Any well-founded relation cannot be reflexive!
Lemma acc_rel_is_non_reflexive:
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A) (x: A), Acc R x -> ~R x x.
Lemma wf_rel_is_non_reflexive:
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A),
well_founded R -> forall x, ~R x x.
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A) (x: A), Acc R x -> ~R x x.
Lemma wf_rel_is_non_reflexive:
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A),
well_founded R -> forall x, ~R x x.
Equivalence between two different definitions of the transitive
of a relation.
Lemma equiv_clos_trans_transitive_closure:
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A) (x y: A),
Relation_Operators.clos_trans R x y <-> transitive_closure R x y.
Lemma equiv_wf_clos_trans_wf_transitive_closure:
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A),
well_founded (Relation_Operators.clos_trans R) <->
well_founded (transitive_closure R).
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A) (x y: A),
Relation_Operators.clos_trans R x y <-> transitive_closure R x y.
Lemma equiv_wf_clos_trans_wf_transitive_closure:
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A),
well_founded (Relation_Operators.clos_trans R) <->
well_founded (transitive_closure R).
A well-founded relation has a well-founded transitive closure.
Lemma wf_rel_has_wf_transitive_closure:
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A),
well_founded R -> well_founded (transitive_closure R).
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A),
well_founded R -> well_founded (transitive_closure R).
A well-founded has a non reflexive transitive closure.
Lemma wf_rel_has_non_reflexive_transitive_closure:
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A),
well_founded R -> forall x, ~(transitive_closure R) x x.
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A),
well_founded R -> forall x, ~(transitive_closure R) x x.
Lemma well_founded_equiv_equiv {A: Type} `{SA: Setoid A}:
forall (R1 R2: A -> A -> Prop),
R1 =~= R2 -> (well_founded R1 <-> well_founded R2).
forall (R1 R2: A -> A -> Prop),
R1 =~= R2 -> (well_founded R1 <-> well_founded R2).
The flips (transpositions) of two equivalent relations are equivalent.
Lemma flip_equiv_equiv {A: Type} `{SA: Setoid A}:
forall (R1 R2: A -> A -> Prop),
R1 =~= R2 -> (equiv ==> equiv ==> iff) (flip R1) (flip R2).
forall (R1 R2: A -> A -> Prop),
R1 =~= R2 -> (equiv ==> equiv ==> iff) (flip R1) (flip R2).
The flip of two equivalent relations are equivalently well-founded.
Lemma well_founded_flip_equiv_equiv {A: Type} `{SA: Setoid A}:
forall (R1 R2: A -> A -> Prop),
R1 =~= R2 -> (well_founded (flip R1) <-> well_founded (flip R2)).
forall (R1 R2: A -> A -> Prop),
R1 =~= R2 -> (well_founded (flip R1) <-> well_founded (flip R2)).
A well-founded relation cannot be reflexive (using equality on elements
and assuming compatibility of the elements.
Lemma wf_rel_for_non_equiv_elements {A: Type} `{SA: Setoid A}:
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
well_founded R -> forall x y, R x y -> ~x == y.
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
well_founded R -> forall x y, R x y -> ~x == y.
For any compatible relation, flip (transposition) is also compatible.
Lemma flip_proper_rel {A: Type} `{SA: Setoid A}:
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
Proper fequiv (flip R).
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
Proper fequiv (flip R).
For any well-founded relation,
for any point x and z,
x is not z and there exists a path from x to z
is equivalent to
x has a neighbor y and there exists a path from y to z
Lemma well_founded_strict {A: Type} `{SA: Setoid A}:
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
well_founded R ->
forall x z,
(exists y, R x y /\ reflexive_transitive_closure R y z)
(~x == z /\ reflexive_transitive_closure R x z).
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
well_founded R ->
forall x z,
(exists y, R x y /\ reflexive_transitive_closure R y z)
(~x == z /\ reflexive_transitive_closure R x z).
Well_founded / Finite elements
The goal of the section is to show that a relation on a finite set of elements is a well-founded order(well_founded R -> forall x, ~(transitive_closure R) x x)
provides one implication, with no requirement on the set of elements.
Lemma finite_acyclic_wf:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA eqA a lA)
(R: relation A) (R_dec: forall a1 a2, {R a1 a2}+{~R a1 a2})
(R_compat: Proper (eqA ==> eqA ==> iff) R),
(forall x: A, ~ transitive_closure R x x) -> well_founded R.
TCR and properties
The proof of the result uses a subrelation of the transitive closure, i.e., the transitive closure between elements of a given list only
Inductive TCR (l: list A) (R: relation A): relation A :=
| TCR_step: forall x y, R x y -> TCR l R x y
| TCR_transitivity: forall x y z, InA equiv y l ->
TCR l R x y -> TCR l R y z -> TCR l R x z.
