Fabien Gaucher

supervisor: F. Maraninchi - PhD 1998-2001

Debugging Techniques for Reactive Systems, Application to the Synchronous Language Lustre.

Committee (november 20, 2003) :

  • Florence Maraninchi (supervisor, VERIMAG)
  • Gérard Berry (reviewer, Esterel Technologies)
  • Mireille Ducassé (reviewer, INSA Rennes)
  • Anne-Cécile Kerbrat (examinator, Seditec, Toulouse)
  • Guy Mazaré (president, Grenoble INP)



  1. Automatic State Reaching for Debugging Reactive Programs. Erwan Jahier, Bertrand Jeannet, Fabien Gaucher, Florence Maraninchi - AADEBUG'2003 -- Fifth International Workshop on Automated Debugging - [bibtex]
  2. étude du débogage de systèmes réactifs et application au langage synchrone Lustre. Fabien Gaucher - [bibtex]


  1. Step-wise + Algorithmic debugging for Reactive Programs: LuDiC, a debugger for Lustre. Florence Maraninchi, Fabien Gaucher - AADEBUG'2000 -- Fourth International Workshop on Automated Debugging - [bibtex]


  1. SYRF Case Studies -- The SCHNEIDER example -- An Experience with Mode-automata. Florence Maraninchi, Yann Rémond, Fabien Gaucher - [bibtex]

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