Technical Reports

Karine Altisen, Stéphane Devismes, Pascal Lafourcade et Clément Ponsonnet
Secure Probabilistic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks (2011)


Keywords: Security, Secure routing, Routing protocol, Random Walk, Tabu list, Wireless sensor networks

Abstract: In this report, we propose a provably secure routing protocol for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based on random walks using tabu lists. Many approaches have been developed in the literature to solve security problems of routing protocols for WSNs. But most of them are not resilient against attacks from compromised nodes because they only use cryptographic solutions. In our work, we design a new secure routing protocol to improve this resiliency using realistic assumptions such as asynchronous communication. We propose a probabilistic approach that allows us to save energy and to avoid malicious nodes with a detection system of safe paths using tabu lists, acknowledgments and trust counters. Our main result is that, even in presence of compromised nodes, our protocol ensures data confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and a high delivery rate.

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