Lemma TCR_gen:
forall (l: list A) (R: relation A) (x y: A),
TCR l R x y -> transitive_closure R x y.
Lemma TCR_all:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(R: relation A) (x y: A),
transitive_closure R x y -> TCR lA R x y.
Lemma TCR_all_equiv:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(R: relation A) (x y: A),
transitive_closure R x y <-> TCR lA R x y.
Instance TCR_compat:
Proper (equivlistA equiv ==> fequiv ==> equiv ==> equiv ==> iff) TCR.
Lemma TCR_incl:
forall (R: relation A) (l l': list A),
inclA equiv l l' -> forall a1 a2, TCR l R a1 a2 -> TCR l' R a1 a2.
Inductive TCR_left (l: list A) (R: relation A): relation A :=
| TCR_left_step: forall x y, R x y -> TCR_left l R x y
| TCR_left_transitivity:
forall x y z, InA equiv y l -> R x y ->
TCR_left l R y z -> TCR_left l R x z.
Lemma TCR_left_TCR_equiv:
forall (R: relation A) (l: list A) (x y: A),
TCR l R x y <-> TCR_left l R x y.
Inductive TCR_right (l: list A) (R: relation A): relation A :=
| TCR_right_step: forall x y, R x y -> TCR_right l R x y
| TCR_right_transitivity:
forall x y z, InA equiv y l -> R y z ->
TCR_right l R x y -> TCR_right l R x z.
Lemma TCR_right_TCR_equiv:
forall (R: relation A) (l: list A) (x y: A),
TCR l R x y <-> TCR_right l R x y.
| TCR_step: forall x y, R x y -> TCR l R x y
| TCR_transitivity: forall x y z, InA equiv y l ->
TCR l R x y -> TCR l R y z -> TCR l R x z.
Lemma TCR_gen:
forall (l: list A) (R: relation A) (x y: A),
TCR l R x y -> transitive_closure R x y.
Lemma TCR_all:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(R: relation A) (x y: A),
transitive_closure R x y -> TCR lA R x y.
Lemma TCR_all_equiv:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(R: relation A) (x y: A),
transitive_closure R x y <-> TCR lA R x y.
Instance TCR_compat:
Proper (equivlistA equiv ==> fequiv ==> equiv ==> equiv ==> iff) TCR.
Lemma TCR_incl:
forall (R: relation A) (l l': list A),
inclA equiv l l' -> forall a1 a2, TCR l R a1 a2 -> TCR l' R a1 a2.
Inductive TCR_left (l: list A) (R: relation A): relation A :=
| TCR_left_step: forall x y, R x y -> TCR_left l R x y
| TCR_left_transitivity:
forall x y z, InA equiv y l -> R x y ->
TCR_left l R y z -> TCR_left l R x z.
Lemma TCR_left_TCR_equiv:
forall (R: relation A) (l: list A) (x y: A),
TCR l R x y <-> TCR_left l R x y.
Inductive TCR_right (l: list A) (R: relation A): relation A :=
| TCR_right_step: forall x y, R x y -> TCR_right l R x y
| TCR_right_transitivity:
forall x y z, InA equiv y l -> R y z ->
TCR_right l R x y -> TCR_right l R x z.
Lemma TCR_right_TCR_equiv:
forall (R: relation A) (l: list A) (x y: A),
TCR l R x y <-> TCR_right l R x y.
TCR does not require that the first and last elements of the chain be
in the list.
Hence the relation is preserved when removing one the them from the list.
Lemma TCR_remove_1:
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R) (l: list A) (a1 a2: A),
TCR l R a1 a2 -> TCR (removeA A_dec a1 l) R a1 a2.
Lemma TCR_remove_2:
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R) (l: list A) (a1 a2: A),
TCR l R a1 a2 -> TCR (removeA A_dec a2 l) R a1 a2.
Lemma remove_incl:
forall (l: list A) (a: A), inclA equiv (removeA A_dec a l) l.
Lemma TCR_remove_1_iff:
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R) (l: list A) (a1 a2: A),
TCR l R a1 a2 <-> TCR (removeA A_dec a1 l) R a1 a2.
Lemma TCR_remove_2_iff:
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R) (l: list A) (a1 a2: A),
TCR l R a1 a2 <-> TCR (removeA A_dec a2 l) R a1 a2.
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R) (l: list A) (a1 a2: A),
TCR l R a1 a2 -> TCR (removeA A_dec a1 l) R a1 a2.
Lemma TCR_remove_2:
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R) (l: list A) (a1 a2: A),
TCR l R a1 a2 -> TCR (removeA A_dec a2 l) R a1 a2.
