PADEC - Coq Library
Library Padec.BFS.BFS_unfair_bis
From Coq Require Import Relations.
From Coq Require Import SetoidList.
From Coq Require Import SetoidClass.
From Coq Require Import ZArith.
From Coq Require Import Lia.
From Coq Require Import RelationPairs.
From Coq Require Import SetoidList.
From Coq Require Import SetoidClass.
From Coq Require Import ZArith.
From Coq Require Import Lia.
From Coq Require Import RelationPairs.
From Padec Require Import SetoidUtil.
From Padec Require Import Algorithm.
From Padec Require Import RelModel.
From Padec Require Import Exec.
From Padec Require Import Self_Stabilization.
From Padec Require Import BFS_algo_bis.
From Padec Require Import BFS_common_bis.
From Padec Require Import Graph_Diameter.
From Padec Require Import Min_list.
From Padec Require Import Count.
From Padec Require Import WellfoundedUtil.
From Padec Require Import P_Q_Termination.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
From Padec Require Import Algorithm.
From Padec Require Import RelModel.
From Padec Require Import Exec.
From Padec Require Import Self_Stabilization.
From Padec Require Import BFS_algo_bis.
From Padec Require Import BFS_common_bis.
From Padec Require Import Graph_Diameter.
From Padec Require Import Min_list.
From Padec Require Import Count.
From Padec Require Import WellfoundedUtil.
From Padec Require Import P_Q_Termination.
Open Scope nat_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
BFS: Proof of convergence with an unfair daemon
- constructive proof
- Focus first on d-actions
- The Root-action and Par-actions are added after while using lexicographic orders
Section BFS_unfair.
Context {Chans: Channels}
{Net: Network}
{Graph_assumption: BFS_Assume}
{Graph_network_assumption: Graph_Network_matching}.
Existing Instance G_compat.
Notation Algo := (BFS_algo).
Notation Env := (Env (Net := Net) (Algo := Algo)).
Notation Step := (Step (Net := Net) (Algo := Algo)).
Existing Instance BFS_RO_assumption.
Section Tools_on_Graph.
Lemma flat_map_InA:
forall (A B : Type) (SA: Setoid A) (SB: Setoid B) (f : A -> list B) (pf: Proper pequiv f)
(l : list A) (y : B),
InA equiv y (flat_map f l) <->
(exists x : A, InA equiv x l /\ InA equiv y (f x)).
Definition all_pair_of_nodes: list (Node * Node) :=
flat_map (fun a =>
map (fun b => (a, b)) all_nodes) all_nodes.
Lemma all_pair_of_nodes_prop:
forall ab, InA equiv ab all_pair_of_nodes.
Definition all_edges: list (Node * Node) :=
filter (fun ab => if G_dec (fst ab) (snd ab) then true else false)
Lemma all_edges_prop:
forall a b, InA equiv (a, b) all_edges <-> G a b.
End Tools_on_Graph.
Lemma flat_map_InA:
forall (A B : Type) (SA: Setoid A) (SB: Setoid B) (f : A -> list B) (pf: Proper pequiv f)
(l : list A) (y : B),
InA equiv y (flat_map f l) <->
(exists x : A, InA equiv x l /\ InA equiv y (f x)).
Definition all_pair_of_nodes: list (Node * Node) :=
flat_map (fun a =>
map (fun b => (a, b)) all_nodes) all_nodes.
Lemma all_pair_of_nodes_prop:
forall ab, InA equiv ab all_pair_of_nodes.
Definition all_edges: list (Node * Node) :=
filter (fun ab => if G_dec (fst ab) (snd ab) then true else false)
Lemma all_edges_prop:
forall a b, InA equiv (a, b) all_edges <-> G a b.
End Tools_on_Graph.
Non-root d-actions
Definition d_has_moved (g' g: Env) n := d (g' n) <> d (g n).
Lemma d_has_moved_compat: Proper pequiv d_has_moved.
Lemma d_has_moved_dec: forall g' g n,
{d_has_moved g' g n}+{~d_has_moved g' g n}.
Lemma d_has_moved_false: forall g' g n,
~d_has_moved g' g n -> d (g' n) = d (g n).
Lemma d_has_moved_has_moved_b: forall g' g n,
d_has_moved g' g n -> has_moved_b g' g n = true.
Lemma d_has_moved_dec_compat:
forall g1' g2' (eg': g1' =~= g2') g1 g2 (eg: g1 =~= g2) u1 u2 (eu: u1 == u2),
(if d_has_moved_dec g1' g1 u1 then true else false) =
(if d_has_moved_dec g2' g2 u2 then true else false).
Definition Step': relation Env :=
fun g' g => Step g' g
/\ d (g Root) = d (g' Root)
/\ exists n, d_has_moved g' g n.
Instance Step'_compat: Proper fequiv Step'.
Lemma Step'_proper_l:
forall g g': Env, Step' g' g -> Proper pequiv g'.
Lemma Step'_proper_r:
forall g g': Env, Step' g' g -> Proper pequiv g.
Lemma step'_noRoot:
forall g g', Step' g' g ->
forall p, d_has_moved g' g p -> ~p == Root.
Lemma step'_move:
forall g (i: Assume g) g',
Step' g' g ->
forall p,
d_has_moved g' g p ->
d (g' p) = Dist_p (map S (dist_Neigh g p)).
Lemma step'_move2:
forall g (i: Assume g) g',
Step' g' g ->
forall p,
d_has_moved g' g p ->
(exists q, G p q /\ S (d (g q)) = d (g' p)) /\
(forall q, G p q -> S (d (g q)) >= d (g' p)).
Lemma d_has_moved_compat: Proper pequiv d_has_moved.
Lemma d_has_moved_dec: forall g' g n,
{d_has_moved g' g n}+{~d_has_moved g' g n}.
Lemma d_has_moved_false: forall g' g n,
~d_has_moved g' g n -> d (g' n) = d (g n).
Lemma d_has_moved_has_moved_b: forall g' g n,
d_has_moved g' g n -> has_moved_b g' g n = true.
Lemma d_has_moved_dec_compat:
forall g1' g2' (eg': g1' =~= g2') g1 g2 (eg: g1 =~= g2) u1 u2 (eu: u1 == u2),
(if d_has_moved_dec g1' g1 u1 then true else false) =
(if d_has_moved_dec g2' g2 u2 then true else false).
