Détails sur le séminaire

salle A. Turing CE4

9 décembre 2013 - 14h00
Hierarchical scheduling and component-based analysis of real-time systems
par Giuseppe Lipari de LSV et Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa

Abstract: The complexity of modern embedded real-time systems is constantly
increasing, as new and more complex functionality is added to existing
software. At the same time, due to the increasing computational power
of the hardware platforms and to the pressure to reduce the costs,
software that in the past was run on different computational nodes, is
now being integrated onto a single node.
An appealing way to reduce complexity is to apply a component-based
real-time design methodology. A component-based methodology is
successful only if it can effectively reduce the complexity, by
analyzing and validating each component in isolation from the rest of
the system. To achieve this goal, it is important to provide temporal
isolation between components, so that each one is not influenced by
the temporal behaviour of the others.
In this talk, the author will give an overview of current techniques
for temporal isolation in real-time systems, in particular
server-based scheduling and hierarchical scheduling, including recent
work on formal modeling using Linear Hybrid Automata. Finally, the use
of these techniques in industrail contexts like automotive, avionics
and telecommunication will be discussed.
Giuseppe Lipari is Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at the
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy. He received his PhD from
Scuola Sant'Anna in 2000 with a thesis Resource Reservations in
Real-Time Systems. His research interests are in real-time scheduling
and schedulability analysis; real-time operating systems; embedded
systems design methodoloogies. Giuseppe Lipari has been involved in
the organization of many research conferences in the field (RTSS,
ECRTS, RTAS) and has served as associated editor of IEEE Transactions
on Computers. He is associate editor of the Journal of Systems
Architectures and the Real-Time Systems Journal. He is author of more
than 20 journal papers and more then 70 refereed conference
papers. Since April 2012, he is Marie Curie Fellow at École Normale
Superieure de Cachan, where he is trying to combine classical
scheduling analysis techniques with formal methods.

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