Technical Reports

Alexios Lekidis, Paraskevas Bourgos, Simplice Djoko-Djoko, Marius Bozga, Saddek Bensalem
Design Flow for the Rapid Development of Distributed Sensor Network Applications (2014)


Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks, Model-based development, Multimedia Communication, Clock synchronization, Performance evaluation

Abstract: The exponential increase in the demands for the deployment of large-scale sensor networks,makes necessary the efficient development of functional applications. Nevertheless, the existence of scarce resources and the derived application complexity, impose significant issues and require high design expertise. Consequently, the probability of discovering design errors once the application is implemented is considerably high. To address these constraints there is a need for the availability of early-stage validation, performance evaluation and rapid prototyping techniques at design time. In this paper we present a novel approach for the co-design of mixed software/hardware applications for distributed sensor network systems. This approach uses BIP, a formal framework facilitating modeling, analysis and implementation of embedded real-time, heterogeneous, component-based systems. Our approach is illustrated through the modeling and deployment of a Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network (WMSN) application. We emphasize on its merits, notably validation of functional and non-functional requirements through statistical model-checking and automatic code generation for sensor network platforms.

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