Definition Step': relation Env :=
fun g' g => Step g' g
/\ d (g Root) = d (g' Root)
/\ exists n, d_has_moved g' g n.
Instance Step'_compat: Proper fequiv Step'.
Lemma Step'_proper_l:
forall g g': Env, Step' g' g -> Proper pequiv g'.
Lemma Step'_proper_r:
forall g g': Env, Step' g' g -> Proper pequiv g.
Lemma step'_noRoot:
forall g g', Step' g' g ->
forall p, d_has_moved g' g p -> ~p == Root.
Lemma step'_move:
forall g (i: Assume g) g',
Step' g' g ->
forall p,
d_has_moved g' g p ->
d (g' p) = Dist_p (map S (dist_Neigh g p)).
Lemma step'_move2:
forall g (i: Assume g) g',
Step' g' g ->
forall p,
d_has_moved g' g p ->
(exists q, G p q /\ S (d (g q)) = d (g' p)) /\
(forall q, G p q -> S (d (g q)) >= d (g' p)).
Definition of the interval of d-values
During an execution the d-value will remain in some interval of values which can be computed and depends on the initial configuration.The minimum d-value for a node and for all nodes: hbot and hmin
- for a node n and a configuration g, hbot g n = min { d (g p), p a
- hmin g = hbot g Root
- hmin g <= hmin g'
Definition hb (h: Node -> nat) (n: Node): nat :=
Min_list (h Root) (map h all_nodes).
Lemma hb_compat: Proper pequiv hb.
Lemma hb_const: forall h n1 n2, hb h n1 = hb h n2.
Definition InfEq (h h': Node -> nat): Prop := forall n, h n <= h' n.
Lemma hb_monotonic: forall h h', InfEq h h' -> InfEq (hb h) (hb h').
Lemma hb_idempotent: forall h, Proper pequiv h -> hb h =~= hb (hb h).
Definition hbot (g: Env) (n: Node): nat := hb (fun u => d (g u)) n.
Lemma hbot_compat: Proper pequiv hbot.
Lemma list_d_g_prop:
forall (g: Env) (pg: Proper pequiv g) dd,
InA equiv dd (map (fun u => d (g u)) all_nodes)
<-> exists n, dd = d (g n).
Lemma hbot_prop: forall g (pg: Proper pequiv g) n, hbot g n <= d (g n).
Definition hmin (g: Env): nat := hbot g Root.
Lemma hmin_compat: Proper pequiv hmin.
Lemma hmin_hbot: forall g n, hmin g = hbot g n.
Lemma hmin_monotonic:
forall g g', InfEq (hbot g) (hbot g') -> hmin g <= hmin g'.
Lemma technical_Dist_p0:
forall (f: Node -> nat) u l,
Dist_p (map f (u :: l)) = Min_list (f u) (map f l).
Lemma technical_Dist_p:
forall (f: Node -> nat) u,
~u == Root ->
exists nu lnu,
Neigh u = nu :: lnu /\
Dist_p (map f (Neigh u)) = Min_list (f nu) (map f lnu).
Lemma technical_Dist_p':
forall (g: Env) u,
~u == Root ->
exists neigh lneigh,
dist_Neigh g u = neigh :: lneigh
/\ Dist_p (dist_Neigh g u) = Min_list neigh lneigh.
Lemma hmin_bound:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g ->
forall u, hmin g <= d (g' u).
Lemma hbot_bound:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g ->
forall u, hbot g u <= d (g' u).
Lemma hbot_progress:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g ->
forall n, hbot g n <= hbot g' n.
Lemma hmin_progress:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g ->
hmin g <= hmin g'.
Min_list (h Root) (map h all_nodes).
Lemma hb_compat: Proper pequiv hb.
Lemma hb_const: forall h n1 n2, hb h n1 = hb h n2.
Definition InfEq (h h': Node -> nat): Prop := forall n, h n <= h' n.
Lemma hb_monotonic: forall h h', InfEq h h' -> InfEq (hb h) (hb h').
Lemma hb_idempotent: forall h, Proper pequiv h -> hb h =~= hb (hb h).
Definition hbot (g: Env) (n: Node): nat := hb (fun u => d (g u)) n.
Lemma hbot_compat: Proper pequiv hbot.
Lemma list_d_g_prop:
forall (g: Env) (pg: Proper pequiv g) dd,
InA equiv dd (map (fun u => d (g u)) all_nodes)
<-> exists n, dd = d (g n).
Lemma hbot_prop: forall g (pg: Proper pequiv g) n, hbot g n <= d (g n).
Definition hmin (g: Env): nat := hbot g Root.
Lemma hmin_compat: Proper pequiv hmin.
Lemma hmin_hbot: forall g n, hmin g = hbot g n.
Lemma hmin_monotonic:
forall g g', InfEq (hbot g) (hbot g') -> hmin g <= hmin g'.
Lemma technical_Dist_p0:
forall (f: Node -> nat) u l,
Dist_p (map f (u :: l)) = Min_list (f u) (map f l).
Lemma technical_Dist_p:
forall (f: Node -> nat) u,
~u == Root ->
exists nu lnu,
Neigh u = nu :: lnu /\
Dist_p (map f (Neigh u)) = Min_list (f nu) (map f lnu).
Lemma technical_Dist_p':
forall (g: Env) u,
~u == Root ->
exists neigh lneigh,
dist_Neigh g u = neigh :: lneigh
/\ Dist_p (dist_Neigh g u) = Min_list neigh lneigh.
Lemma hmin_bound:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g ->
forall u, hmin g <= d (g' u).
Lemma hbot_bound:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g ->
forall u, hbot g u <= d (g' u).
Lemma hbot_progress:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g ->
forall n, hbot g n <= hbot g' n.
Lemma hmin_progress:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g ->
hmin g <= hmin g'.
The maximum d-value for a node and for all nodes: htop and hmax
- for a node n and a configuration g, + htop g root = d (g root) + htop g n = max { d (g p), 1 + min { htop g q, q in p.Neigh and dist(n, root) = 1 + dist(q, root)}
- hmax g = max { htop g n, n a node }
- d (g n) <= htop g n
- hmax g' <= hmax g
Distance to the root and some properties
Definition rank (n: Node): nat := dist n Root.
Lemma rank_compat: Proper pequiv rank.