Lemma remove_incl:
forall (l: list A) (a: A), inclA equiv (removeA A_dec a l) l.
Lemma TCR_remove_1_iff:
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R) (l: list A) (a1 a2: A),
TCR l R a1 a2 <-> TCR (removeA A_dec a1 l) R a1 a2.
Lemma TCR_remove_2_iff:
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R) (l: list A) (a1 a2: A),
TCR l R a1 a2 <-> TCR (removeA A_dec a2 l) R a1 a2.
Checking if there exists an element with some property in a list
is decidable, provided that the property itself is decidable.
Lemma finite_dec:
forall (l: list A) (P: A -> Prop) (P_compat: Proper fequiv P)
(P_dec: forall a, { P a } + { ~ P a }),
{ (exists a, InA equiv a l /\ P a) } +
{ ~(exists a, InA equiv a l /\ P a) }.
Lemma finite_dec':
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(P: A -> Prop) (P_compat: Proper fequiv P)
(P_dec: forall a, { P a } + { ~ P a }),
{ (exists a, P a) } + { ~(exists a, P a) }.
forall (l: list A) (P: A -> Prop) (P_compat: Proper fequiv P)
(P_dec: forall a, { P a } + { ~ P a }),
{ (exists a, InA equiv a l /\ P a) } +
{ ~(exists a, InA equiv a l /\ P a) }.
Lemma finite_dec':
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(P: A -> Prop) (P_compat: Proper fequiv P)
(P_dec: forall a, { P a } + { ~ P a }),
{ (exists a, P a) } + { ~(exists a, P a) }.
length of a list when an element is removed
Lemma removeA_length_leq:
forall (l: list A) (a: A), (length (removeA A_dec a l)) <= length l.
Lemma removeA_length_le:
forall (l: list A) (a: A),
InA equiv a l -> (length (removeA A_dec a l)) < length l.
forall (l: list A) (a: A), (length (removeA A_dec a l)) <= length l.
Lemma removeA_length_le:
forall (l: list A) (a: A),
InA equiv a l -> (length (removeA A_dec a l)) < length l.
Decidability of transitive closure over finite sets
Lemma finite_transitive_closure_dec:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(R: relation A) (R_dec: forall a1 a2, {R a1 a2}+{~R a1 a2})
(R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
forall (a1 a2: A), {transitive_closure R a1 a2} +
{~transitive_closure R a1 a2}.
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(R: relation A) (R_dec: forall a1 a2, {R a1 a2}+{~R a1 a2})
(R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
forall (a1 a2: A), {transitive_closure R a1 a2} +
{~transitive_closure R a1 a2}.
Inductive PW_lt (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X): relation (list X) :=
| PWcons1: forall a a' l l',
ltX a a' -> PW_lt ltX eqX l l' -> PW_lt ltX eqX (a::l) (a'::l')
| PWcons2: forall a a' l l',
ltX a a' -> eqlistA eqX l l' -> PW_lt ltX eqX (a::l) (a'::l')
| PWcons3: forall a a' l l',
eqX a a' -> PW_lt ltX eqX l l' -> PW_lt ltX eqX (a::l) (a'::l').
Lemma PW_length:
forall (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X),
forall (l1 l2: list X), PW_lt ltX eqX l1 l2 -> length l1 = length l2.
Definition PW_lt_n (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X) (n: nat)
(l1 l2: list X): Prop :=
(length l1 = n /\ length l2 = n) /\ PW_lt ltX eqX l1 l2.
Lemma PW_lt_n_length_l:
forall (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X) (l1 l2: list X),
PW_lt eqX ltX l1 l2 -> PW_lt_n eqX ltX (length l1) l1 l2.
Lemma PW_lt_n_length_r:
forall (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X) (l1 l2: list X),
PW_lt eqX ltX l1 l2 -> PW_lt_n eqX ltX (length l2) l1 l2.
Lemma Acc_PW_lt_n:
forall (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X) (n: nat) (lx: list X),
length lx = n -> Acc (PW_lt_n ltX eqX n) lx -> Acc (PW_lt ltX eqX) lx.
Lemma PW_lt_n_wf:
forall (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X) (eqX_equiv: Equivalence eqX)
(px: Proper (eqX ==> eqX ==> iff) ltX) (wfX: well_founded ltX),
forall (n: nat), well_founded (PW_lt_n ltX eqX n).
| PWcons1: forall a a' l l',
ltX a a' -> PW_lt ltX eqX l l' -> PW_lt ltX eqX (a::l) (a'::l')
| PWcons2: forall a a' l l',
ltX a a' -> eqlistA eqX l l' -> PW_lt ltX eqX (a::l) (a'::l')
| PWcons3: forall a a' l l',
eqX a a' -> PW_lt ltX eqX l l' -> PW_lt ltX eqX (a::l) (a'::l').
