PADEC - Coq Library
Library Padec.Model.Fairness
From Coq Require Import SetoidList.
From Coq Require Import SetoidClass.
From Coq Require Import Bool.
From Coq Require Import SetoidClass.
From Coq Require Import Bool.
From Padec Require Import WellfoundedUtil.
From Padec Require Import SetoidUtil.
From Padec Require Import Algorithm.
From Padec Require Import RelModel.
From Padec Require Import Stream.
From Padec Require Import Exec.
Open Scope signature_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Section Fairness.
Context {Chans: Channels}
{Net: Network} {Algo: Algorithm}.
From Padec Require Import SetoidUtil.
From Padec Require Import Algorithm.
From Padec Require Import RelModel.
From Padec Require Import Stream.
From Padec Require Import Exec.
Open Scope signature_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Section Fairness.
Context {Chans: Channels}
{Net: Network} {Algo: Algorithm}.
“Weakly fair” means that there is no infinite suffix of
execution in which a process p is continuously enabled without
ever being selected by the daemon.
In a weakly fair execution, processes are fairly activated,
i.e., if a process is continuously enabled, then it eventually
executes one of its enabled actions.
Definition weakly_fair (e: Exec): Prop :=
forall (n: Node),
Always (fun e' => EN n e' -> Eventually (AN n) e') e.
Lemma weakly_fair_inv:
forall g e, weakly_fair (s_cons g e) -> weakly_fair e.
Lemma weakly_fair_Always:
forall e, weakly_fair e -> Always weakly_fair e.
forall (n: Node),
Always (fun e' => EN n e' -> Eventually (AN n) e') e.
Lemma weakly_fair_inv:
forall g e, weakly_fair (s_cons g e) -> weakly_fair e.
Lemma weakly_fair_Always:
forall e, weakly_fair e -> Always weakly_fair e.
Lemma WF_finite_exec':
forall (e: Exec), is_exec e -> finite_exec e ->
forall (n: Node),
Always (Eventually (EN n)) e -> False.
Lemma WF_finite_exec:
forall (e: Exec), is_exec e -> finite_exec e ->
forall (n: Node), EN n e -> Eventually (AN n) e.
Lemma WF_finite_exec'':
forall (e: Exec), is_exec e -> finite_exec e ->
forall (n: Node),
~Always (fun e' : Exec => EN n e' /\ ~ AN n e') e.
Lemma weakly_fair_finite_exec:
forall (e: Exec), is_exec e -> finite_exec e -> weakly_fair e.
Lemma en_E_A:
forall (e: Exec), is_exec e ->
forall (n: Node), EN n e -> WUntil (EN n) (AN n) e.
forall (e: Exec), is_exec e -> finite_exec e ->
forall (n: Node),
Always (Eventually (EN n)) e -> False.
Lemma WF_finite_exec:
forall (e: Exec), is_exec e -> finite_exec e ->
forall (n: Node), EN n e -> Eventually (AN n) e.
Lemma WF_finite_exec'':
forall (e: Exec), is_exec e -> finite_exec e ->
forall (n: Node),
~Always (fun e' : Exec => EN n e' /\ ~ AN n e') e.
Lemma weakly_fair_finite_exec:
forall (e: Exec), is_exec e -> finite_exec e -> weakly_fair e.
Lemma en_E_A:
forall (e: Exec), is_exec e ->
forall (n: Node), EN n e -> WUntil (EN n) (AN n) e.
Lemma WF_NC1:
forall (e: Exec), weakly_fair e ->
forall (n: Node), Always (Eventually (EN n)) e ->
Always (Eventually (AN n)) e.
forall (e: Exec), weakly_fair e ->
forall (n: Node), Always (Eventually (EN n)) e ->
Always (Eventually (AN n)) e.
Note that the converse cannot be proven:
It would require:
Actually, we have:
- EN n e -> Eventually (AN n) e \/ Always (EN n) e
- EN n e -> (EN n) UNTIL (AN n) e
Lemma WF_NC2:
forall (e: Exec), weakly_fair e ->
forall (n: Node),
~Eventually (Always (fun e' =>
EN n e' /\ ~ AN n e')) e.
We do not succeed in proving the converse.
It would require:
- ~Eventually (Always (fun e' : Exec => EN n e' /\ ~ AN n e')) e
- > EN n e -> Eventually (AN n) e
Lemma suffix_is_exec:
forall (e: Exec), is_exec e ->
forall (e_suf: Exec),
is_suffix e e_suf -> is_exec e_suf.
Lemma suffix_weakly_fair:
forall (e: Exec), weakly_fair e ->
forall (e_suf: Exec),
is_suffix e e_suf -> weakly_fair e_suf.
Lemma suffix_finite_exec:
forall (e e_suf: Exec) (is_suf: is_suffix e e_suf),
finite_exec e <-> finite_exec e_suf.
End Suffix.
Section Strongly_Fair.
Definition strongly_fair (e: Exec): Prop :=
forall (n: Node), Always (Eventually (EN n)) e ->
Always (Eventually (ACT n)) e.
End Strongly_Fair.
Section Weakly_Fair_Unfair.
Lemma weakly_fair_unfair:
forall e, weakly_fair e -> unfair_daemon e.
End Weakly_Fair_Unfair.
End Fairness.
Close Scope signature_scope.
Unset Implicit Arguments.
forall (e: Exec), is_exec e ->
forall (e_suf: Exec),
is_suffix e e_suf -> is_exec e_suf.
Lemma suffix_weakly_fair:
forall (e: Exec), weakly_fair e ->
forall (e_suf: Exec),
is_suffix e e_suf -> weakly_fair e_suf.
Lemma suffix_finite_exec:
forall (e e_suf: Exec) (is_suf: is_suffix e e_suf),
finite_exec e <-> finite_exec e_suf.
End Suffix.
Section Strongly_Fair.
Definition strongly_fair (e: Exec): Prop :=
forall (n: Node), Always (Eventually (EN n)) e ->
Always (Eventually (ACT n)) e.
End Strongly_Fair.
Section Weakly_Fair_Unfair.
Lemma weakly_fair_unfair:
forall e, weakly_fair e -> unfair_daemon e.
End Weakly_Fair_Unfair.
End Fairness.
Close Scope signature_scope.
Unset Implicit Arguments.