Lemma rank_pos:
forall u, rank u > 0 -> exists v, G u v /\ S (rank v) = rank u.
Lemma rank_not_root: forall u, u == Root <-> rank u = 0.
Lemma rank_compat: Proper pequiv rank.
Lemma rank_pos:
forall u, rank u > 0 -> exists v, G u v /\ S (rank v) = rank u.
Lemma rank_not_root: forall u, u == Root <-> rank u = 0.
neighbors at some rank
Definition neigh_rank u r :=
filter (fun v =>
if G_dec u v then
if Nat.eq_dec (S (rank v)) r then true
else false
else false) all_nodes.
Lemma neigh_rank_compat: Proper fequiv neigh_rank.
Lemma neigh_rank_spec':
forall u r v, InA equiv v (neigh_rank u r) <-> G u v /\ S (rank v) = r.
Lemma neigh_rank_spec:
forall u v, InA equiv v (neigh_rank u (rank u)) <->
G u v /\ S (rank v) = rank u.
Lemma neigh_rank_not_nil:
forall u, rank u > 0 -> neigh_rank u (rank u) <> nil.
Lemma neigh_rank_incl:
forall u r, inclA equiv (neigh_rank u r) (Neigh u).
filter (fun v =>
if G_dec u v then
if Nat.eq_dec (S (rank v)) r then true
else false
else false) all_nodes.
Lemma neigh_rank_compat: Proper fequiv neigh_rank.
Lemma neigh_rank_spec':
forall u r v, InA equiv v (neigh_rank u r) <-> G u v /\ S (rank v) = r.
Lemma neigh_rank_spec:
forall u v, InA equiv v (neigh_rank u (rank u)) <->
G u v /\ S (rank v) = rank u.
Lemma neigh_rank_not_nil:
forall u, rank u > 0 -> neigh_rank u (rank u) <> nil.
Lemma neigh_rank_incl:
forall u r, inclA equiv (neigh_rank u r) (Neigh u).
As hb, ht is introduced to be able to prove the idempotent and monotonic property
Fixpoint ht' (h: Node -> nat) (n: Node) (rn: nat): nat :=
match rn with
| 0 => h n
| S rv =>
match neigh_rank n rn with
| nil => h n
| a::nrnk =>
(h n)
(S (Min_list (ht' h a rv)
(map (fun v => (ht' h v rv)) nrnk)))
Lemma ht'_compat: Proper fequiv ht'.
Definition ht (h: Node -> nat) (n: Node): nat := ht' h n (rank n).
Lemma ht_compat: Proper pequiv ht.
Lemma ht_monotonic: forall h h', InfEq h h' -> InfEq (ht h) (ht h').
Lemma ht_idempotent: forall h, Proper pequiv h -> ht h =~= ht (ht h).
Definition htop (g: Env) (n: Node): nat := ht (fun u => d (g u)) n.
Lemma htop_compat: Proper fequiv htop.
Lemma htop_bound: forall g u, d (g u) <= htop g u.
Lemma htop_bound_step:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g ->
forall u, d (g' u) <= htop g u.
Lemma htop_progress:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g ->
forall n, htop g n >= htop g' n.
Definition hmax: Env -> nat :=
fun g =>
fold_right max
(htop g Root) (map (fun n => htop g n) all_nodes).
Lemma hmax_compat: Proper fequiv hmax.
Lemma hmax_prop: forall g (pg: Proper pequiv g) n, htop g n <= hmax g.
Lemma hmax_progress:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g -> hmax g >= hmax g'.
Lemma hbot_htop:
forall g (pg: Proper pequiv g) u, hbot g u <= htop g u.
Lemma hmin_hmax: forall g (pg: Proper pequiv g), hmin g <= hmax g.
Lemma hmax_monotonic:
forall g g', InfEq (htop g) (htop g') -> hmax g <= hmax g'.
match rn with
| 0 => h n
| S rv =>
match neigh_rank n rn with
| nil => h n
| a::nrnk =>
(h n)
(S (Min_list (ht' h a rv)
(map (fun v => (ht' h v rv)) nrnk)))
Lemma ht'_compat: Proper fequiv ht'.
Definition ht (h: Node -> nat) (n: Node): nat := ht' h n (rank n).
Lemma ht_compat: Proper pequiv ht.
Lemma ht_monotonic: forall h h', InfEq h h' -> InfEq (ht h) (ht h').
Lemma ht_idempotent: forall h, Proper pequiv h -> ht h =~= ht (ht h).
Definition htop (g: Env) (n: Node): nat := ht (fun u => d (g u)) n.
Lemma htop_compat: Proper fequiv htop.
Lemma htop_bound: forall g u, d (g u) <= htop g u.
Lemma htop_bound_step:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g ->
forall u, d (g' u) <= htop g u.
Lemma htop_progress:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g ->
forall n, htop g n >= htop g' n.
Definition hmax: Env -> nat :=
fun g =>
fold_right max
(htop g Root) (map (fun n => htop g n) all_nodes).
Lemma hmax_compat: Proper fequiv hmax.
Lemma hmax_prop: forall g (pg: Proper pequiv g) n, htop g n <= hmax g.
Lemma hmax_progress:
forall g (i: Assume g) g', Step' g' g -> hmax g >= hmax g'.
Lemma hbot_htop:
forall g (pg: Proper pequiv g) u, hbot g u <= htop g u.
Lemma hmin_hmax: forall g (pg: Proper pequiv g), hmin g <= hmax g.
Lemma hmax_monotonic:
forall g g', InfEq (htop g) (htop g') -> hmax g <= hmax g'.
Smooth and non-smooth edges: definitions and direct properties
The potential function that is used to prove convergence is based on counting the number of smooth and non-smooth edges- an edge (u,v) is smooth (blue in the following and in the
- an edge (u,v) is non-smooth (red) when it is not smooth.
Definition red (g: Env) (u v: Node): Prop :=
d (g u) >= d (g v) + 2 \/ d (g v) >= d (g u) + 2.
Lemma red_compat: Proper pequiv red.
Lemma red_sym: forall g u v, red g u v <-> red g v u.
Lemma red_dec: forall g u v, {red g u v} + {~red g u v}.
Definition blue (g: Env) (u v: Node): Prop :=
d (g u) <= d (g v) + 1 /\ d (g v) <= d (g u) + 1.
Lemma blue_compat: Proper pequiv blue.
