Détails sur le séminaire


13 janvier 2012 - 08h15
Workshop on Computed-Aided Security
par de VERIMAG

Abstract: We organize one-day workshop on Computed-Aided Security.


  • 8h30 -9h15 Automated verification of equivalence properties of cryptographic protocols by Steve Kremer, LORIA Nancy.
  • 9h15 -10h00 Game-based Compositional Key-Exchange by Bogdan Warinschi, Bristol UK.
  • 10h00 - 10h15 Break.
  • 10h15 - 12h30 Session 2 :
  • 10h15 - 11h00 Towards unconditional soundness by Hubert Comon, LSV ENS Cachan.
  • 11h00 - 11h45 Automatically Verified Mechanized Proof of One-Encryption Key Exchange by Bruno Blanchet, LIENS ENS.
  • 11h45 - 12h30 Policy Auditing over Incomplete Logs by Anupam Datta, CMU.
  • 12h30 - 14h00 Lunch.
  • 14h00 - 15h30 Session 3:
  • 14h00 - 14h45 Round-Optimal Privacy-Preserving Protocols with Smooth Projective Hash Functions by David Pointcheval, LIENS ENS.
  • 14h45 - 15h30 From indifferentiability to cyber-security: threats and needs by Emmanuel Bresson, Emiraje Systems.
  • 15h30 -15h45 Break.
  • 15h45 - 16h55 Session 4:
  • 15h45 - 16h20 Probabilistic Relational Reasoning for Differential Privacy by Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Spain.
  • 16h20 - 16h55 Characterising Computational Entropy by Bruce Kapron, University of Victoria.

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