salle A. Turing CE4
26 juin 2012 - 14h30
Towards a Framework for Conflict Analysis of Normative Texts Written in Controlled Natural Language
par Gerardo Schneider de Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
Abstract: Our aim is to detect whether texts written in natural language contain normative conflicts (i.e., whether there are conflicting obligations, permissions and prohibitions). In this talk I will present AnaCon, a framework where such texts are written in a Controlled Natural Language (CNL) and automatically translated into the formal language CL using the Grammatical Framework (GF). In AnaCon such CL expressions are analyzed for normative conflicts by the tool CLAN which gives a counter-example in case a conflict is found. I will end by discussing the practicality of the approach, and what are the research challenges and future directions in the area.