Lemma blue_sym: forall g u v, blue g u v <-> blue g v u.
Lemma red_not_blue: forall g u v, red g u v <-> ~blue g u v.
Lemma blue_not_red: forall g u v, blue g u v <-> ~red g u v.
Lemma blue_dec: forall g u v, {blue g u v} + {~blue g u v}.
The RANK of an edge is the minimum d-value taken between the
two d-values of its nodes
Definition RANK (g: Env) (u v: Node): nat := min (d (g u)) (d (g v)).
Lemma RANK_compat: Proper pequiv RANK.
Lemma RANK_sym: forall g u v, RANK g u v = RANK g v u.
Lemma RANK_spec: forall g u v R,
R = RANK g u v <->
d (g u) <= d (g v) /\ R = d (g u) \/
d (g v) <= d (g u) /\ R = d (g v).
Definition edge_moves :=
(fun g' g u v => d_has_moved g' g u \/ d_has_moved g' g v).
Lemma edge_moves_compat: Proper pequiv edge_moves.
Lemma edge_moves_dec:
forall g' g u v, {edge_moves g' g u v}+{~edge_moves g' g u v}.
Lemma edge_moves_dec_compat:
forall g1' g2' (eg': g1' =~= g2') g1 g2 (eg: g1 =~= g2) u1 u2 (eu: u1 == u2) v1 v2 (ev: v1 == v2),
(if edge_moves_dec g1' g1 u1 v1 then true else false) =
(if edge_moves_dec g2' g2 u2 v2 then true else false).
Lemma edge_moves_sym:
forall g' g u v, edge_moves g' g u v == edge_moves g' g v u.
Lemma edge_moves_false_d:
forall g' g (st: Step' g' g) u v,
~edge_moves g' g u v -> d (g u) = d (g' u) /\ d (g v) = d (g' v).
Lemma RANK_compat: Proper pequiv RANK.
Lemma RANK_sym: forall g u v, RANK g u v = RANK g v u.
Lemma RANK_spec: forall g u v R,
R = RANK g u v <->
d (g u) <= d (g v) /\ R = d (g u) \/
d (g v) <= d (g u) /\ R = d (g v).
Definition edge_moves :=
(fun g' g u v => d_has_moved g' g u \/ d_has_moved g' g v).
Lemma edge_moves_compat: Proper pequiv edge_moves.
Lemma edge_moves_dec:
forall g' g u v, {edge_moves g' g u v}+{~edge_moves g' g u v}.
Lemma edge_moves_dec_compat:
forall g1' g2' (eg': g1' =~= g2') g1 g2 (eg: g1 =~= g2) u1 u2 (eu: u1 == u2) v1 v2 (ev: v1 == v2),
(if edge_moves_dec g1' g1 u1 v1 then true else false) =
(if edge_moves_dec g2' g2 u2 v2 then true else false).
Lemma edge_moves_sym:
forall g' g u v, edge_moves g' g u v == edge_moves g' g v u.
Lemma edge_moves_false_d:
forall g' g (st: Step' g' g) u v,
~edge_moves g' g u v -> d (g u) = d (g' u) /\ d (g v) = d (g' v).
For an edge, when none of its nodes moves, its smoothness does
not change
Lemma edge_moves_false_red:
forall g' g (st: Step' g' g) u v,
~edge_moves g' g u v -> ( red g u v <-> red g' u v ).
Lemma edge_moves_false_blue:
forall g' g (st: Step' g' g) u v,
~edge_moves g' g u v -> ( blue g u v <-> blue g' u v ).
Lemma edge_moves_false_RANK:
forall g' g (st: Step' g' g) u v,
~edge_moves g' g u v -> RANK g u v = RANK g' u v.
forall g' g (st: Step' g' g) u v,
~edge_moves g' g u v -> ( red g u v <-> red g' u v ).
Lemma edge_moves_false_blue:
forall g' g (st: Step' g' g) u v,
~edge_moves g' g u v -> ( blue g u v <-> blue g' u v ).
Lemma edge_moves_false_RANK:
forall g' g (st: Step' g' g) u v,
~edge_moves g' g u v -> RANK g u v = RANK g' u v.
During a d-step, either a red edge moves or every moving edge are
Lemma exists_red_move_dec:
forall g' g (st: Step' g' g),
{exists u v, G u v /\ red g u v /\ edge_moves g' g u v}
{forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v}.
forall g' g (st: Step' g' g),
{exists u v, G u v /\ red g u v /\ edge_moves g' g u v}
{forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v}.
The following lemma allows to pick a neighbor node of y, called x,
s.t. the edge is red and x is below y (smaller d) ; if this is not
possible, this means that every node linked to y with a red edge is above
y (greater d).
Lemma red_below_dec:
forall g (pg: Proper pequiv g) y,
{x | G y x /\ red g y x /\ RANK g y x = d (g x)}
{forall z, G y z -> red g y z -> RANK g y z = d (g y)}.
forall g (pg: Proper pequiv g) y,
{x | G y x /\ red g y x /\ RANK g y x = d (g x)}
{forall z, G y z -> red g y z -> RANK g y z = d (g y)}.
The list of red edges that move during the step g -d-> g'
Definition red_move_list (g' g: Env): list (Node * Node) :=
(fun uv =>
if red_dec g (fst uv) (snd uv) then
if edge_moves_dec g' g (fst uv) (snd uv) then true else false
else false)
Lemma red_move_list_prop:
forall g' (pg': Proper pequiv g')
g (pg: Proper pequiv g),
forall u v,
InA equiv (u, v) (red_move_list g' g) <->
G u v /\ red g u v /\ edge_moves g' g u v.
(fun uv =>
if red_dec g (fst uv) (snd uv) then
if edge_moves_dec g' g (fst uv) (snd uv) then true else false
else false)
Lemma red_move_list_prop:
forall g' (pg': Proper pequiv g')
g (pg: Proper pequiv g),
forall u v,
InA equiv (u, v) (red_move_list g' g) <->
G u v /\ red g u v /\ edge_moves g' g u v.
Bound definition: the bound is the minimum RANK (i.e. the minimum
d-value) among the red moving edges
This definition is meaningless when no red moving edge exits -
see assumptions uv_red and uv_moves below
Notation RANK' := (fun (g: Env) (uv: Node * Node) => RANK g (fst uv) (snd uv)).
