Détails sur le séminaire

Room 206 (2nd floor, badged access)

16 juin 2022 - 14h00
Periodicity of real-time priority driven schedulers with preemption delay on uniprocessor
par Joel Goossens de ULB, Brussels

Abstract: In this seminar, we study a problem related to the schedulability of systems with *preemptive* tasks for single-core architectures.
We consider the notion of simulation interval for real-time priority driven schedulers upon uniprocessor. Our study focuses on a model where *preemption costs* are explicitly considered, i.e., the time required by the real-time operating system (RTOS) to load the context of execution of preempted real-time jobs.
We first present the model and the research question: identify simulation intervals for popular real-time schedulers (Rate Monotonic, Earliest Deadline First, etc.) with preemption delay upon uniprocessor. Then, we present related results of the literature and two contributions: (i) a simulation interval for priority driven schedulers, and (ii) then an interesting particular case where former results of the literature, model without preemption delay, apply. I.e., shorter simulation intervals exist.

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