Short Manual


yacc2latex version 3.0-r4dcb390
usage: yacc2latex <option> | yacc2latex -help
  -m       :  print a short manual
  -md       :  same in markdow format
  -t <file>:  load token def file
  -o <file>:  set out file (default infile.tex)
  -os       :  write output to stdout
  --       :  read input from stdin
  -main    :  gen a sample main latex file)
  -testl   :  dump the yacc tokens and stop
  -testy   :  dump the yacc grammar and stop
  -testg   :  dump the ebnf grammar and stop
  -version :  print version and stop
  -v :  set verbose mode
  -dbg {main}: set debug flag
  -help  Display this list of options
  --help  Display this list of options

Tokens file

Must contain one token definition per line:

TOKEN_ID "token value"

The “token value” is the string as it appears in actual programs, e.g.:

      TK_WHILE     while
      TK_OPENPAR   (
      TK_GTE       >=

The default is to treat and display tokens as literal strings. Since version 2.1, it is possible to (re)define tokens that are treated and displayed like non-terminal symbols, e.g.:

      TK_IDENT  <identifier>
      TK_INTEGER  <integer constant>

Latex customization

The following commands can be defined:

   \newcommand{\bnftoken}[1]{...}       token display  dflt: {\bfseries	tfamily #1}
   \newcommand{\bnfleftident}[1]{...}   rule (left)    dflt: {\itshape #1}
   \newcommand{\bnfrightident}[1]{...}  rule (right)   dflt: {\itshape #1}
   \newcommand{\bnfdef}{...}            eq symbol      dflt: {$::=$}
   \newcommand{\bnfor}{...}             or symbol      dflt: {$|$}
   \newcommand{\bnfopt}[1]{...}         optional part  dflt: \mbox{$\lbrack$} #1 $\rbrack$}
   \newcommand{\bnflist}[1]{...}        repeated part  dflt: \mbox{$\lbrace$} #1 $\rbrace$}
   \newcommand{\bnfgroup}[1]{...}       grouped part   dflt: \mbox{$($} #1 $)$}


The input (yacc) file may contain pragmas:

      /* ebnf:<name>=<value> */

Recognized pragmas are:

  • group see Output organization
  • print see Pretty print pragmas

Output organization

Single Table

The default is to generate a single table for the whole grammar. This table is not actually printed: the latex command \ebnftable is generated which, when called, prints the table. A typical Latex main program is:

     \section{This is my grammar}

Group tables

  If at least one pragma of the form ebnf:group=groupname is encountred,

the generation is made in “group mode”:

  • for each ebnf:group=groupname pragma, an individual table is defined that contains the definitions of all the left symbols appearing between this group pragma and the next group pragma (or the end of the grammar).
  • No text is output, instead, a Latex command \groupname is defined that the user may call wherever he/she wants to print the table. A typical Latex main program is:
     \section{This is my grammar}
         \subsection{This is the group foo}

         \subsection{This is the group bar}

Pretty print pragmas

Pragmas of the form ebnf:print=value modify the way rules are printed. Recognized values are:

  • short : the current left symbol definition will be printed on a single line (default is one line per choice)
  • expand : the current left symbol definition will be inlined
  • ignore : the current left symbol definition will be ignored