Lemma RANK'_compat: Proper pequiv RANK'.
Definition bound (g' g: Env) (u v: Node): nat :=
Min_list (RANK g u v) (map (RANK' g) (red_move_list g' g)).
Lemma bound_spec:
forall g g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v) b,
b = bound g' g u v <->
(forall x y, G x y -> edge_moves g' g x y -> red g x y ->
b <= RANK g x y) /\
exists x y, G x y /\ edge_moves g' g x y /\ red g x y /\
b = RANK g x y.
Lemma bound_prop_forall:
forall g g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall x y, G x y -> edge_moves g' g x y ->
red g x y ->
bound g' g u v <= RANK g x y.
Lemma bound_prop_exists:
forall g g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
exists x y, G x y /\ edge_moves g' g x y /\
red g x y /\
bound g' g u v = RANK g x y.
Lemma bound_inf:
forall g g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
hmin g <= bound g' g u v.
Lemma bound_sup:
forall g g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
bound g' g u v <= hmax g.
Lemma blue_edge:
forall g u v,
G u v -> blue g u v -> d (g v) + 1 = d (g u)
\/ d (g v) = d (g u)
\/ d (g v) = d (g u) + 1.
Lemma blue_node_moves:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g) u,
d_has_moved g' g u ->
(forall v, G u v -> blue g u v) ->
( d (g' u) = d (g u) + 1 /\
(exists v, G u v /\ d (g v) = d (g u)) /\
forall v, G u v -> d (g v) >= d (g u) )
\/ ( d (g' u) = d (g u) + 2 /\
(exists v, G u v /\ d (g v) = d (g u) + 1) /\
forall v, G u v -> d (g v) = d (g u) + 1 )
First Case: when the moving edges are blue exclusively,
- red edges remain red
- blue edges remain blue
Lemma only_blue_moving_1:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g),
(forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v)
forall u v, G u v -> (red g' u v <-> red g u v).
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g),
(forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v)
forall u v, G u v -> (red g' u v <-> red g u v).
First Case: when the moving edges are blue exclusively,
- the RANK of red edges remain unchanged
Lemma only_blue_moving_2:
forall g g' (st: Step' g' g),
(forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v)
forall u v, G u v -> red g u v ->
RANK g' u v = RANK g u v.
forall g g' (st: Step' g' g),
(forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v)
forall u v, G u v -> red g u v ->
RANK g' u v = RANK g u v.
First Case: when the moving edges are blue exclusively,
- a moving node increases its d-value
Lemma only_blue_moving_3:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g),
(forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v)
forall u, d_has_moved g' g u -> d (g' u) > d (g u).
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g),
(forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v)
forall u, d_has_moved g' g u -> d (g' u) > d (g u).
First Case: when the moving edges are blue exclusively,
- Consequence on the set of red edges: it remains unchanged (same edges with same RANK)
Lemma only_blue_moving_edge_set:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g),
(forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v)
forall k, forall u v (huv: G u v),
(red g u v /\ RANK g u v = k)
(red g' u v /\ RANK g' u v = k).
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g),
(forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v)
forall k, forall u v (huv: G u v),
(red g u v /\ RANK g u v = k)
(red g' u v /\ RANK g' u v = k).
Second Case: when at least one red edge moves
- a red edge with RANK lower than the bound at g remains red with RANK unchanged
Lemma red_moving_1:
forall g g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall x y, G x y -> red g x y ->
RANK g x y < bound g' g u v ->
(RANK g' x y = RANK g x y /\ red g' x y).
forall g g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall x y, G x y -> red g x y ->
RANK g x y < bound g' g u v ->
(RANK g' x y = RANK g x y /\ red g' x y).
- a red edge with RANK no more than the bound at g' was red at g and its RANK did not change
Lemma red_moving_23:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall x y, G x y -> red g' x y ->
RANK g' x y <= bound g' g u v ->
RANK g' x y = RANK g x y /\ red g x y.
Lemma red_moving_2:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall x y, G x y -> red g' x y ->
RANK g' x y < bound g' g u v ->
RANK g' x y = RANK g x y /\ red g x y.
Lemma red_moving_3:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall x y, G x y -> red g' x y ->
RANK g' x y = bound g' g u v ->
RANK g' x y = RANK g x y /\ red g x y.
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall x y, G x y -> red g' x y ->
RANK g' x y <= bound g' g u v ->
RANK g' x y = RANK g x y /\ red g x y.
Lemma red_moving_2:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall x y, G x y -> red g' x y ->
RANK g' x y < bound g' g u v ->
RANK g' x y = RANK g x y /\ red g x y.
Lemma red_moving_3:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall x y, G x y -> red g' x y ->
RANK g' x y = bound g' g u v ->
RANK g' x y = RANK g x y /\ red g x y.
There exists a red edge with RANK equal to the bound at g
If this edge is still red at g', then its RANK has increased
Lemma red_moving_4:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
exists x y, G x y /\ red g x y /\
RANK g x y = bound g' g u v /\
(red g' x y -> RANK g' x y > RANK g x y).
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
u v (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
exists x y, G x y /\ red g x y /\
RANK g x y = bound g' g u v /\
(red g' x y -> RANK g' x y > RANK g x y).
Second Case: when at least one red edge moves
Consequence on the set of red edges: forall k,
1. if k < bound, then the set of red edges of RANK k is unchanged
2. if k = bound, then the set of red edges of RANK k at g' is included
in the set of red edges of RANK k at g
3. there exists a red edge of RANK equal to the bound at g: if this edge
is still red at g', then its RANK has increased
Lemma red_moving_edge_set_1:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
(u v: Node) (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall k, k < bound g' g u v ->
forall x y (hxy: G x y),
(red g x y /\ RANK g x y = k)
(red g' x y /\ RANK g' x y = k).
Lemma red_moving_edge_set_2:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
(u v: Node) (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall k, k = bound g' g u v ->
forall u v (huv: G u v),
(red g' u v /\ RANK g' u v = k) ->
(red g u v /\ RANK g u v = k).
Lemma red_moving_edge_set_3:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
(u v: Node) (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
exists x y,
G x y /\ red g x y /\ RANK g x y = bound g' g u v /\
(red g' x y -> RANK g' x y > bound g' g u v).
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
(u v: Node) (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall k, k < bound g' g u v ->
forall x y (hxy: G x y),
(red g x y /\ RANK g x y = k)
(red g' x y /\ RANK g' x y = k).
