Technical Reports

Ahlem Triki, Jacques Combaz, Saddek Bensalem
Optimized Distributed Implementations of Timed Component-based Systems (2015)


Keywords: Component-based modeling, BIP, Distributed real-time systems, Source-to-source transformations

Abstract: Distributed implementation of real-time systems has always been a challenging task. The coordination of components executing on a distributed platform has to be ensured by complex communication protocols taking into account their timing constraints. We propose a novel method for distributed implementation of the ap- plication software formally expressed in Behavior, Interaction, Priority (BIP). A BIP model consists of a set of components, subject to timing constraints, and synchronizing through multiparty interactions. The proposed method transforms BIP models into Send/Receive BIP models that operate using asynchronous message passing. Send/Receive BIP models include additional components called schedulers that observe atomic components states. Based on these observations, the schedulers are required to plan as soon as possible the execution of interactions. We propose a method that optimizes the number of observed components, and thus reduces the number of exchanged messages.

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