Seminar details

Auditorium (IMAG)

5 February 2018 - 10h30
Cybersecurity of Industrial Systems: Applicative Filtering and Generation of Attack Scenarios (Phd Defense)
by Maxime Puys from Verimag

Abstract: Industrial systems are recently targeted by cyberattacks. Due to their
interaction with the real world, they can be really harmful for humans and
environment. Such systems have historically been isolated from Internet and
focused on the protection against outages and human mistakes (also called
safety). Cybersecurity differs from safety since an attacker is willing to harm
the system and will gain power with time. A difficulty is to make coexist
security properties with domain specific constraints since those can be
conflicting. We tackle this question with three main axes.
First, we propose an filter dedicated to industrial communications, allowing to
enforce both security and safety properties. Then, we focus on formal
verification of industrial protocols themselves. Finally, we propose an
approach to study if safety properties (similar to those verified by our
filter) can actually be jeopardized by attackers depending on their position
and capacities.

- M. Hervé Debar, Professeur à Télécom SudParis, Rapporteur
- M. Jérémie Guiochet, Maître de conférences à l’Université de Toulouse III, Rapporteur
- M. Frédéric Dadeau, Maître de conférences à l’Université de Franche-Comté, Examinateur
- M. Jean-Marie Flaus, Professeur à l’Université Grenoble Alpes, Examinateur
- Mme Marie-Laure Potet, Professeur à Grenoble INP, Directrice de thèse
- M. Jean-Louis Roch, Maître de conférences à Grenoble INP, Co-Directeur de thèse

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