Détails sur le séminaire

salle A. Turing CE4

16 octobre 2012 - 15h30
An overview of formal methods for Aeronautics at NASA
par Guillaume Brat de NASA Ames

Abstract: The US National Airspace System is undergoing a transformation to address the dramatic increase in air traffic in the future. The FAA, and the JPDO, have identified a certain number of operational improvements and infusion of technologies needed to address the problem. This effort is known as NextGen, the Next Generation of air traffic system. Certain technology gaps have been identified for NextGen, especially when it comes to the V&V of complex software systems. NASA has then accepted the challenge of addressing this gap through a research effort funded under the Aviation Safety program and called Assurance of Flight Critical systems (AFCS). Dr. Brat has been instrumental in formulating AFCS and is now one of the leads for its execution. He will describe how the NASA Ames Research Center is contributing to this effort, mostly through the use of formal methods. He will insist on two key technologies: static analysis through abstract interpretation and compositional verification.

Guillaume est d'origine française et a étudié à l'ENSIMAG, inutile donc de lui parler en anglais.

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