Lemma red_moving_edge_set_2:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
(u v: Node) (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall k, k = bound g' g u v ->
forall u v (huv: G u v),
(red g' u v /\ RANK g' u v = k) ->
(red g u v /\ RANK g u v = k).
Lemma red_moving_edge_set_3:
forall g (i: Assume g) g' (st: Step' g' g)
(u v: Node) (Guv: G u v) (uv_red: red g u v)
(uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
exists x y,
G x y /\ red g x y /\ RANK g x y = bound g' g u v /\
(red g' x y -> RANK g' x y > bound g' g u v).
Potential definition <xi, sigma>
where- xi is a vector which contains at index k the set of red edges of RANK k
- sigma is equal to the sum of the d-values.
(xi g) at h = { x y, G x y /\ red g x y /\
Rank g x y = h } k from (hmin ginit) to (hmax ginit)sigma g = sum{u in V} d (g u)
Definition xi_at_h g h :=
fun xy => G (fst xy) (snd xy) /\ red g (fst xy) (snd xy) /\
RANK g (fst xy) (snd xy) = h.
Lemma xi_at_h_compat: Proper pequiv xi_at_h.
Lemma xi_at_h_dec: forall g h xy, xi_at_h g h xy \/ ~xi_at_h g h xy.
fun xy => G (fst xy) (snd xy) /\ red g (fst xy) (snd xy) /\
RANK g (fst xy) (snd xy) = h.
Lemma xi_at_h_compat: Proper pequiv xi_at_h.
Lemma xi_at_h_dec: forall g h xy, xi_at_h g h xy \/ ~xi_at_h g h xy.
Vector of predicates xi
Definition xi min max g :=
build_ (fun h => xi_at_h g (max - h)) (max + 1 - min).
Lemma xi_hd:
forall min max g,
min <= max -> hd (fun _=>True) (xi min max g) = xi_at_h g min.
Lemma xi_compat: Proper pequiv xi.
Lemma xi_length: forall min max g, length (xi min max g) = max + 1 - min.
build_ (fun h => xi_at_h g (max - h)) (max + 1 - min).
Lemma xi_hd:
forall min max g,
min <= max -> hd (fun _=>True) (xi min max g) = xi_at_h g min.
Lemma xi_compat: Proper pequiv xi.
Lemma xi_length: forall min max g, length (xi min max g) = max + 1 - min.
Getters on xi:
on index h, to obtain (xi_at_h g h) (see Lemma xi_spec)
Program Definition get_xi (min max: nat) (g: Env)
h (hm: min <= h) (hM: h <= max)
@get _ (xi min max g) (h - min) _.
Lemma xi_spec:
forall (min max: nat) g h (hm: min <= h) (hM: h <= max),
get_xi g hm hM = xi_at_h g h.
Definition get_xi' (min max: nat) (g: Env) h :=
nth (h - min) (xi min max g) (fun _ => True).
Lemma xi_spec':
forall (min max: nat) g h (hm: min <= h) (hM: h <= max),
get_xi' min max g h = xi_at_h g h.
h (hm: min <= h) (hM: h <= max)
@get _ (xi min max g) (h - min) _.
Lemma xi_spec:
forall (min max: nat) g h (hm: min <= h) (hM: h <= max),
get_xi g hm hM = xi_at_h g h.
Definition get_xi' (min max: nat) (g: Env) h :=
nth (h - min) (xi min max g) (fun _ => True).
Lemma xi_spec':
forall (min max: nat) g h (hm: min <= h) (hM: h <= max),
get_xi' min max g h = xi_at_h g h.
Sigma: sum of d-values on all nodes
Definition sigma (g: Env): nat :=
fold_right Nat.add 0 (map (fun v => d (g v)) all_nodes).
Lemma sigma_compat: Proper pequiv sigma.
Lemma sigma_monotonic:
forall (g g': Env),
(forall n, d (g n) <= d (g' n)) -> sigma g <= sigma g'.
Lemma sigma_monotonic':
forall (g g': Env) (pg: Proper pequiv g) (pg': Proper pequiv g'),
(forall n, d (g n) <= d (g' n)) ->
(exists n, d (g n) < d (g' n)) -> sigma g < sigma g'.
fold_right Nat.add 0 (map (fun v => d (g v)) all_nodes).
Lemma sigma_compat: Proper pequiv sigma.
Lemma sigma_monotonic:
forall (g g': Env),
(forall n, d (g n) <= d (g' n)) -> sigma g <= sigma g'.
Lemma sigma_monotonic':
forall (g g': Env) (pg: Proper pequiv g) (pg': Proper pequiv g'),
(forall n, d (g n) <= d (g' n)) ->
(exists n, d (g n) < d (g' n)) -> sigma g < sigma g'.
Maximal value for sigma
One D-Step
We now fix one d-step and express the observation made on smooth and non-smooth edges to obtain properties on xi and sigma
Section with_one_step.
Variable (g g': Env) (st: Step' g' g) (i: Assume g).
Notation pg' := (Step'_proper_l st).
Notation pg := (Step'_proper_r st).
Variable (g g': Env) (st: Step' g' g) (i: Assume g).
Notation pg' := (Step'_proper_l st).
Notation pg := (Step'_proper_r st).
When only blue edges move, xi is left unchanged from one
configuration to the next.
Lemma only_blue_xi:
forall (min max: nat),
(forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v) ->
xi min max g =~= xi min max g'.
forall (min max: nat),
(forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v) ->
xi min max g =~= xi min max g'.
When only blue edges move, sigma increases from one configuration to
the next.
Lemma only_blue_sigma:
(forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v) ->
sigma g < sigma g'.
(forall u v, G u v -> edge_moves g' g u v -> blue g u v) ->
sigma g < sigma g'.
When at least on red edge moves,
we consider the predicate of xi at index (bound).
This predicate is smaller (strict inclusion) at g' than at g.
Lemma red_moves_witness:
forall min max (hm: min <= hmin g) (hM: hmax g <= max),
forall (u v: Node) (Guv: G u v)
(uv_red: red g u v) (uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
incl _ (get_xi' min max g' (bound g' g u v))
(get_xi' min max g (bound g' g u v)).
forall min max (hm: min <= hmin g) (hM: hmax g <= max),
forall (u v: Node) (Guv: G u v)
(uv_red: red g u v) (uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
incl _ (get_xi' min max g' (bound g' g u v))
(get_xi' min max g (bound g' g u v)).
