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Task 4/5.2 : Distributed code generation

As a result from the fundamental studies, a methodology and associated tools will be developed that will support reuse and encapsulation of predefined components, as well as distributed code generation on (possibly asynchronous) distributed architectures. The fundamental studies of task 4/5.1 allows us to state minimal requirements that a supporting architecture should satisfy, for our method to work. Roughly speaking, for our theory to apply, we need that

  1. messages should not be lost, and
  2. the ordering of messages should be preserved,
meaning that fault-tolerance is assumed available. There is a large number of communication media and associated protocols which satisfy these assumptions. A natural idea is then to have an "library" of them in the form of some appropriate model for RTOS primitives. Distributed code generation would then be developed using this library as a target. And, according to case study available, an application example can be demonstrated.
deliverable 4/5.2.2
(24 months). Showing the methodology, a first version of RTOS library, and prototype tool on a toy example.
deliverable 4/5.2.3
(36 months). Demonstrating on more realistic case study.

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