Lemma PW_length:
forall (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X),
forall (l1 l2: list X), PW_lt ltX eqX l1 l2 -> length l1 = length l2.
Definition PW_lt_n (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X) (n: nat)
(l1 l2: list X): Prop :=
(length l1 = n /\ length l2 = n) /\ PW_lt ltX eqX l1 l2.
Lemma PW_lt_n_length_l:
forall (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X) (l1 l2: list X),
PW_lt eqX ltX l1 l2 -> PW_lt_n eqX ltX (length l1) l1 l2.
Lemma PW_lt_n_length_r:
forall (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X) (l1 l2: list X),
PW_lt eqX ltX l1 l2 -> PW_lt_n eqX ltX (length l2) l1 l2.
Lemma Acc_PW_lt_n:
forall (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X) (n: nat) (lx: list X),
length lx = n -> Acc (PW_lt_n ltX eqX n) lx -> Acc (PW_lt ltX eqX) lx.
Lemma PW_lt_n_wf:
forall (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X) (eqX_equiv: Equivalence eqX)
(px: Proper (eqX ==> eqX ==> iff) ltX) (wfX: well_founded ltX),
forall (n: nat), well_founded (PW_lt_n ltX eqX n).
The point strict order on list is well-founded when the strict
order on elements is well-founded.
Lemma PW_lt_wf:
forall (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X) (eqX_equiv: Equivalence eqX)
(px: Proper (eqX ==> eqX ==> iff) ltX) (wfX: well_founded ltX),
well_founded (PW_lt ltX eqX).
forall (X: Type) (ltX eqX: relation X) (eqX_equiv: Equivalence eqX)
(px: Proper (eqX ==> eqX ==> iff) ltX) (wfX: well_founded ltX),
well_founded (PW_lt ltX eqX).
A relation with non-reflexive transitive closure over finite sets
is well-founded.R_trans_dec := (finite_transitive_closure_dec all R_dec R_compat)
left_cone_charac := fun a0 a : A =>
if R_trans_dec a a0 then 1%nat else 0%nat
measure := fun a0 : A => map (left_cone_charac a0) lA
PW_lt lt eq (measure a1) (measure a2)
Lemma finite_acyclic_wf:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R)
(R_dec: forall a1 a2, {R a1 a2} + {~R a1 a2}),
(forall x: A, ~ transitive_closure R x x) -> well_founded R.
Import Lia.
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R)
(R_dec: forall a1 a2, {R a1 a2} + {~R a1 a2}),
(forall x: A, ~ transitive_closure R x x) -> well_founded R.
Import Lia.
Lemma transitive_closure_flip:
forall (R: relation A) (x y: A),
transitive_closure R x y <-> transitive_closure (flip R) y x.
Lemma tc_equiv:
forall (R1: relation A) (R2: relation A) (equiv: R1 =~= R2),
forall (x y: A),
transitive_closure R1 x y <-> transitive_closure R2 x y.
Lemma flip_flip:
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
(flip (flip R)) =~= R.
Lemma finite_acyclic_wf_flip:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R)
(R_dec: forall a1 a2, {R a1 a2}+{~R a1 a2}),
(forall x, ~ transitive_closure R x x) -> well_founded (flip R).
Lemma wf_flip_finite:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R)
(R_dec: forall a1 a2, {R a1 a2}+{~R a1 a2}),
well_founded R <-> well_founded (flip R).
End Wf_flip_finite.
End Well_Founded.
Lemma not_not_dec:
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A)
(R_dec: forall a b: A, { R a b } + { ~R a b }),
forall a b, R a b <-> ~ ~ R a b.
Lemma not_exists_forall:
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A),
forall (y: A), ~(exists x, R x y) <-> (forall x, ~R x y).
Lemma existsb_sig {A: Type} `{SA: Setoid A}:
forall (f: A -> bool) (f_compat: Proper fequiv f) (l: list A),
existsb f l = true -> {x: A | InA equiv x l /\ f x = true}.
Section Wf_finite.
Lemma exists_forall_finite_dec {A: Type} `{SA: Setoid A}:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA),
forall (R: relation A) (R_dec: forall a b, { R a b } + { ~R a b })
(R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
forall y, { x | R x y } + { forall x, ~R x y }.
Lemma wf_finite_path {A: Type} `{SA: Setoid A}:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA),
forall (R: relation A)
(R_dec: forall a b, { R a b } + { ~R a b })
(R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
well_founded R ->
forall x, exists (p: list A) y, chain R y p x /\ forall x, ~R x y.
