Technical Reports

Peter Poplavko, Rany Kahil, Dario Socci, Saddek Bensalem, Marius Bozga
Mixed-Critical Systems Design with Coarse-grained Multi-core Interference (2016)


Keywords: bandwidth interference, multi-core, embedded multiprocessor, mixed criticality

Abstract: Autonomic concurrent systems that are timing-critical and compute intensive need special resource managers in order to ensure adaptation to unexpected situations. So-called mixedcriticality managers may be required that adapt system resource usage to critical run-time situations (e.g., overheating, overload, hardware errors) by giving the highly critical subset of system functions priority over low-critical ones in emergency situations. Another challenge comes from the fact that for modern platforms – multi- and many- cores – make the scheduling problem more complicated because of their inherent parallelism and because of “parasitic” interference between the cores due to shared hardware resources (buses, FPU’s, DMA’s, etc.). In our work-in-progress design flow we provide the so-called concurrency language for expressing, at high abstraction level, new emerging custom resource management policies that can handle these challenges. We compile the application into this language and combine it resource manager into a joint representation used to deploy the given solution on the target platform. In this context, we also discuss our current work in progress on scheduling tools for handling the multi-core interference in mixed-critical applications.

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