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As a conclusion from the first SYRF review, it was noticed by the reviewers that the architecture of WP 4 and 5 was blurred. In particular, in WP 4, questions regarding synchrony/asynchrony were very much considered. On the other hand, for WP 5, verification was not the only focus. And, last but not least, a totally unexpected area of research emerged around the topic of so-called MaxPlus symbolic techniques for timing evaluation. Thus it appears that, given the unexpected successes and failures, we need to reconsider the original organization. Given the large amount of overlapping between the different sub-topics, we proposed to collapse the former WPs 4 and 5 into a single one, now called 4/5, with title

4/5: Integrating synchrony and asynchrony
We now detail the new proposed tasks & deliveries.
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