title = { Formal Analysis Tools for the Synchronous Aspect Language Larissa },
author = {Stauch, David},
year = {2008},
journal = {EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems},
pages = {18},
team = {SYNC},
- Séminaires
- 21 novembre 2024 Chao Huang: : safe reinforcement learning with verification in the loss
- 28 novembre 2024 Grégoire Bussone: Tba (synchronous language compilers: translation validation and optimizations)
- 2 décembre 2024 Thomas Vigouroux: Analyses quantitatives pour les attaquants adaptatifs (Phd)
- 12 décembre 2024 Lucas Bueri: Tba (Phd)
Nouvelles publications
- Quelques Publications
- Karine Altisen, Pierre Corbineau, Stéphane Devismes: Certified Round Complexity of Self-Stabilizing Algorithms
- Karine Altisen, Pierre Corbineau, Stéphane Devismes: Complexité certifiée d'algorithmes autostabilisants en rondes
- David Monniaux, Léo Gourdin, Sylvain Boulmé, Olivier Lebeltel: Testing a Formally Verified Compiler
- Karine Altisen, Alain Cournier, Geoffrey Defalque, Stéphane Devismes: Pour battre à l'unisson, il faut que tous les chemins viennent de Rome
Offres d'emploi et stages
- Offres d'emploi et stages
- [Master] Implementation of critical applications on multi-core : execution mode analysis to reduce interferences
- Bourses PERSYVAL de M2
- [Funded PhD] Annotations de sécurité pour compilateur optimisant formellement vérifié
- [Funded PhD] Quantitative analysis of software security against adaptive attacks
- [Master] Adapting Hardware Platforms to a Multi-Core Response Time Analysis Framework
- [Master] Analyzing fault parameters triggering timing anomalies
- [Master] Exploration by model-checking of timing anomaly cancellation in a processor
- [Master] Towards New Frontiers in Multi-Core Response Time Analysis ?
- [Master]Leakage in presence of an active and adaptive adversary
- [PostDoc] Implementation of critical applications on multi-core : execution mode analysis to reduce interferences