End Wf_finite.
forall (R: relation A) (x y: A),
transitive_closure R x y <-> transitive_closure (flip R) y x.
Lemma tc_equiv:
forall (R1: relation A) (R2: relation A) (equiv: R1 =~= R2),
forall (x y: A),
transitive_closure R1 x y <-> transitive_closure R2 x y.
Lemma flip_flip:
forall (R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
(flip (flip R)) =~= R.
Lemma finite_acyclic_wf_flip:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R)
(R_dec: forall a1 a2, {R a1 a2}+{~R a1 a2}),
(forall x, ~ transitive_closure R x x) -> well_founded (flip R).
Lemma wf_flip_finite:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA)
(R: relation A) (R_compat: Proper fequiv R)
(R_dec: forall a1 a2, {R a1 a2}+{~R a1 a2}),
well_founded R <-> well_founded (flip R).
End Wf_flip_finite.
End Well_Founded.
Lemma not_not_dec:
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A)
(R_dec: forall a b: A, { R a b } + { ~R a b }),
forall a b, R a b <-> ~ ~ R a b.
Lemma not_exists_forall:
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A),
forall (y: A), ~(exists x, R x y) <-> (forall x, ~R x y).
Lemma existsb_sig {A: Type} `{SA: Setoid A}:
forall (f: A -> bool) (f_compat: Proper fequiv f) (l: list A),
existsb f l = true -> {x: A | InA equiv x l /\ f x = true}.
Section Wf_finite.
Lemma exists_forall_finite_dec {A: Type} `{SA: Setoid A}:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA),
forall (R: relation A) (R_dec: forall a b, { R a b } + { ~R a b })
(R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
forall y, { x | R x y } + { forall x, ~R x y }.
Lemma wf_finite_path {A: Type} `{SA: Setoid A}:
forall (lA: list A) (all: forall a, InA equiv a lA),
forall (R: relation A)
(R_dec: forall a b, { R a b } + { ~R a b })
(R_compat: Proper fequiv R),
well_founded R ->
forall x, exists (p: list A) y, chain R y p x /\ forall x, ~R x y.
End Wf_finite.
Lexicographic ordering on pairs
Well founded property
Section Lexico_pairs.
Context {A B: Type}.
Variable (eqA ltA: relation A) (ltB: relation B).
Inductive lexico_pairs: relation (A * B) :=
| lpA: forall a a' b b', ltA a a' -> lexico_pairs (a, b) (a', b')
| lpB: forall a a' b b', eqA a a' -> ltB b b' -> lexico_pairs (a, b) (a', b').
Lemma lexico_pairs_inv:
forall a a' b b', lexico_pairs (a, b) (a', b') ->
ltA a a' \/ eqA a a' /\ ltB b b'.
Lemma lexico_pairs_intro:
forall a a' b b', ltA a a' \/ eqA a a' /\ ltB b b' ->
lexico_pairs (a, b) (a', b').
Lemma lexico_pairs_Acc:
Transitive eqA ->
inclusion (RelUtil.compose ltA eqA) ltA ->
well_founded ltB -> forall a, Acc ltA a ->
forall b, Acc lexico_pairs (a, b).
Lemma lexico_pairs_wf:
Transitive eqA ->
inclusion (RelUtil.compose ltA eqA) ltA ->
well_founded ltA -> well_founded ltB -> well_founded lexico_pairs.
End Lexico_pairs.
Context {A B: Type}.
Variable (eqA ltA: relation A) (ltB: relation B).
Inductive lexico_pairs: relation (A * B) :=
| lpA: forall a a' b b', ltA a a' -> lexico_pairs (a, b) (a', b')
| lpB: forall a a' b b', eqA a a' -> ltB b b' -> lexico_pairs (a, b) (a', b').
Lemma lexico_pairs_inv:
forall a a' b b', lexico_pairs (a, b) (a', b') ->
ltA a a' \/ eqA a a' /\ ltB b b'.
Lemma lexico_pairs_intro:
forall a a' b b', ltA a a' \/ eqA a a' /\ ltB b b' ->
lexico_pairs (a, b) (a', b').
Lemma lexico_pairs_Acc:
Transitive eqA ->
inclusion (RelUtil.compose ltA eqA) ltA ->
well_founded ltB -> forall a, Acc ltA a ->
forall b, Acc lexico_pairs (a, b).
Lemma lexico_pairs_wf:
Transitive eqA ->
inclusion (RelUtil.compose ltA eqA) ltA ->
well_founded ltA -> well_founded ltB -> well_founded lexico_pairs.
End Lexico_pairs.
Lexicographic ordering on lists of the same size
Well founded property
Section Lexico_lists.
