[Post-Doc] Open postdoc position (Software Security, Formal Methods, IIoT)

A postdoc position is open at University Grenoble Alpes, France, in the context of an inter-disciplinary project supported by the Labex Persyval of the Université Grenoble-Alpes, and gathering several partners (LIG, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, Verimag and CEA-List). The projet gathers high-level expertise in several topics: software engineering, formal methods for software analysis, runtime verification, automated verification, cyber-security.

The project is focusing on Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): interconnected sensors, control automata (PLCs), and other devices networked together with computers’ industrial applications. Long-running IIoT infrastructures provide many benefits in terms of productivity and efficiency, but also raise challenges with respect to reliability, security, and evolvability. In particular, being able to maintain and update such systems while keeping dependability properties is a critical issue, highlighted by industrial norms (like IEC 62443-4-2). We aim to develop a patch analysis framework able to predict and anticipate the behavioral impact of upgrading the code of an IIoT component.

We are looking for a motivated and talented postdoc. The research project associated to the position can be adapted according to your field of expertise.

Under the supervision of our senior researchers, you will be expected to solve research problems, implement your solutions into evaluated prototypes, publish at top conferences and journals, mentor students. You will be able to dedicate a small fraction of your time to teaching if you want so.

Application procedure summary. Candidates should send a CV, a cover letter, and contact information of at least two referees. Applications will be reviewed immediately as they arrive (first come, first served). The positions are expected to start as soon as possible upon completion of all administrative requirements.

Application submission Applications should be addressed directly by e-mail to:

  • Laurent Mounier (Laurent.Mounier@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr)
  • Damien Couroussé (Damien.Courousse@cea.fr)
  • Stéphane Mocanu (Stephane.Mocanu@inria.fr)

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