When at least on red edge moves,
we consider any predicate of xi at index smaller than bound.
Such a predicate is "left unchanged" from g to g'.
Lemma red_moves_preserve:
forall min max (hm: min <= hmin g) (hM: hmax g <= max),
forall (u v: Node) (Guv: G u v)
(uv_red: red g u v) (uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall k, min <= k < bound g' g u v ->
get_xi' min max g k =~= get_xi' min max g' k.
End with_one_step.
forall min max (hm: min <= hmin g) (hM: hmax g <= max),
forall (u v: Node) (Guv: G u v)
(uv_red: red g u v) (uv_moves: edge_moves g' g u v),
forall k, min <= k < bound g' g u v ->
get_xi' min max g k =~= get_xi' min max g' k.
End with_one_step.
The three previous lemma are enough to obtain the convergence property
for DStep, i.e. (Acc DStep ginit).
The following formalizes this conclusion.
Equality on predicates on pairs of nodes (meant for edges):
equivalence of predicates
Ordering xi
We build the ordering relation on xi by:- each predicate at a given index are compared using inclusion
- the order on xi is the lexicographic order built from those orders at each index
Order on predicates on pairs of nodes (meant for edges): inclusion,
i.e. "strict implies"
Definition ltPred: relation (Node * Node -> Prop) :=
(fun p q => incl _ p q).
Lemma ltPred_proper_l: forall a b, ltPred a b -> a =~= a.
Lemma ltPred_compat: Proper pequiv ltPred.
(fun p q => incl _ p q).
Lemma ltPred_proper_l: forall a b, ltPred a b -> a =~= a.
Lemma ltPred_compat: Proper pequiv ltPred.
Order on list of predicate on pairs of nodes (edges):
the lexicographic order based on the previous order and equality
on predicates
Definition ltlexPred: relation (list (Node * Node -> Prop)) :=
fun a b => Proper pequiv a /\ lexico_lists eqPred ltPred a b.
Lemma ltlexPred_proper_l: forall a b, ltlexPred a b -> a =~= a.
Lemma ltlexPred_compat: Proper pequiv ltlexPred.
fun a b => Proper pequiv a /\ lexico_lists eqPred ltPred a b.
Lemma ltlexPred_proper_l: forall a b, ltlexPred a b -> a =~= a.
Lemma ltlexPred_compat: Proper pequiv ltlexPred.
This lexicographic order is well-founded, since the ordering on
predicates is well-founded;
indeed, predicate applies on finite sets.
The entire relation: it compares two configurations
g' < g iff (xi g', sigma g') <lex (xi g, sigma g)
where <lex is the lexicographic order made of
- the well-founded order on xi
- the increasing order on natural numbers bounded by a given constant (it is indeed well-founded)
Definition relEnv hmin hmax (g' g: Env): Prop :=
(lexico_pairs (eqlistA eqPred) ltlexPred
(fun n m : nat => m < n <= hmax * (length all_nodes)))
(xi hmin hmax g', sigma g')
(xi hmin hmax g, sigma g).
Lemma relEnv_compat: Proper pequiv relEnv.
(lexico_pairs (eqlistA eqPred) ltlexPred
(fun n m : nat => m < n <= hmax * (length all_nodes)))
(xi hmin hmax g', sigma g')
(xi hmin hmax g, sigma g).
Lemma relEnv_compat: Proper pequiv relEnv.
The relation Dstep is well-founded (when restricted to
well-formed (Assume, Proper pequiv) configurations.
Lemma Step'_Acc:
forall g, Assume g -> Proper pequiv g -> Acc Step' g.
End non_root_d_actions_only.
Section other_actions.
forall g, Assume g -> Proper pequiv g -> Acc Step' g.
End non_root_d_actions_only.
Section other_actions.
Well-formed configurations:
Par-Step: we show that the relation Step restricted to steps
where only par-actions are executed is well-founded.
Definition StepPar :=
(fun g' g => Step g' g /\ forall n, d (g n) = d (g' n)).
Definition par_enabled_b :=
(fun g n =>
if Node_dec n Root then false
if Nat.eq_dec (d (g n)) (Dist_p (map S (dist_Neigh g n))) then
if Nat.eq_dec (d (g n)) (S (d (g (Par g n))))
then false
else true
else false
Lemma par_enabled_b_compat: Proper pequiv par_enabled_b.
Lemma par_enabled_b_true:
forall g n,
Proper pequiv g -> Assume g ->
par_enabled_b g n = true -> enabled_b g n = true.
(fun g' g => Step g' g /\ forall n, d (g n) = d (g' n)).
Definition par_enabled_b :=
(fun g n =>
if Node_dec n Root then false
if Nat.eq_dec (d (g n)) (Dist_p (map S (dist_Neigh g n))) then
if Nat.eq_dec (d (g n)) (S (d (g (Par g n))))
then false
else true
else false
Lemma par_enabled_b_compat: Proper pequiv par_enabled_b.
Lemma par_enabled_b_true:
forall g n,
Proper pequiv g -> Assume g ->
par_enabled_b g n = true -> enabled_b g n = true.
A node that executes a par-action is not the root.
Lemma StepPar_nonRoot:
forall g' g (i: Assume g) (st: StepPar g' g) n,
has_moved_b g' g n = true -> ~n == Root.
forall g' g (i: Assume g) (st: StepPar g' g) n,
has_moved_b g' g n = true -> ~n == Root.
technical - when executing a par-action, the d-value is well-set.
Lemma StepPar_hm1:
forall g' g (i: Assume g) (st: StepPar g' g) n,
has_moved_b g' g n = true ->
d (g n) = Dist_p (map S (dist_Neigh g n)).
forall g' g (i: Assume g) (st: StepPar g' g) n,
has_moved_b g' g n = true ->
d (g n) = Dist_p (map S (dist_Neigh g n)).
technical - when executing a par-action, the d-value of the parent
cannot provide the d-value of the node (before the par-action).
Lemma StepPar_hm2:
forall g' g (i: Assume g) (st: StepPar g' g) n,
has_moved_b g' g n = true -> d (g n) <> S (d (g (Par g n))).
forall g' g (i: Assume g) (st: StepPar g' g) n,
has_moved_b g' g n = true -> d (g n) <> S (d (g (Par g n))).