Context {A: Type}.
Variable (eqA ltA: relation A).
Inductive lexico_lists: relation (list A) :=
| ltfirst: forall a1 l1 a2 l2,
ltA a1 a2 -> length l1 = length l2 ->
lexico_lists (a1::l1) (a2::l2)
| eqfirst: forall a1 l1 a2 l2,
eqA a1 a2 -> lexico_lists l1 l2 ->
lexico_lists (a1::l1) (a2::l2)
Lemma lexico_nil_eq:
forall a b, eqA a b -> ~ltA a b ->
~lexico_lists (a::nil) (b::nil).
Lemma lexico_nil_lt:
forall a b, ltA a b ->
lexico_lists (a::nil) (b::nil).
Lemma lexico_lists_length:
forall l l', lexico_lists l l' -> length l = length l'.
Lemma lexico_lists_Acc:
Transitive eqA ->
inclusion (RelUtil.compose ltA eqA) ltA ->
well_founded ltA -> forall l, Acc lexico_lists l.
Lemma lexico_lists_wf:
Transitive eqA ->
inclusion (RelUtil.compose ltA eqA) ltA ->
well_founded ltA ->
well_founded lexico_lists.
Lemma lexico_lists_prv:
forall d,
forall l l',
lexico_lists l l' <->
length l = length l' /\
exists k, k < length l
/\ ltA (nth k l d) (nth k l' d)
/\ forall k',
k' < k -> eqA (nth k' l d) (nth k' l' d).
Lemma nth_get:
forall (d: A) l k,
k < length l ->
exists a l1 l2, l = l1 ++ a::l2 /\
length l1 = k /\
nth k l d = a.
Lemma nth_eqlistA:
forall d k (l1 l2 ll1 ll2: list A),
length l1 = k -> length ll1 = k ->
(forall k' : nat,
k' < k -> eqA (nth k' (l1++l2) d) (nth k' (ll1++ll2) d))
-> eqlistA eqA l1 ll1.
Lemma lexico_lists_prv_2:
forall (l l': list A),
lexico_lists l l' <->
exists l1 a l2 l1' a' l2',
l = l1 ++ (a :: l2) /\
l' = l1' ++ (a' :: l2') /\
eqlistA eqA l1 l1' /\ ltA a a'
/\ length l2 = length l2'.
End Lexico_lists.
Section Lexico_lists_Setoid.
Variable (A: Type)
(PSA: PartialSetoid A) (ltA: relation A)
(ltA_compat: Proper pequiv ltA).
Notation lexico_lists := (lexico_lists (A := A) (pequiv (A := A)) ltA).
Variable (B: Type)
(SB: PartialSetoid B) (ltB: relation B)
(ltB_compat: Proper pequiv ltB).
Notation lexico_pairs := (lexico_pairs (A := A) (pequiv (A := A)) ltA ltB).
Lemma lexico_pairs_compat: Proper pequiv lexico_pairs.
Lemma lexico_lists_compat: Proper pequiv lexico_lists.
End Lexico_lists_Setoid.
Section Union.
Variable (A: Type) .
Lemma Wf_union:
forall (R1 R2: relation A),
forall (S1 E1: relation A),
inclusion R1 S1 -> well_founded S1 -> Transitive E1 ->
well_founded R2 ->
(forall a b c, S1 a b -> E1 b c -> S1 a c) ->
(forall a b, R2 a b -> E1 a b) ->
well_founded (union R1 R2).
Lemma Acc_union_init:
forall (R1 R2: relation A),
forall x (B1: A -> Prop) (S1 E1: relation A),
B1 x ->
(forall a b, B1 b -> (union R1 R2) a b -> B1 a) ->
inclusion (fun a b => B1 b /\ R1 a b) S1 ->
well_founded S1 -> Transitive E1 ->
well_founded R2 ->
(forall a b c, S1 a b -> E1 b c -> S1 a c) ->
(forall a b, R2 a b -> E1 a b) ->
Acc (union R1 R2) x.
Lemma Wf_union_init:
forall (R1 R2: relation A),
( forall x,
exists (B1: A -> Prop) (S1 E1: relation A),
B1 x /\
(forall a b, B1 b -> (union R1 R2) a b -> B1 a) /\
inclusion (fun a b => B1 b /\ R1 a b) S1 /\
well_founded S1 /\ Transitive E1 /\
(forall a b c, S1 a b -> E1 b c -> S1 a c) /\
(forall a b, R2 a b -> E1 a b) ) ->
well_founded R2 ->
well_founded (union R1 R2).
