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Task 4/5.1 : Fundamentals

As a result of the pressure from another Esprit project for getting distributed code generation working properly (at least in restricted situations for target architecture), a fundamental study started autumn 1997, with first set of "unexpected" results presented at the first review (This is recalled for the sake of completeness in the list of deliverables below).

Further progresses occurred during 1998, and will be provided as a deliverable. In fact, we expect to continue this set of investigations, as interesting relations seem to emerge with abstract interpretation.

Briefly speaking, the type of result we are interested in is the following. Given a specification based on a synchronous paradigm,

  1. how and when can we preserve some kind of semantics when relaxing the synchrony hypothesis, both for a single program, and for program communication?
  2. is it possible to effectively check this on the synchronous specification?
In other words, we seek for a theoretical support for a correct move from synchrony to asynchrony.
deliverable 4/5.1.1
(12 months). Characterizing when a single synchronous program can be regarded as asynchronous without any loss of semantics with respect to the original specification (this was last year's deliverable 4.1).
deliverable 4/5.1.2
(24 months). Characterizing when a pair of synchronous programs can be given a fully asynchronous type of communication without any loss of semantics with respect to the original specification.
deliverable 4/5.1.3
(36 months). Finding how restricted desynchronisation (e.g., bounded buffering) can be taken advantage of.

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