Lemma StepPar_Dist_p_const:
forall g' g n, StepPar g' g ->
Dist_p (map S (dist_Neigh g n)) = Dist_p (map S (dist_Neigh g' n)).
forall g' g n, StepPar g' g ->
Dist_p (map S (dist_Neigh g n)) = Dist_p (map S (dist_Neigh g' n)).
A node which is par-enabled and does not execute remains par-enabled.
Lemma StepPar_en_nhm:
forall g' g n, Assume g -> StepPar g' g ->
par_enabled_b g n = true ->
has_moved_b g' g n = false ->
par_enabled_b g' n = true.
forall g' g n, Assume g -> StepPar g' g ->
par_enabled_b g n = true ->
has_moved_b g' g n = false ->
par_enabled_b g' n = true.
A node that executes during a par-Step was par-enabled before the step
and is no more par-enabled after the step.
Lemma StepPar_hm:
forall g' g n, Assume g -> StepPar g' g ->
has_moved_b g' g n = true ->
par_enabled_b g n = true /\ par_enabled_b g' n = false.
forall g' g n, Assume g -> StepPar g' g ->
has_moved_b g' g n = true ->
par_enabled_b g n = true /\ par_enabled_b g' n = false.
A node which is par-disabled before a par-Step remains par-disabled
after this step.
Lemma StepPar_dis:
forall g' g n, Assume g -> StepPar g' g ->
par_enabled_b g n = false ->
par_enabled_b g' n = false.
forall g' g n, Assume g -> StepPar g' g ->
par_enabled_b g n = false ->
par_enabled_b g' n = false.
We show that Par-Step is a well-founded order using a potential
This potential simply counts the number of nodes which are enabled
for a par-action.
Using the previous observations, this number decreases by at least one
at each par-Step.
Definition par_potential (g: Env) (n: Node): nat :=
if par_enabled_b g n then 1%nat
else 0%nat.
Notation ltM := (@MultisetNat.MSetOrd.MultisetLT gt).
Notation Pot_par := (Pot (fun sg => par_potential (proj1_sig sg))).
Notation TransPar :=
(fun sg' sg: sig safeBFS =>
forall n, d (proj1_sig sg n) = d (proj1_sig sg' n)).
Lemma Par_pot_decreases:
forall sg' sg, safeQStep TransPar sg' sg ->
ltM (Pot_par sg') (Pot_par sg).
if par_enabled_b g n then 1%nat
else 0%nat.
Notation ltM := (@MultisetNat.MSetOrd.MultisetLT gt).
Notation Pot_par := (Pot (fun sg => par_potential (proj1_sig sg))).
Notation TransPar :=
(fun sg' sg: sig safeBFS =>
forall n, d (proj1_sig sg n) = d (proj1_sig sg' n)).
Lemma Par_pot_decreases:
forall sg' sg, safeQStep TransPar sg' sg ->
ltM (Pot_par sg') (Pot_par sg).
Par-Step is a well-founded order
Root-Step: we now consider steps where the root executes.
This relation is (trivially) well-founded, since once the root has executed, it can no more execute.
Notation TransRoot :=
(fun sg' sg: sig safeBFS =>
has_moved_b (proj1_sig sg') (proj1_sig sg) Root = true).
Lemma StepRoot_wf: well_founded (safeQStep TransRoot).
(fun sg' sg: sig safeBFS =>
has_moved_b (proj1_sig sg') (proj1_sig sg) Root = true).
Lemma StepRoot_wf: well_founded (safeQStep TransRoot).
Notation Trans' :=
(fun sg' sg: sig safeBFS =>
d (proj1_sig sg Root) = d (proj1_sig sg' Root) /\
(exists n, d_has_moved (proj1_sig sg') (proj1_sig sg) n)).
Lemma safeStep'_wf: well_founded (safeQStep Trans').
Lemma Trans'_dec: forall sg' sg,
{Trans' sg' sg} + {~Trans' sg' sg}.
Lemma TransRoot_dec: forall sg' sg,
{TransRoot sg' sg} + {~TransRoot sg' sg}.
Lemma TransPar_dec: forall sg' sg,
{TransPar sg' sg} + {~TransPar sg' sg}.
(fun sg' sg: sig safeBFS =>
d (proj1_sig sg Root) = d (proj1_sig sg' Root) /\
(exists n, d_has_moved (proj1_sig sg') (proj1_sig sg) n)).
Lemma safeStep'_wf: well_founded (safeQStep Trans').
Lemma Trans'_dec: forall sg' sg,
{Trans' sg' sg} + {~Trans' sg' sg}.
Lemma TransRoot_dec: forall sg' sg,
{TransRoot sg' sg} + {~TransRoot sg' sg}.
Lemma TransPar_dec: forall sg' sg,
{TransPar sg' sg} + {~TransPar sg' sg}.
Lemma TransAll:
forall sg' sg,
Trans' sg' sg \/ TransRoot sg' sg \/ TransPar sg' sg.
Lemma TransPar_default:
forall sg' sg, ~Trans' sg' sg -> ~TransRoot sg' sg ->
TransPar sg' sg.
forall sg' sg,
Trans' sg' sg \/ TransRoot sg' sg \/ TransPar sg' sg.
Lemma TransPar_default:
forall sg' sg, ~Trans' sg' sg -> ~TransRoot sg' sg ->
TransPar sg' sg.
(xi, sigma) is left unchanged by a par-Step.
Lemma Par_xi_sigma_unchanged:
forall g' g,
Step g' g -> (forall n, d (g n) = d (g' n)) ->
forall hm hM,
(xi hm hM g, sigma g) =~= (xi hm hM g', sigma g').
forall g' g,
Step g' g -> (forall n, d (g n) = d (g' n)) ->
forall hm hM,
(xi hm hM g, sigma g) =~= (xi hm hM g', sigma g').
Theorem BFS_convergence:
Self_Stabilization.convergence BFS_RO_assumption
Fairness.unfair_daemon terminal.
End BFS_unfair.
Unset Implicit Arguments.
Close Scope nat_scope.
Self_Stabilization.convergence BFS_RO_assumption
Fairness.unfair_daemon terminal.
End BFS_unfair.
Unset Implicit Arguments.
Close Scope nat_scope.