Lemma Acc_union_init_Marius:
forall (R1 R2: relation A) x,
( exists (B1: A -> Prop) (S1 E1: relation A),
B1 x /\
(forall a b, B1 b -> (union R1 R2) a b -> B1 a) /\
inclusion (fun a b => B1 b /\ R1 a b) S1 /\
well_founded S1 /\ Transitive E1 /\
well_founded R2 /\
(forall a b c, S1 a b -> E1 b c -> S1 a c) /\
(forall a b, R2 a b -> E1 a b) ) ->
Acc (union R1 R2) x.
End Union.
Require Import NatUtils.
Section Bounded_Nat.
Variable (M: nat).
Lemma gt_bounded_WF:
well_founded (fun n m : nat => (m < n <= M)%nat).
End Bounded_Nat.
Require Import Count.
Section Finite_Set.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Variable (A: Type) (SA: Setoid A)
(A_dec: forall a b, a == b \/ ~a == b)
(all_A: list A) (all_in: forall a, InA equiv a all_A).
Context {A: Type}.
Variable (eqA ltA: relation A).
Inductive lexico_lists: relation (list A) :=
| ltfirst: forall a1 l1 a2 l2,
ltA a1 a2 -> length l1 = length l2 ->
lexico_lists (a1::l1) (a2::l2)
| eqfirst: forall a1 l1 a2 l2,
eqA a1 a2 -> lexico_lists l1 l2 ->
lexico_lists (a1::l1) (a2::l2)
Lemma lexico_nil_eq:
forall a b, eqA a b -> ~ltA a b ->
~lexico_lists (a::nil) (b::nil).
Lemma lexico_nil_lt:
forall a b, ltA a b ->
lexico_lists (a::nil) (b::nil).
Lemma lexico_lists_length:
forall l l', lexico_lists l l' -> length l = length l'.
Lemma lexico_lists_Acc:
Transitive eqA ->
inclusion (RelUtil.compose ltA eqA) ltA ->
well_founded ltA -> forall l, Acc lexico_lists l.
Lemma lexico_lists_wf:
Transitive eqA ->
inclusion (RelUtil.compose ltA eqA) ltA ->
well_founded ltA ->
well_founded lexico_lists.
Lemma lexico_lists_prv:
forall d,
forall l l',
lexico_lists l l' <->
length l = length l' /\
exists k, k < length l
/\ ltA (nth k l d) (nth k l' d)
/\ forall k',
k' < k -> eqA (nth k' l d) (nth k' l' d).
Lemma nth_get:
forall (d: A) l k,
k < length l ->
exists a l1 l2, l = l1 ++ a::l2 /\
length l1 = k /\
nth k l d = a.
Lemma nth_eqlistA:
forall d k (l1 l2 ll1 ll2: list A),
length l1 = k -> length ll1 = k ->
(forall k' : nat,
k' < k -> eqA (nth k' (l1++l2) d) (nth k' (ll1++ll2) d))
-> eqlistA eqA l1 ll1.
Lemma lexico_lists_prv_2:
forall (l l': list A),
lexico_lists l l' <->
exists l1 a l2 l1' a' l2',
l = l1 ++ (a :: l2) /\
l' = l1' ++ (a' :: l2') /\
eqlistA eqA l1 l1' /\ ltA a a'
/\ length l2 = length l2'.
End Lexico_lists.
Section Lexico_lists_Setoid.
Variable (A: Type)
(PSA: PartialSetoid A) (ltA: relation A)
(ltA_compat: Proper pequiv ltA).
Notation lexico_lists := (lexico_lists (A := A) (pequiv (A := A)) ltA).
Variable (B: Type)
(SB: PartialSetoid B) (ltB: relation B)
(ltB_compat: Proper pequiv ltB).
Notation lexico_pairs := (lexico_pairs (A := A) (pequiv (A := A)) ltA ltB).
Lemma lexico_pairs_compat: Proper pequiv lexico_pairs.
Lemma lexico_lists_compat: Proper pequiv lexico_lists.
End Lexico_lists_Setoid.
Section Union.
Variable (A: Type) .
Lemma Wf_union:
forall (R1 R2: relation A),
forall (S1 E1: relation A),
inclusion R1 S1 -> well_founded S1 -> Transitive E1 ->
well_founded R2 ->
(forall a b c, S1 a b -> E1 b c -> S1 a c) ->
(forall a b, R2 a b -> E1 a b) ->
well_founded (union R1 R2).
Lemma Acc_union_init:
forall (R1 R2: relation A),
forall x (B1: A -> Prop) (S1 E1: relation A),
B1 x ->
(forall a b, B1 b -> (union R1 R2) a b -> B1 a) ->
inclusion (fun a b => B1 b /\ R1 a b) S1 ->
well_founded S1 -> Transitive E1 ->
well_founded R2 ->
(forall a b c, S1 a b -> E1 b c -> S1 a c) ->
(forall a b, R2 a b -> E1 a b) ->
Acc (union R1 R2) x.
Lemma Wf_union_init:
forall (R1 R2: relation A),
( forall x,
exists (B1: A -> Prop) (S1 E1: relation A),
B1 x /\
(forall a b, B1 b -> (union R1 R2) a b -> B1 a) /\
inclusion (fun a b => B1 b /\ R1 a b) S1 /\
well_founded S1 /\ Transitive E1 /\
(forall a b c, S1 a b -> E1 b c -> S1 a c) /\
(forall a b, R2 a b -> E1 a b) ) ->
well_founded R2 ->
well_founded (union R1 R2).
Lemma Acc_union_init_Marius:
forall (R1 R2: relation A) x,
( exists (B1: A -> Prop) (S1 E1: relation A),
B1 x /\
(forall a b, B1 b -> (union R1 R2) a b -> B1 a) /\
inclusion (fun a b => B1 b /\ R1 a b) S1 /\
well_founded S1 /\ Transitive E1 /\
well_founded R2 /\
(forall a b c, S1 a b -> E1 b c -> S1 a c) /\
(forall a b, R2 a b -> E1 a b) ) ->
Acc (union R1 R2) x.
End Union.
Require Import NatUtils.
Section Bounded_Nat.
Variable (M: nat).
Lemma gt_bounded_WF:
well_founded (fun n m : nat => (m < n <= M)%nat).
End Bounded_Nat.
Require Import Count.
Section Finite_Set.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Variable (A: Type) (SA: Setoid A)
(A_dec: forall a b, a == b \/ ~a == b)
(all_A: list A) (all_in: forall a, InA equiv a all_A).
incl defines the fact that
{ x | P x } is strict subset of { x | Q x }
To obtain the fact that incl is well founded, each P
involved in the comparisons using incl should be
compatible and decidable. We hence restrict incl to
such Ps (type Pcd).
Definition incl (P Q: A -> Prop) :=
Proper pequiv P /\ (forall a, P a \/ ~P a) /\
(forall a: A, P a -> Q a) /\ exists a: A, Q a /\ ~P a.
Lemma incl_proper_l:
forall a b, incl a b -> a =~= a.
Lemma incl_compat: Proper pequiv incl.
Lemma incl_count:
forall (P Q: A -> Prop) (Qc: Proper pequiv Q)
(Qd: forall a, Q a \/ ~Q a)
np nq,
Num_Card Same { x | P x } np ->
Num_Card Same { x | Q x } nq ->
incl P Q -> np < nq.
Lemma incl_finite_set_WF: well_founded incl.
Close Scope nat_scope.
End Finite_Set.
Section getter_sandbox.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Variable (A: Type)
(PSA: PartialSetoid A) (ltA: relation A)
(ltA_compat: Proper pequiv ltA).
Fixpoint get_ (ll: list A) (i: nat)
: option A :=
match ll with
| nil => None
| a :: ll => match i with
| 0 => Some a
| S i => get_ ll i end
Lemma get_ok:
forall i ll, i < length ll ->
{ a | get_ ll i = Some a}.
Definition get (l: list A)
(i: nat) (hi: i < length l): A :=
proj1_sig (get_ok l hi).
Lemma get_in:
forall l, Proper pequiv l ->
forall i (hi: i < length l), InA pequiv (get l hi) l.
Lemma get_prop:
forall i l k,
length l = i -> get_ (l ++ k) i = get_ k 0.
Fixpoint build_ (f: nat -> A) i :=
match i with
| 0 => nil
| S i => (f i) :: (build_ f i)
Lemma build_compat: Proper pequiv build_.
Lemma build_length:
forall f i, length (build_ f i) = i.
Lemma build_spec:
forall (f: nat -> A),
forall N i, i < N -> exists l,
build_ f N = l ++ build_ f (N - i) /\
length l = i.
Lemma nth_build_spec:
forall (f: nat -> A) (d: A),
forall N i,
i < N ->
nth i (build_ f N) d = f (N - 1 - i).
Lemma get_build_spec:
forall (f: nat -> A),
forall N i,
i < N ->
get_ (build_ f N) i = Some (f (N - 1 - i)).
Close Scope nat_scope.
End getter_sandbox.
Section SmallTools.
Lemma wf_sig:
forall (A: Type) (R: relation A) (C: A -> Prop)
(H_RC: forall a b, R a b -> C b -> C a),
well_founded (fun ab cd: sig C =>
R (proj1_sig ab) (proj1_sig cd))
forall a, C a -> Acc R a.
End SmallTools.
Close Scope signature_scope.
Unset Implicit Arguments.